
Check in System in Douluo

Hello Everyone. I do translation i decided to translate this novel as it is one of my favorite fan-fiction based on Douluo. If you want I can translate other novel that you want but dont forget to give support

Translator_nim1 · Livros e literatura
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227 Chs

Chapter 74: Zhao Wujin vs. Wang Feng

Two soul rings slowly rose from beneath Wang Feng's feet, accompanied by his words, the first deep purple soul ring emitted a dazzling light!

At the same time, the golden lotus in Wang Feng's palm surged with endless golden light, enveloping him.

The golden light stung everyone's eyes.

"Hmm? Thousand-year old soul ring, ten-thousand-year old soul ring?" Zhao Wujin squinted, looking at Wang Feng in utter shock.

He had no idea that Wang Feng's soul rings were so abnormal. When Wang Feng moved just now, he didn't reveal his soul rings!

"Double... first soul ring is a thousand years old, and the second is ten thousand years old?" Zhao Wujin felt his blood boiling slightly. After so many years, he had never taught such a student, far exceeding the soul rings of ordinary soul masters, and even those genius soul masters couldn't compare!

"No wonder he dared to agree." Zhao Wujin shuddered, another crackling sound of bones rang out. "I want to see how powerful a little guy with a second soul ring of ten thousand years is! Divine Transformation soul skill, it seems to be an auxiliary soul skill!"

At the same time, everyone watched closely.

"Brother Feng's first soul skill!" Xiao Wu was also a bit excited. "Brother, what do you think it will be?"

"Divine Transformation, judging from the name, seems to be a kind of auxiliary soul skill. However, the additional soul skill attached to a thousand-year soul ring is definitely not simple!" Tang San analyzed in a low voice, then glanced at Ning Rongrong.

They had never seen Brother Feng's first soul skill even though they frequently sparred with him.

"Isn't his soul skill healing?" Dai Mubai frowned, looking at the dazzling Wang Feng bathed in golden light. He vaguely felt a huge energy fluctuation!

Ning Rongrong was also curious, looking at him. Like Dai Mubai, she thought Wang Feng's soul skill was healing.

But now, Wang Feng's first soul skill seemed not to be healing?

Auxiliary-type soul skill? Could it also have additional effects? Ning Rongrong pouted. Could it be stronger than my Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda?

Everyone watched with unblinking eyes.


The golden light receded!

Revealing Wang Feng's figure!

When everyone saw Wang Feng, who emerged from the golden light, including Zhao Wujin, they were completely stunned!

No other reason!

Too handsome!

At this moment, Wang Feng, his whole body shimmering with a layer of flowing brilliance, messy short hair becoming extremely neat. With the fluctuation of energy, his hair swung backward, his face looked godly, and his eyes were filled with a faint golden light, exuding a suffocating pressure!

Even more frightening, Wang Feng's whole body was surrounded by a layer of golden lightning, striking in the air, making a sonic boom like thunder.

Looking down at the whole person, he gave off a terrifying divine pressure!

Everyone stared in astonishment!

No wonder it's called Divine Transformation!

It's as if it turns people into gods!

"Kid, what kind of soul skill is this?" Zhao Wujin sensed a hint of danger from Wang Feng at this moment.

He could also vaguely feel that this kid had become much stronger!

"You'll find out soon!" Wang Feng grinned, and in the next moment, he suddenly disappeared from his original position!

Like a gust of wind!

Almost before everyone could blink, a series of lightning and thunder erupted in the air!

The speed was unbelievably fast!

Even Tang San, who activated his Purple Demon Eyes at this moment, couldn't see Wang Feng's figure clearly, and his heart was instantly filled with shock!

Following that, Wang Feng appeared beside Zhao Wujin!

"Unmoving Vajra!"

Zhao Wujin roared, and the golden light of his first soul ring shone brightly. His body seemed to become as indestructible as steel, giving off an invincible feeling.

"Eat my punch!"

The person was invisible, but the voice seemed to come from nowhere.


A sound like a wooden stake hitting an ancient bell echoed.

Zhao Wujin's face changed!

He felt a force several times stronger than before, forcefully striking his chest. Even in his current state with the Vajra Body activated, he felt a sense of pain!

Even more bizarrely!

His body felt a tingling sensation, and then, his chest suddenly became completely numb!

"That kid's surrounding lightning! What is that!"

Zhao Wujin was greatly shocked.

It's important to note that in his current state with the Vajra Body activated, he should be immune to most forces and damage!

But this kid actually made him feel a severe pain and even paralyzed his body!

A tremendous force struck, and the paralysis accompanied by lightning made Zhao Wujin unable to stay in place. Under the impact of a punch, he retreated several steps in succession!

Bang Bang Bang!

Almost in an instant!

Golden lightning flashed, crossing Zhao Wujin's body. Instantly, several fist or footprints were left all over Zhao Wujin's body!

At the extreme speed, the terrifying power, even Zhao Wujin, who activated the Vajra Body, couldn't react in time!

In almost a second!

The golden light that Wang Feng transformed into attacked Zhao Wujin several times in quick succession!

From the perspective of Tang San and others, it seemed as if they could only see a streak of golden light passing through Zhao Wujin from all directions. With each pass, Zhao Wujin's face became a bit more gloomy, his body swaying like a piece of duckweed in the wind!

Moreover, Zhao Wujin's breathing became heavier!

His speed also became slower!

Where is the so-called Vajra Body! It seems like it can't move anymore!

Everyone looked stunned!

"Too fast! Professor Zhao didn't even have a chance to react. He didn't even have a chance to use his tracking and capturing on Brother Feng!"

Tang San murmured, "Moreover, Brother Feng's strength has increased! Even Professor Zhao, who activated the Vajra Body, can cause some damage! It seems that his attacks also have a certain paralyzing effect on Professor Zhao!"

How strong is Professor Zhao when he activates the Vajra Body?

At the current stage, all Tang San's hidden weapons, except for the Dragon Whisker Needle and the Sand Shadow Projection can barely pierce Zhao Wujin's skin, are thus

almost completely ineffective against Zhao Wujin, causing no harm!

It can only delay time!

But now, Brother Feng is pressing against Professor Zhao with speed and strength!

Moreover, he is attacking the hardest parts of Zhao Wujin's body, such as the chest and back, these super-defensive areas!

Even with the increasing frequency, various parts of Zhao Wujin's body have visibly swollen!

Injuries have begun to appear!

Everyone was also dumbfounded!

The situation has completely exceeded everyone's imagination from the beginning!

From a distance, Zhao Wujin seemed to be in the midst of a golden storm formed by Wang Feng's excessive speed! It was difficult to defend!

But Zhao Wujin is still Zhao Wujin! Just a few seconds later!

"Gravity Enhancement!"

Zhao Wujin suddenly shouted, and the light of his third thousand-year soul ring lit up!

The air around instantly became extremely condensed!

That kid's speed is too fast. Zhao Wujin couldn't even see the opponent's figure. If he didn't slow down the opponent's speed, he wouldn't even have a chance to find him and strike back!

The moment this soul skill was used, Wang Feng's figure did slow down a bit!

But Zhao Wujin could still barely see it.