
Chapter 4



While Yasaka was busy with her retainers little Kunou woke up. Looking at her dazed expression as she was trying to get her bearings all while still hanging onto my neck made me wanna coo all over her.

Slowly she regained some of her composure which led to her remembering what happened causing her to go pale in fright. In an attempt to soothe her I brought my free hand over her head and started petting her hoping it would calm her down at least somewhat.

Seeing her blissful expression and her wagging tails tells me she's enjoying it.

Probably embarrassed and overwhelmed, the little fox princess blushed before burying herself in the right side of my neck in an attempt to escape my teasing smirk.

Lucky for Kunou, her mother didn't see her since she was too busy handling her "guards" (useless baggage- cough), otherwise she'd probably be teased to death by now.

Not gonna lie, those "guards" were really weak. Like really, really weak. At most high-level with no significant racial traits that would give them an edge for their job.

A few kappa, a yuki-onna and an oni. Geez not even a single tengu, what a disaster. Goes to show just how much people truly think of Yasaka as a leader.

Once I'm done with those pansies, hehehe. They'll beg to serve Yasaka over having to follow me; not that they've got much of a choice though. The strong swallow the weak, an iron-clad truth I've learned the hard way.

Don't go thinking that I always stood at the top with the things I've received from Lydia. I had to not only get used to the powers but also assimilate further with the template to gain the more important ones; the late-game skills if you wish.

Let's not get lost in unpleasant memories and concentrate on the future since Yasaka was wrapping up her subordinate "bashing". Before I leave though, might as well give this area one last scan since I'm expecting that old wrinkly monkey to appear.

Sun Wukong, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven as he liked to call himself during his youth. A rather important figure in today's supernatural society and the nanny of Cao Cao whom I've killed earlier.

My casual probing earlier didn't give me any results so this time I'm gonna be a bit more "invasive". Sending out a wave of spiritual energy I gain the attention of Yasaka who gives me a question look which I ignored.

There he is; found him. As I've guessed he is above ground, hidden in the clouds and observing me. He, without a doubt, felt my probing since I could see him stiffening up on his dragon partner.

The dragon though, was a different matter entirely. He was frozen like a statue; completely unmoving. He could probably tell a bit more about my powers than Yasaka which got his scales all twisted in fright.

The power I was giving off casually was probably on par with Ophis. The only reason why Yasaka and Wukong can't tell is the fact that I'm concealing power through a higher form of Senjutsu, something they aren't yet capable of.

My eyes kept trailing the old monkey for a while longer. Yasaka naturally mirrored me since she knew I wouldn't just randomly look somewhere with such a bemused expression and find him as well.

"Tell Indra to put a leash on his dogs or next time I'm coming for him" is what I said to him all the while making my energy a bit more pronounced. Probably scared the living hell outta him judging by the way he escaped instantly.

Yasaka was also gaping at me with wide eyes. Her "guards" were lying flat on the ground, not being able to take the shock I gave them. Little Kunou on the other hand was looking confused as if not understanding what was going on since I shielded her with a barrier.


(POV Sun Wukong)

A Monster. That's the only way to describe that young man. I have no idea how he gained so much power at such a young age, but it dwarves everything I've known before and I could tell he was holding back.

Thinking about Cao Cao's death and Indra's possible reaction towards a new powerful "foe" appearing I immediately start getting headaches. Maybe I should just retire at this point.

I don't want to cross paths with that "youth" ever again.


(POV Yasaka)

Amazing. A single probe released more spiritual energy than I have ki reserves inside me. How in the world can Kakashi release so much energy at once without being winded at all. His reserves must be beyond anything I can imagine.

Keeping him close was most definitely the right choice. While he seems to have his own ideas I can tell that he has a favorable view of my daughter and me which makes it easier to align us with him.

Yes, you guessed it right. I'm aligning the Youkai Faction with Kakashi, not the other way round. Not in a million dreams did I think about Kakashi joining us; my thoughts were always seeking shelter.

An alliance requires equal standing, something we don't have. Kakashi is beyond measure and not something we can stand up to. So I chose the next best option.

It is a good thing that Kakashi already expressed his interest in helping us. He did mention that he'll put my guards through the wringer. Something I highly appreciate.

That said I too do need training. Today was just another painful reminder of my own inabilities. Kunou needs it as well. As much as I hate putting her through the pain, she'll have to join as well.

I'm painfully aware that I can't always be by her side protecting her. Knowing that she can take care of herself will put my mind at ease. Something tells me Kakashi won't show either of us any mercy during training even though he showed clear fondness of both of us.



During our way back to the castle I took the chance to chat with Yasaka. I wanted to get to know her on a more personal level.

We started chatting about anything really. Mundane things like our favorite colors or sweets.

Turns out Yasaka likes anything shiny and has a thing for youkan and daifuku which is why she likes my hair a lot. Since my evolution it has gained an indescribable shine to it.

My favorite color is emerald green and unlike Yasaka, who has a thing for Japanese sweets, I prefer simple ice cream and good chocolate. I also like anything with caramel and roasted almonds.

She probably didn't expect me to give her a proper answer to it since I could see her eyes widen in surprise. Most men would probably say "anything goes" or "snacks are all the same".


As Yasaka and I continued getting to know each other, Kunou was quietly hanging from my neck. No one knew what went through the head of the little fox princess but I just let her be.

Today's been a long day for her. She should cherish the chances to rest and heal as much as possible. What I couldn't have guessed at this moment was that Kunou wasn't resting at all.


(POV Kunou)

A lot has happened today. I nearly got kidnapped which probably would have led to much more severe consequences if the lustful auras I perceived were anything to go by.

Thankfully Kakashi came to my rescue. I don't want to imagine what horrible and atrocious things I would have gone through otherwise.

Speaking of Kakashi, I just can't figure him out. Even when I'm attached to him I can't sense anything about his energy reserves but I know he has a lot going just by the energy he gives off passively.

While hanging onto his neck like a koala I can't help but notice how pleasant he smelled. It was the scent of pure nature, completely untainted by both pollution and energy. Yes, energy has an effect on nature and it's not always positive.

His scent had a soothing effect on me. Right now all the issues from the past and the recent events had no effect on me. I could, for the first time in a while, just allow myself to let go and relax.


Kakashi followed us back home.

He and mom were chatting quite happily about mundane things like food and stuff. I can't remember the last time mama was so carefree and genuine. It seems like she has taken a liking to Kakashi.

Kakashi too seems to be smitten with mama, I can tell through his mask that he's smiling the whole time.

I don't understand much about love but I think those 2 have a good thing going for them. I could feel a glint passing through my eyes.

Having Kakashi as my father wouldn't be bad at all.

He is strong, handsome and likes to spoil me. With him by our side we'll never have to worry about attacks again. People will start respecting mama and the Youkai Faction.

I can already see the devils causing a fuss though. Those people are unable to accept the excellence of others. They always consider themselves the "heaven's chosen" which is ironic, considering they are "hellspawns".

Regardless, I will move actively to help mama and Kakashi come together. For my selfishness and my future happiness I shall move the very heavens to turn the spark between those two into a magnificent bonfire.

A flame of eagerness and passion was burning brightly in me tonight leading me to make the greatest decision in my entire life.



Neither Yasaka nor I noticed the changes in our surroundings. It's a good thing though. I don't think I'd be able to withstand the looks her guards were giving us.

During our conversation I found out that Yasaka is mischievous by nature, probably influenced by her bloodline as a nine-tailed fox. Sometimes she'd try to twist the words in my mouth to put me into embarrassing situations.

Unlike what I imagined based on my knowledge from the light novel and anime she didn't behave flirtatious and seductive the whole time.

Sure she did try and have fun at my expense by angling herself in a way that showed a bit more cleavage since she noticed me staring from time to time but those actions were always in good humor.

My impression of Yasaka changed from seductive beauty to mischievous and loving mother. Someone who could put their loved ones above their duties if pushed enough which appealed to me.

After all, I too think that family and friends come first. I'd personally doom the world if it means the safety and well being of my loved ones is secured. I think many people would but few were willing to admit it openly.


We talked a lot about hobbies. I for example find tending to plants as soothing, probably influenced by my status as a True Sage.

As it turns out Yasaka has a thing for knitting and sewing. According to her, all of her and Kunou's clothes are handmade by her.

When I heard that I looked her up and down to determine the quality of her garms and was positively surprised. I also may or may have not been checking her out blatantly.

Though I have no clue about clothing, hers seemed to be very well made from what I can tell. It's a good thing I fixed her appearance with magic beforehand, repairing her shrine maiden clothes in the process. Would have been a waste otherwise.

I don't think I'll be able to forget the look on her face when I was finally done ogling her and came back to my senses. The teasing smirk would haunt me for days to come.

It's good that unlike with other people she took my blunder with genuine humor instead of disgust. I wonder what she'd done to Azazel or Odin if they were in my place. Given her power-up provided by yours truly they'd probably be in for a world of pain.

For some reason Yasaka seemed to be able to see right through my thoughts.

"If it was anyone else, especially that geezer or that stupid crow I'd most definitely neuter them before beating the ever living daylights out of them."

Her smile was sweet yet the words coming out of her mouth were diabolic and for some reason I found that to be quite attractive.

Motivation is a big problem of mine that I'm trying to work on.

Hopefully you can still enjoy this chapter though :D

Boerkycreators' thoughts