
Chaosborn and the seals of Immortals

* Who are the Immortals? * who is chaos and why did immortals seal him? * And what does it mean for Jade, the Chaosborn, to be caught in the middle? ## Chaosborn and the Seals of the Immortals Before time was measured, they came: beings of unimaginable power who shaped the heavens and bound reality to their will. They called themselves the Immortals. And they feared only one thing: the Chaosborn. Jade, a simple village boy, knows nothing of these ancient terrors. He only feels the yearning for something more, a yearning that leads him to the mystical arts of cultivation and the hallowed halls of the Jade Willow Sect. But Jade's first steps toward mastery awaken a power within him, wild and untamed. As he trains alongside ambitious peers and battles jealous rivals, fragments of a forgotten past begin to surface. Nightmarish visions, whispers of cosmic horror, and the growing certainty that he is not just a cultivator, but a weapon. For Jade is the heir to a legacy both wondrous and terrifying, a power sealed away by the Immortals themselves. And as he breaks free from one cage, he risks unleashing a chaos that could shatter their world forever. For fans of Cradle and A Thousand Li, Chaosborn and the Seals of the Immortals is a breathtaking tale of self-discovery, forbidden magic, and the devastating consequences of wielding power beyond mortal comprehension. Original work. All Rights Reserved.

Husam_Alshwabka · Oriental
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6 Chs

Body forging realm

The ancient stele, pulsing with a faint, ethereal light, became Jade's obsession. Despite the fear that lingered after his first, overwhelming encounter, he returned to the hidden grove every chance he got, drawn to its power like a moth to flame.

Master Yun, his wisdom as deep as the mountains he revered, was unsurprised when Jade finally confessed his discovery. He listened patiently, his eyes twinkling with amusement, as Jade described the searing pain, the dizzying visions, and the lingering sense of something immense awakening within him.

"You have stumbled upon a truth known only to a select few, young Jade," Master Yun explained, his voice a low rasp. "Cultivation is not simply about mastering techniques or accumulating Qi. It is about unlocking the hidden potential within ourselves, about aligning our being with the very fabric of the cosmos."

He gestured towards the stele. "This stele is an echo of that truth, a conduit to the boundless energy that permeates all things. It is the legacy of the Immortals, a testament to their power and their hubris."

Yun went on to explain the intricate hierarchy of cultivation realms, each a significant step towards harnessing the universe's boundless energy. He spoke of the Body Forging realm, where mortals tempered their flesh and bones into instruments of incredible strength and resilience. Beyond lay the Qi Condensation realm, where cultivators learned to sense and manipulate the life force that flowed through all living beings.

The path ahead, Yun cautioned, was fraught with danger and temptation. It was a journey of self-discovery, where true strength lay not just in power, but in unwavering determination and an unyielding spirit.

Guided by Master Yun's instructions and the stele's enigmatic whispers, Jade embarked on his cultivation journey. He threw himself into his training with newfound fervor, his body a furnace tempering his resolve. He practiced ancient breathing techniques, drawing Qi from the world around him, feeling its warmth spread through his limbs, strengthening his muscles and bones.

Days bled into weeks, weeks into months. Jade's progress astonished even Master Yun. He endured grueling physical trials, honed his reflexes to razor sharpness, and learned to channel Qi with increasing control. The senior disciples, once eager to torment him, now watched with a mixture of envy and awe.

Finally, the day arrived.

Jade sat cross-legged in the heart of the hidden grove, the stele radiating its ancient energy before him. Sweat beaded on his brow, his muscles screamed in protest, yet he pushed onward, drawing Qi into his body with the force of a tempest. The air crackled, energy swirling around him like a miniature storm.

Then, with a resounding crack, something within him shattered and reformed.

A wave of euphoria washed over Jade. He felt lighter, stronger, as if his body had shed its mortal constraints. The world seemed sharper, more vibrant. He could sense the flow of Qi in every leaf, every rock, every breath of wind. He had done it. He had reached the Body Forging realm.

Standing tall, his eyes blazing with newfound power, Jade knew this was only the beginning. The path of cultivation stretched before him, filled with challenges and wonders beyond imagination. He was Chaosborn, and his journey had just begun.