
Chat Group: Hate

Arriving in Purgatory, Yuuma got the key to escape through pure luck, but to get out, he has to activate a chat group?! ~~~ Bonus Tags: #Slow Pace #Average Writing #NoHarem

OsloTheUnkown · Anime e quadrinhos
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14 Chs

Chapter 12: Plan to kill Suguru Geto


Quick Message and Poll.

I'll be increasing my work time on each chapter until I feel happy with them, I feel like the quality has been degrading as they feel rushed since I'm always trying to post at least once a day, but with my new schedule it'll be longer chapters with less frequent uploads, and also, here's the question I have to ask.

Was the Battle in the last chapter too short?

* Yes

* No


Word Count: 2852

As it a boy stood on a street corner, he was crouching down and petting a stray cat, but as he did so, a voice came from behind scaring him, "I didn't know you're a cat person Yuuma."

As Yuuma turned around, he faced his friend, a girl about his age, "Nene, you scared me, and I'll have you know I'm not."

As Nene heard this she started laughing, "You know, you shouldn't lie too much, it's quite obvious you are."

With a scoff, Yuuma went back to petting the stray cat, "I guess it's just a bad habit of mine now, do you think I'm a bad person if I lie just to avoid explaining or talking to someone, even you?"

Nene held a thinking pose for a few seconds before responding, "I don't mind it personally, but if you consider it a bad habit, you should at least try to stop it from happening, anyway it's time you wake up now."

As the last phrase was uttered, Yuuma's eyes widened before turning around to see nobody there, and his 'world' fading to black.

"Damn i-"

* * *

As I opened my eyes, I stared at the ceiling with dull eyes, before letting out a dry laugh, "hahaha, I'm going insane."

Sitting up something felt different as I looked through the window, 'It's already nighttime Junpei's probably worried about me.'

Waving my hand, the Chat Group opened, and many notifications appeared in front of me, many messages were sent since I've disappeared, but since it would be annoying to explain what happened I would wait until I returned to explain, currently I needed to check my quests.


[Personal Quests]

Unlock Innate Technique * [C+] * Completed * Rewards Available *

Exorcism *[F-/B+] * Completed * Rewards Available *

[Group Quests]

The Great Avatar Search * [D] * Inactive


Looking at the Quest menu, I was slightly shocked to see both of my personal quests were completed, 'Did I really Unlock my Innate Technique?'

I understood the concept behind an Innate Technique, it was 'Intrinsic' like an instinct, while congenitally engraved into a sorcerer when they are born, and manifest later in life, and require innate talent to possess.

'Is this because of Adaption?' I had been attacked with an Innate Technique and pushed to my limits by a Domain, would I be able to use Domain Expansion myself soon?

But I put this thought to the back of my mind, 'It's been a little more than two weeks since I arrived here, and I've grown into a Special-Grade Sorcerer, I had questioned why many times, but it was obvious Adaption has been behind this.', The skill had been gaining level's for no reason when ever I trained, and when I went against the Special-Grade Spirit, I had truly felt it then!

It let me grow far stronger through fighting and training, it helped improved my natural abilities far faster, and letting me adapt to the various energies of each world.

With a satisfied grin on my face, I selected the Exorcism quest to see my rewards,


Exorcism * [F-/B+] * Completed

Description: Exorcise a Grade 4 Cursed Spirit, for every tier higher than Grade 4, you'll get better rewards!

Task: Exorcise a Grade 4 Cursed Spirit or Greater * 1/1

Optional: Exorcise a Grade 3 Spirit or Greater * 1/1

Optional: Exorcise a Grade 2 Spirit or Greater * 1/1

Optional: Exorcise a Grade 1 Spirit or Greater * 1/1

Optional: Exorcise a Special-Grade Spirit * 1/1

Rewards: 10 Attribute Points, 3500 Exchange Points.




Looking at the rewards my grin grew ever larger, without my regeneration I would've died a hundred times over, and the rewards were worth it.


You have received your Rewards!


Going back I opened up the other quest to accept the rewards for it also.

Unlock Innate Technique * [C+] * Active

Description: In some occurrences Sorcerers are born with a Unique Cursed Technique, by adapting to the environment you have gained the talent to unlock your own, but you'll have to be pushed to your very edge to do so!

Task: Unlock your Innate Technique.

Rewards: 5 Attribute Points.




You have received your Rewards!


Through the entire fight with the Curse, I received Fifteen Attribute Points, 3500 Exchange Points, and I leveled up three times.


Spirit increased by 7!

Constitution Increased by 4

Strength Increased by 4


With a warm feeling throughout my entire body, and as I stood up, I could feel the entire strength of my body, I checked my stats to see the increase.


Status: Healthy

Name: Chara

Title: (None)

[LV: 3]

Cursed Chakra : High Jonin/Special-Grade * Full

STR 28* DEX 22* VIT 9132*

INT 26* SPI 18* CON 29*

Attribute Points: 0

Affinities: Lightning.


Kekkai Genkai: Adaption: LV 19^

Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist: LV 12^

Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist: LV 5^

Cross Fang Dragon Slayer Fist: LV 3^

Cursed Technique: Sealed Vessel: LV 1 *New*

Stealth: LV 9^

Wood Carving: LV 7

Sketching: LV 12


My Cursed Chakra had increased to Special-Grade level's, and I could feel that my soul was almost completely repaired, I was tempted to fix it, but I knew I couldn't neglect my other psychical stats.

But there was something else that caught my eye, in my mastery section, a new skill appeared, my very own Cursed Technique, Sealed Vessel, although I still didn't know what it did, but I had a lot of time to do so.

As I was about to leave, another screen popped up to my surprise, and I was surprised on what it said.


Minimum Strength Requirement Reached.

Main Scenario's are now Available.


Looking at the notification, I already had a theory on what a Main Scenario was, but I decided to check it out regardless


[Personal Quests]

Main Scenario: Jujutsu Kaisen: Kill Pseudo-Geto * [A+] * Active

Main Scenario: Naruto: Stop the Uchiha Massacre * [B+] * Active

Main Scenario: Avatar: Convince Zuko * [C+] * Active

[Group Quests]

The Great Avatar Search * [D] * Inactive


It seemed I was my theory was only slightly off, the Main Scenario's wanted me to change the plot of each story, which I was fine with, as I already was plotting to kill Geto Suguru as soon as possible.

And if I were to fight him, there was something necessary item I needed, and as I opened the shop, I navigated to that very weapon I have been wanting to attain for a long time.


Current Exchange Points: 3500

Weapon: Inverted Spear of Heaven - 2000 * [Buy]

Overview: The Inverted Spear of Heaven is a Special-Grade Cursed Tool with, the blade is a dagger with a jutte-like shaped blade, It also has been imbued with a cursed technique that allows it to force the stoppage of any other technique it comes into contact with.


Looking at the price, it was reasonable, the Inverted Spear of Heaven was powerful, Toji Fushiguro almost killed Gojo Satoru with it, and would have if he made sure to confirm the kill with a strike to the head, it would be useful to kill that bastard Mahito.


You have successfully purchased [Weapon: Inverted Spear of Heaven]


Placing the Spear into my inventory, I remembered I had to get going, "I hope he's still awake at this hour."

Exiting the Cabin, I shut the door behind me, before jumping through the forest at a very fast speed, It would only take me a couple of minutes to arrive with my speed.


Feeling slightly out of breath I had arrived at Junpei's front step it took me a little longer to arrive because I stopped to test out my Cursed Technique on a Curse I passed by while traveling

*Knock Knock*

And only a few seconds later the door creaked open after Junpei answered, "Wh- Chara?! Where have you been?!"

Feeling slightly guilty, I explained where I had been, "Well, I wanted to get some experience against actual Cursed Spirits, so I went to find some."

Hearing this Junpei was slightly mad, "You've suddenly disappeared yesterday, and didn't respond to any of my messages… how does that even happen?"

Hearing this I was surprised, It was around noon when I arrived at the cabin, I had slept all the way into the next day's night, "I'm sorry, I fought a really strong Spirit and I kind of passed out after."

Junpei showed a disappointed look for a moment before responding, "Hah… at least you're alright, come in."

"Thanks." walking in it seemed like Nagi had gone to sleep already while Junpei was in the middle of the movie.

Seeing Junpei about to sit down and go back to watching his movie I felt ignored, but since I still had some stuff I wanted to tell him, "Want to talk for a bit?"

Junpei paused his movie again before turning back to me,"Hm.. Sure, but what about exactly?"

"Do you remember that Special-Grade we fought at the movie theater." I said reminding him.

Junpei nodded his head, "Of course, how would I forget such an experience."

"Well, recently I bought information about him from the shop, and I found something surprising out, apparently he has his own group, that has other three other Special-Grade's." Junpei seemed surprised by this information, and quickly replied.

"Hold on, a team?" Junpei was confused by the fact curses were working together,

"When a Curse grows in strength, they also grow in intelligence, remember him taunting us, but now I have information about all the curses in his group."

Junpei seemed startled by this fact but also curious about the information, "How many Special-Grade's are in his group?"

"The Curse's have names, the Curse we fought against and the leader of the group is Mahito, all I call it a group, it's more of a team, as the only other members are, Jogo, a Special-Grade with abilities resembling a Volcano's, Hanami, also a Special-Grade with plant like abilities, and lastly Dagon, an Octopus spirit, I don't know about his current strength, though it'll likely be Special-Grade"

Junpei had a neutral look on his face, "Do you plan to fight them, even if it was the two of us I don't think we could beat them on our own, shouldn't we report this to the Jujutsu Sorcerer's or something?"

Seeing Junpei's worried look, I rephrased my plan, "Who said we're going to fight them alone? After the Kyoto Goodwill Event, a deal with take place between a student of Kyoto Jujutsu High, Kokichi Muta, Mahito and Geto Suguru will be attending alone.'

Junpei was now even more confused, "I'm still lost, Kyoto Goodwill Event? Geto Suguru, could you please explain in more detail, you know I'm still new to this Jujutsu stuff…"

"Sorry, sometimes I forget, anyway, about a month from now a fierce competition will occur that pits the teams of Tokyo and Kyoto students against each other in a series of intense jujutsu battles, while if you want to know Geto Suguru is, he's a curse-user, and came to be known as the worst of all curse users."

Junpei was surprised on hearing this, and let out some notable information, "When Itadori and his Sensei visited, they didn't tell me anything about that."

I was slightly shocked that Junpei had met with Gojo during my slumber… "Did anything else notable happen?"

"Well, he also asked about you, and other than that he told me I got accepted, but I still have to meet with the principal." Junpei explained as he recalled what happened.

"And you waited this long to tell me, Hah… anyway did Itadori's Sensei properly introduce who he was?"

Junpei started recalling what the blindfolded man told him, "Eh, well he introduced himself as Gojo Satoru, and explained that he was in charge of the first years at the school."

Hearing this I wasn't surprised, Gojo would act nonchalant and playful even during important matters I hadn't expected him to tell Junpei anything, and Itadori is too stupid to take a hint, "Well, that is indeed true, but he left out a very small detail, Gojo Satoru is the Strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer!"

"Eh." Junpei was frozen in shock, he couldn't believe that guy who seemed to have the same intelligence as a door mat, was the most powerful sorcerer in the world.

"Getting back on topic, we won't be fighting alone, the deal is imposed by a binding vow, a powerful pact made through Jujutsu, Mahito must heal Kokichi's body, and in exchange, Kokichi must give information to them, like a mole, but as soon as the deal is over, a massive fight will ensue."

Junpei was still caught up on my last explanation it seemed as he mentioned something he skimmed over when he was talking about Itadori and Gojo, "Didn't you say Geto Suguru, and when you said worst curse-user right, I'm sure you didn't mean he sucked at being a curse-user, we could barely defeat Mahito, how can defeat both, even if Kokichi joins us in the fight?"


Junpei was confused on my one word answer, "Foresight?"

Seeing Junpei's confused reaction I started to explain, "Yes, I already know exactly where they'll be and what their plan is, when Mahito is about to snatch victory, I perform a sneak attack while his guard is down, while you'll wait in the tree's ready to ambush Geto."

Junpei seemed to find my plan acceptable and asked some further questions, "But what about Mahito's Group, and wouldn't Geto have a similar group?"

I already had insight in this matter, I knew both Mahito and Geto were very intelligent, and I was sure of one thing, "With both leader's dead, they'll both collapse…"

Junpei who was already on board asked another important question, "what other preparation's need to be made then?"

"First, you need the Inventory ability from the shop, it's around five hundred points, along with any stealth related technique that you can use to hide your presence, and there is one last thing you need to learn which is by the most important." Junpei had around thousand six-hundred points, so he should have enough points for everything I told him.

Junpei hearing the last part of my sentence was slightly confused, and asked "Which is?"

"You'll need to restrain your Heavenly Unrestriction, by doing so you'll be able to hide your cursed energy preventing Geto from sensing you, along with your stealth skill, he won't be able to find you either, it's not something I can teach you, neither do I know if it's possible, but it's absolutely necessary." Explaining what Junpei needed to accomplish in just a month's time, I felt guilty.

Junpei seemed to be worried by the fact the plan relied on him, "and if I don't?"

Hearing his question I reassured him, "Another opportunity will arise in the future, so don't worry too much, but currently this is our best chance."

The completion of the quest was the second most important thing, I was already attempting to find a way to kill Geto even before the Quest appeared, but now that I have the Inverted Spear of Heaven, my stats have increased, and I have my Cursed Technique, I had confidence to fight with Geto, and even if I failed and die, I already had a failsafe in mind.

After all, the Inverted Spear of Heaven can be used to free Gojo from the prison realm, after my death it would just be a waiting game for the other members to get revenge by freeing Gojo during the Shibuya Incident.

Taking out the Inverted Spear of Heaven from my Inventory, I showed it to Junpei.

Junpei was surprised to see the Spear appear in my hands, "Is this the 'Inventory' ability?"

Placing down the Spear on the ground in front of Junpei, I replied, "Yes, this weapon in particular, is the Inverted Spear of Heaven, its ability is that it nullifies cursed techniques and energy, by using this, it'll be a piece of cake to exorcise Mahito, and then we can deal with Geto."

Junpei continued to listen, but had another question, "How do you plan to deal with Geto then?"

With a smile, I replied joyfully, "With my Cursed Technique of course!"

. End Chapter .

This is a mugging, Leave a Power Stone or else…

My Thoughts:

After reading the last chapter for a third time, I feel even more unhappy with it, as it felt like the fight was rushed, but that's just my opinion, anyway, the chapter was very dialogue heavy, as the plan to kill Geto, aka Kenjaku is revealed, along with a cliffhanger for MC's Cursed Technique: Sealed Vessel.

Orvar Quote: "I'm a Dwarf, and I'm digging a hole."

This is a mugging, Leave a Power Stone or else...

OsloTheUnkowncreators' thoughts