
Chasing Luke

“Tell me you want me as badly as I want you,” his breath came out hot and heavy on my face was so close to mine. I could smell him. “No, I d-don’t want you. Leave me alone.” I tried to say but my voice came out choked and breathy. He pulled back and my eyes immediately flew open. His eyes bored into me with such intensity that I could feel it in my core. “I’ll make you admit it one day and then you will be mine,” he said huskily and then pulled himself back from me, turned on his heels and walked away. I fell to my knees, heart pounding as an unknown feeling washed over me. ****** Luke Walker is your definition of Mr. Popular and high school sweetheart. He has looks to die for and it’s no doubt why all the girls at Coldwater High want to be with him and the guys want to be him. He’s the Student Council president, debate and hockey captain and an honours student destined to get into the top universities. Heck, his life is perfect and his future already sealed but that is all until he meets new kid Elliot Grey. Meet Elliot, new kid in town and total hot sex God badboy. From his dark leather jacket to his black combat boots, piercings and tattoos all over, it’s no wonder why everyone is deathly terrified of him and also wants him at the same time. And the stories of his past paint him as a juvenile delinquent with no future. His looks are to die for and that body, gosh, nothing is left to the imagination. He likes that everyone is afraid of him, well everyone except Mr. Popular and all-time school sweetheart Luke. One chance encounter, that’s all it takes to get Elliot interested in Luke. But there is a problem, Luke has a girlfriend that he would never leave for anyone, or so he thought. One stolen kiss under the stars has Luke second guessing all his life choices and who he thought he was. Is one kiss all it takes to tame Luke? Can Elliot show Luke that life isn’t all about having good grades, following rules and being the all-time perfect boy, he was taught to be? Read to find out more.

LoneRanger3 · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
75 Chs

Chapter 44: Tears

Daniel still wasn't talking to me even as he dropped me off at school. I felt bad about it but I knew it had been the right thing to tell him. After I had told him yesterday and we almost got into another accident, he had composed himself and we ended up driving back in absolute silence. He hadn't asked me any questions and I had been expecting him to yell at me, ask questions or simply just tell me that my decision had been stupid but he did neither.

Seems I was getting the silent treatment because as much as I had tried to talk to him, he wouldn't say anything much less even look at me. This was the price that I had to pay and I hoped he wouldn't tell our parents about it yet.

Sighing, I hoisted my bag as his car disappeared and turned to face the school where I found Neil waiting for me. "What did I do this time for you to be waiting for me like this?" I asked, eyeing him suspiciously.