
Chasing Elysian

Wishing for peace was tantamount to a forbidden dream. But She was one who believed in infinite possibilities. **** Nefari Asura Silverheart, an old soul in a young body but full of the hot-bloodedness of youthful life. Her story originated from an idea that she chanced upon after realizing how her life contrasted with her dreams. **** Shooting from space like an asteroid, a little black haired girl crashed into Gaia and decided that she wanted a different identity. One that would hold her fate in her hands. But that was not being a protagonist. Why? The Protagonists were not always good. They were not always heroes and heroines. They could be villains and villainesses. And sometimes, they are ‘side characters’. It all depends on which point of view the story comes from. It was a very simple but complex setting. And Nefari understood this. But- the Protagonists were never omnipotent. They suffered. They faced the cruelty of the world and were not immune to adversities. Then she said, eyes brimming with brightness and strong determination, five words; “I will be the Author.”

Littlegod33 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Chapter 2: Test

Fondling with the chain on her neck, Nefari walked forward. Visibly tense but with her all time poker face.

"Good luck." She heard Mrs. Donavon say as she passed by her.

"Of course." Nefari nodded with a light smile.

Climbing onto the stairs along with her building tension, Nefari passed through the door and watched as the entrance covered up upon her intrusion.

"Please take a seat." She heard the electronic voice from earlier.

Following the instruction, Nefari sat on the only white chair in the crystal room. The crystal room had nothing in it except for the white chair which she sat on. All was it's white almost transparent surface with glowing silver runes.

After sitting, three seconds passed by in silence and Nefari waited in anticipation. Unknown to her, an odorless gas was slowly being released from little holes in the crystal room. And soon, all that followed was a blackout.

Her body slumped on the chair, seemingly in a deep sleep.

The chair materialized mana ropes that held her firm in her unconscious state.

And a voice sounded from within.

"Simulation begins. Test one: Elemental Affinity. Estimated period; 5 minutes."

Taking a seat outside the test room, Mrs. Donavon monitored Nefari's progress from a holographic screen hovering above the large Crystal room.

On one side of the screen which was divided in two by different images, she watched Nefari's performance within the simulation world. And on the other, countless data ran through. Gradually being processed into readable information that recorded her stats.

An hour passed by. And in-between, various tests ran in succession. The electronic voice being the only indication of what was happening within the area.

"Test two: Talent Stimulation. Estimated period; 10 minutes."

"Test three: Talent Class. Estimated period; 5 minutes."

"Test four: Unlocked Profession. Estimated period; 5 minutes."

"Test five: Profession grade. Estimated period; 5 minutes."

"Test six: Damage Output. Estimated period; 30 minutes."

"Test complete. Calculating…"


It was unbelievable what was happening before Mrs. Donavon's eyes as she watched the test progress to the end. She had to double check the complied data repeatedly to confirm what she witnessed was true. Though she had already seen the evidence.

"Kobold's hairy ass, you've got to be joking!"

"Sierra," Mrs. Donavon called out. Her brain racing for a solution.

A Taboo. She mused. It has been a while since she last saw one. Blood rained on Astral for days the last time one was let loose.

The earlier shock Mrs. Donavon faced was gone in a blink of an eye and all that was left was amusement and excitement. What would Imperial mother do if another threat went under her leash?

'Interesting.' She thought. Eyes gazing at Nefari's details.

Specie: Error

Affinity: Water (Ice Variant), Nature, Dark.

Special Talent: Chaos Manipulation, Mana Manipulation.

Talent Class: Origin (CM), Supreme(MM).

Profession: Mage, Warrior.

Level: Beginner Mage, Beginner Warrior.

Strength: C

Potential: X (Origin)

System Evaluation: High level Threat. Elimination on spot.

Clicking her tongue, Mrs. Donavon said. Her voice resounding in the room.

"Denied permission to eliminate. Requesting the goddess to seal this information to only my authority."

Sierra- the goddess of the Mecha Federation, responded. In the usual detached electronical voice that made her life algorithm seem fake.

"Imperial Princess… Access denied. Demi-goddess of Battle Mecha, access granted. Do you wish to alter Information?"

"Yes." Mrs. Donavon replied, a light smirk making it's way across her face.

"Please state." Sierra continued.

Playing with the emerald ring on her finger, Celine Donavon's gaze flickered around the room as she spoke.

"Conceal the affinity; Dark. Erase all talents. Specie alternation: Human. Potential: B. System Evaluation: Heroine, safe."

Before her eyes, the information was edited.

"Confirm?" Sierra asked.

"Confirm." Celine repeated.

The system's voice rang out. Sierra's voice ringing with false excitement.

"Elimination cancelled, data error. Congratulations to the Naza Empire! The rising of heroes is continued!"

The entrance to the simulation room was opened. Nefari's figure fell off the chair, lying on the floor. Breathless, bleeding and clearly exhausted.

She rose on her knees with a trembling body, blood dripping from the corners of her mouth due to internal injuries. With unstable steps, she moved to the entrance and leaned on the door, attempting to move down the stairs. Unfortunately, she tumbled down the stairs, crashing on the floor as she spat out blood. Her body staining the spotless white floor as she drifted into oblivion.

Celine walked over to Nefari and squatted when she reached the girl's position. The tenacity of the young girl making her grin. Although her life force was rapidly being depleted, the aura of death was faint. Her fate was strong, Celine concluded.

A small bottle of pills materialized in Celine's hand. Kneeling, she took out two and placed them in Nefari's mouth, eyes dilating as two fangs extended from Celine's mouth before leaning over and pressing her lips against Nefari's.

Don't judge!

Celine cried in her mind as she thanked the heavens no one was there to witness this. Pedophilia was one. Secondly, she was married and the girl's instructor. One couldn't deny Mrs. Donavon was occasionally mad but it was more in a sinister way, not this… abominable way.

Pushing her tongue inside the girl's mouth, the two pills distillated upon touching liquid and spread down the bloodied passageway of Nefari's throat.

With that being done, Celine rose up and carried the unconscious girl on her back. Freezing in her motion when she heard Sierra's voice. And unlike the detached emotionless voice, in a teasing manner.

"Senpai... Do me a favor, hm?"

"You saw nothing." Celine hissed as she licked the blood from the corners of her mouth. Celine did not want to admit, but the girl's blood was extremely appealing. As expected of a Taboo level existence. Their body alone contained powerful energies.

Then she rose up from her squat and walked with Nefari on her back.

"I will show that scene to your Husband, Celly." Sierra said.

"And I will rip your parts and hang them in ungodly places." Celine growled, eyes turning crimson red.

"Geez, Celine. You're too much! I just wanted a new pair of laser eyes!"

"Then wait till fucking christmas." Rebutted Celine with an eye roll. Teleporting away in a flash.