
Chasing The Golden Angel

Thunder filled the earth as the winds violently swirled around the different beings. Who would have thought that the end would come so harshly and so unexpectedly. There was no peace. There was no hope. And love that could have been the last hope was doomed from the very taste of its lust. This was the race to power that even Heaven wanted to take part of. Hell, Heaven and Earth were all different in their ways of living and experiences. Finally, coming to a clash when the three become intertwined with each other. Aural Cassielle, the daughter of Heaven’s top guardian angel, a representative of Heaven clashes with the two handsome immortals, Aamon Blade, the son of hell’s top king, and Josefa Demetrio, the son of mother nature, who is half-human and half-angel. Love, greed, and power bind them together as a timer is placed to make a decision that will either save or bring ruin to one’s world.

Serial_seresposa · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
232 Chs

Chapter Nine: Angels POV: Adjusting to the living

Song Recommended: Green Light

"My name is Aural Cassielle, I am 21 years old and I am the daughter of the archangel Michael - wait why are you looking at me like that?" she asked, noticing how the smile that was on his face was quick to disappear as soon as she said her father's name.

"You are an orphan." He suddenly said, as he stood up and grabbed another book from the shelf, placing it on the table where he sat. "I am not. I have a mother and a father who are, in fact, who will forever be alive, I will not speak ill of them just because I am not around them."

"I understand but here on earth, you are basically alone. You've got no parents, no friends, nothing. You are alone." He said as he began to page through the book. "I have you." She defended. "No you don't, see me as borrowed time. God's little mercy to prepare you for living on earth, not surviving."

"I don't understand, you guide me as though a teacher, you pay attention as though a close friend. You protect me as though a mother and here you are helping me as though… as though… an angel and yet you say I should see you as borrowed time.

You confuse me." she said, giving him a dumb folded look. She didn't understand the human. He had been teaching her, guiding her, and helping her and yet he expected her to look at him as if he was nothing but a parting gift.

"Life on earth isn't just what I'm helping you with. There's more to it, there's surviving, there are decisions. There is so much more to it that at times you will want death more than life." He remarked.

"God forbid." She stated instantly, taking a step back from him, not believing what he had said. "God forbid, ha!" he chuckled, "But he made it, fallen angel, he made it."

"You speak with pain."

"No I speak from experience, you are just poking, trying to understand and that is fine. However there is so much more than the little you see and a part of me feels sorry for you. Because you are about to discover life in a very impatient way. One way or another, whether you deserve it or not, you are going to see what it truly is." he stated and then suddenly picked up his coat and began walking to the door.

"Where are you going?" she asked as she watched him, feeling as though fear was about to strangle her. What had she done wrong? Why was he leaving? Why did she feel like she had done something wrong?

"My Name!" she yelled, causing him to stop, "Is Aural Cassielle, I am 21 years old and I am an orphan." She finished, hoping that he would turn back to her and continue but instead, he still continued towards the door. Walked out and left her confused with the emotions that were developing and starting to hurt her.

Why had He put her here?

Her eyes flew open as soon as she heard the door being opened, her heart began to race as she rose from the bed, slowly gripping the sheets. Not sure if it was best for her to run towards him or not. The emotions were too much for her to handle and adjusting to them were problematic.

They had only spent several days together but the fear of being without him was enough to bring her in tears. She didn't want to be alone or to have to survive living there by herself.

"Where did you go?" she asked softly, as he entered the room and took a seat at the edge of her bed. "I went to go get you there," he said as he pulled out a big brown envelope. She took it from him and opened it slowly, unsure of what the contents were.

"It's a new phone, that way as you get to know the people here and you become friends with them, you can save their numbers and names. If you get bored and you want to talk or meet up with them then you can just call them.

Also got you an identification document, you're going to need it everywhere you go, especially when you have learned how to drive. Even though you can't drive yet, I got you a license, just don't touch a car until you've learned how to drive it properly.

Had to sort out other things, like your school history and stuff and it should be delivered from my contacts soon. Oh and I almost forgot." He said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out keys. "These are your keys, you can use the other keys as a spare. Put it somewhere safe just in case you lose these ones."

Aural couldn't believe that in that few hours he had left, he had done so many things for her. Provided stuff that she hadn't even known she would need in the future. She could see why he said that sooner or later she would need to get out, if she didn't, she would always be dependent on him as a child.

"Thank you, really, thank you." She said and drew closer to him, just to give him a hug but then he quickly moved away. "Tomorrow we are going to go out and get you clothes. You can't survive on just track pants and sweaters every day. The weather here does change a lot. So get some rest." He said and walked out of the room.

Leaving her utterly confused again.