
Chasing The Golden Angel

Thunder filled the earth as the winds violently swirled around the different beings. Who would have thought that the end would come so harshly and so unexpectedly. There was no peace. There was no hope. And love that could have been the last hope was doomed from the very taste of its lust. This was the race to power that even Heaven wanted to take part of. Hell, Heaven and Earth were all different in their ways of living and experiences. Finally, coming to a clash when the three become intertwined with each other. Aural Cassielle, the daughter of Heaven’s top guardian angel, a representative of Heaven clashes with the two handsome immortals, Aamon Blade, the son of hell’s top king, and Josefa Demetrio, the son of mother nature, who is half-human and half-angel. Love, greed, and power bind them together as a timer is placed to make a decision that will either save or bring ruin to one’s world.

Serial_seresposa · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
232 Chs

Chapter Five: Demons POV: Hell Isn’t As Cold

Song recommended: Come Fly With Me By Ruelle

The sound of his feet stepping on the hot surface wasn't loud nor did it react it anyway. He moved in a calculated measure as he walked towards the castle. His body adjusting to the heat. He had grown up here, become used to the screams and the cries. Become used to the different kinds of torture that constantly changed to make sure that every soul damned in Hell would never adjust to it.

He had been in charge for years and made sure to for fill every desire that the King had requested. He saw no flaw in what they did, the living were in charge of their choices but the world had constantly blamed them for their choices. Yes, they had done a few things but all they did was offer the desire, the living had the choice.

And a choice was a powerful tool that the angels couldn't get a chance to taste.

Their king had brought them here and though they had to spend eons torturing and severing punishments. They saw no flaw, after all it was their guilt that brought them here and nothing else. So all to their cup of poison severed best in hell.

The door opened as he neared and he acknowledged the two guards there. he could hear the laughing of a few men by the side and he knew that he would be interrupting something. Yet knowing that this couldn't be ignored, he continued and when they turned to him, he bowed.

"Forgive me for interrupting but this could not wait," he said, as he waited for the acknowledgment. "Ahhh, your presence is forever acknowledged and forever you show me respect. Despite your position here, you never cease to change the way you serve me, you were raised well.

Men, this is the one and only advisor. Have a seat next to me and tell me what was so important that you needed to leave what you do and come here." he said. His eyes flashing between a bright red and deep black. He gave me a chilling smile and for a second I forgot that this was the same face I was used to seeing every day.

Bringing myself from my gaze, I snapped my fingers and a flame was produced. Turing into a white feather in a second and I held it in my hand. showing it to him, I watched his smile falter as he stared in curiosity. Turning the feather to the side, his eyes grew slightly as he noticed the blood on the back of it.

"What on hells vacation…" he trailed off, as he stared at it with curiosity. "One of our informants, he contacted me last night, apparently heavens alarm went off. Not one of the usuals ones. The ones that signifies a fallen angel and it was one of the important ones.

An archangels daughter. Apparently, she killed a human and sent that soul right to us. Yet despite the heroic act, she was still cast out and is now on earth. Without her wings but I am not sure what else they took from her." I informed as I placed the feather in his hand.

Twirling over in his hand, he analyzed it closely and snapped his own finger. Causing the feather to grow bigger and right than it was the size of the normal wings. The blood was clear as daylight but then it was clearly noticed that there were burned marks on it.

"They used the flaming sword of war on her wings. That kind of sword is usually used on archangels but for some odd reason, He used it on her wings. It could be that she is the daughter of one of my brothers but at the same time… it's not supposed to be that way…

Were you told how old she was? Was she old enough to get a position up there yet or was she still gaining her lessons?" he asked as continued to stare at the grown feather, trying to gain more ideas.

"Apparently, she's not of heavens adult age yet but she's probably still taking lessons up there. Or well was supposed to be. She probably still had a decade left to receive a position up there. I also heard that her mother was not too pleased by the judgment and nearly knocked over her husband, trying to get to her daughter." I said.

"Obviously, which mother wouldn't in her right mind try to get to her daughter's aid, especially if it wasn't a cold-blooded murder. Do tell me how he was murdered."

"I can do better I can show you," I said and snapped my fingers, the prisoner stood before them. Sweat covered his face as he shook violently. He looked around like a lost child, petrified as he had just been in fifth torture. He had never known that all his decisions had led to such a dark painful afterlife.

They wouldn't stop torturing him, they just kept on going and going. Changing forms and making the pain worse and worse. It wouldn't stop hurting and just when he thought it would. It began again and changed into something he could barely imagine. They had given him chilling smiles and at first, he had really thought he was being forgiven.

But as soon as he was placed in his room, he couldn't decipher the monsters he saw in that room. His throat was raw and painful from all the screaming. His eyes would not stop tearing and the heat made everything worse. Yet for some odd reason, he would not pass out. It was as if his body kept itself refreshed just so he could survive every form of torture.

"How did you die?" he heard and turned to find men before him, only one in a big gold chair, and for some odd reason he knew. He knew that was the devil that everyone was taught to fear. Yet he didn't look like the scary storybooks or the tales that every parent told to scare their child.


He looked like an ordinary man. One who seemed to look like a model, it was only his eyes that made you see that this man wasn't normal. His eyes flickered into two different colors, both red and black. Each causing you to stare into the with fascination but also fear as if he could see into your very soul.

"She pulled out my heart." He found himself saying, "Why?" he asked. "I had tried to harm a woman and she had caused the woman to escape. When I had tried to hurt her, she placed her hand on my chest, right above my heart. She locked eyes with me and her eyes turned into this bright white light.

She reached in and begun to tug at it. I couldn't scream yet for some reason, she showed me my past and my downfalls. She showed me my sins and right at the end, pulled it out in front of me.

I have never felt such agony in my life." He said as he remembered what she had done as clearly as ever. He knew that if he ever saw her again, he would run the other way. He never wanted to encounter her again.

"I see your memories as clear as daylight. I see your fear as clear as the sun. You fear her very existence. You fear what she could do to you and you were so close to repentance but she took that away from you. Whilst she punished you, she showed you your life and what affected you.

She showered you your conviction and you were so ready to repent and change your ways but then she sent you here. She did what every angel isn't supposed to, they are never to judge nor condemn you because they are there to serve. Only He is to judge. She committed more than one sin for an angel and that was why they did what they did to her." he said with fascination.

He smiled as he snapped his fingers together and the prisoner disappeared. "I want someone watching over them, if there are too many angels falling, we need to match their numbers and await for His next move."

"His kicked many out, why would he suddenly do something about this one?" the advisor asked. "Trust me, I have a sense and my sense is never wrong. Something is coming and soon we must all be prepared. Send for him, tell him that I will need him to return home soon." He instructed the guard and watched him leave.

As he wondered about what He was truly up to After all these years why would he suddenly decide to make such a decision without giving a simple punishment? He was rarely quick to kick angels out of heaven, no no he didn't like that yet here was removing a young one. One that had a power to an archangel, his very own brother.

No, he had a trick up his sleeve, he could sense it. He had made himself known as the all-knowing, powerful one, the father of it all but for some odd reason, he didn't know that this would happen?

Something was coming and he felt everything in him tell him to prepare for war.