
Chaos' Heir

A recurring nightmare afflicted Khan's nights since the Second Impact. His dreams replayed the scenes of the crash of the Nak's spaceship, an alien race that the humans had defeated five hundred years ago. Khan's life had turned upside-down after the tragedy. His mother had died during the incident, and the Nak's toxic mana had infected him. His father had managed to save him, but they ended up losing their home and name in the process. The nightmares wouldn't let Khan forget about the Nak, so he decided to join the Global Army and learn to wield mana. He had to put an end to those dreams, even if that meant hunting down that alien race through the stars. ------------------------------------- Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/EoCNovels Instagram: eocnovels Discord link: https://discord.gg/fNsPwXMP7P Cover artist: https://digitalrowye.com/

Eveofchaos · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
885 Chs


Khan's optimistic approach turned out to be wrong on various levels. In theory, a human suited his body in ways that Niqols couldn't achieve, but the differences found with Delia only worked as a constant reminder of what he was doing.

That made Khan work harder on losing himself in the pleasant sensations that Delia generated. The lack of deep intimacy with the woman inevitably worsened the sex, but that didn't turn it into a bad experience. It was simply clunky at times, even if it improved as the two continued to remain wrapped in each other's arms and legs.

Delia wasn't new to that practice. She also had condoms in her habitations to be ready for those situations. Still, the two needed a bit to understand how to satisfy each other properly.