

According to Wang Yi's understanding of the original work, becoming a true "warrior" requires reaching the level of a "quasi-warrior." In the martial arts hierarchy, there are martial arts students beneath the martial artists. They are classified as junior students, intermediate students, and advanced students based on their abilities.

The standards for each level are as follows:

- Junior students: Punch strength of 300 kg and a speed of 18 meters per second.

- Intermediate students: Punch strength of 500 kg and a speed of 20 meters per second.

- Advanced students: Punch strength of 700 kg and a speed of 22 meters per second.

- Quasi-warriors: Punch strength of 900 kg and a speed of 25 meters per second.

To become a warrior, senior students must pass two assessments. The first is the physical fitness assessment, also known as the "quasi-warrior" assessment. Once passed, it signifies that they have reached the physical fitness standard required to become a martial artist. Wang Yi has already achieved the status of a "quasi-warrior" at this point.

The second assessment is the "Warrior Actual Combat Assessment." Without passing this assessment by engaging in real battles with monsters, one cannot obtain the title of "warrior."

After leaving the martial arts hall, Wang Yi proceeded to the nearby runway where he tested his speed. As expected, his speed measured only "22.9m/s."

To pass the "quasi-warrior assessment," Wang Yi must meet the standards for punch strength, speed, and nerve reaction speed. However, it is evident that he still has some way to go.

Wang Yi's current strength is comparable to that of the original protagonist, Luo Feng, at this stage. Luo Feng mentioned that achieving the physical fitness of a "quasi-martial artist" requires attending university. Given Wang Yi's current progress and circumstances, it seems he will have to wait until then.

Feeling frustrated, Wang Yi becomes agitated. Being aware of the plot of the original novel brings many additional troubles that ordinary people don't face. Earth will confront numerous disasters in the future, with threats from monsters and the impending arrival of the giant starry sky. Without Luo Feng's intervention, mankind would likely have perished.

Moreover, after the discovery of Earth by extraterrestrial forces, the Nolan Mountain family has cast a watchful eye on the planet, aiming to control it by any means necessary. However, the challenges don't end there. The Earth is, in fact, a mysterious planet created by a powerful alien entity in the universe, making it highly coveted by super beings of the human race. Fierce competition ensues among various star groups, and the sky is on the verge of collapsing due to the actions of these celestial beings.

Contemplating these daunting prospects, Wang Yi feels like he is sitting atop a volcano, ready to erupt at any moment. Although he has the option to leave Earth and live elsewhere thanks to Luo Feng's influence, as a native of Earth, leaving his homeland is not a comfortable decision. His family and friends are all here, and the thought of abandoning them weighs heavily on his mind.

The universe, as Wang Yi realizes, is both cruel and dangerous. It is not the idyllic place imagined. Survival without sufficient strength is impossible. He wonders if his arrival in this world will alter its original trajectory. If Luo Feng fails at a crucial moment, will Wang Yi simply accept his fate and watch his loved ones perish in the disaster? The mere thought is suffocating.

Unlike those who view the devouring starry sky as a mere game, Wang Yi truly considers this world his home. The plants, the trees, and the lives of countless individuals hold significant meaning to him

. He finally comprehends why Luo Feng was so desperate and willing to go to any lengths to protect his homeland in the original story. If anyone attempts to take everything away, Wang Yi knows he would be even more resolute.

But what can he do? Wang Yi gazes at his hands, sensing a profound sense of powerlessness coursing through his body.

Leaving the martial arts hall, Wang Yi finds himself surrounded by the darkness of the night, mirroring his somber mood.

Soon, he arrives at the Guangyuan Community where he lives—a collection of tall tube buildings that constitute a low-rent housing community built by the government. This has been Wang Yi's home for the past 18 years.

As he steps into the community, he hears someone calling his name. He turns to see several girls, one of whom is a short-haired girl wearing a surprised expression. It's Xiaoyan. Wang Yi greets her with a smile.

Xiaoyan, blushing amidst her friends' chuckles, approaches Wang Yi and asks if they can walk back home together. She has some questions she'd like to ask him. Wang Yi agrees, as Xiaoyan is an acquaintance he has known for a long time.

In the low-rent housing community, where everyone is economically disadvantaged, relationships are strong. Xiaoyan, being a resident nearby, quickly became familiar with Wang Yi, easing his worries.

In truth, Wang Yi didn't have to do anything to earn respect. Merely showing his senior martial arts student ID was enough to dissuade a group of thugs. Senior martial arts students command considerable respect among ordinary people.

As Wang Yi and Xiaoyan stroll through the old community, they exchange warm greetings with the people they encounter along the way. The atmosphere is friendly and welcoming.

However, Wang Yi has noticed the girl's expression, but he chooses to ignore it. In this era, love and relationships are openly accepted. At 18 years old, individuals are considered adults and can even get married. It's not uncommon to marry right after high school graduation. However, Wang Yi has never been involved romantically with anyone, which perplexes many people.

Only Wang Yi knows the reason behind his reluctance.

As they walk, Xiaoyan suddenly recalls something and mentions that Wang Yi's uncle seems to be around. Wang Yi's brow furrows slightly at the mention of his uncle.

"Is he here again..." Wang Yi sighs inwardly, gazing at the towering concrete tube building before them—his home.