
Chapter 05

[ flashback ]

Naruto's POV

"nii-san! help me with my training please!" a kid shouted as he passed right beside me

"nii-san!" he shouted once again

i noticed that he has this very black hair, with a fan like logo behind his shirt

"an uchiha?" i thought

the tall guy which i assume the kid's brother stopped walking and faced his little brother and signing him to come near him

i just watched them as the kid the same age as me walked towards him

when the kid got near him, his brother raised his two fingers and tapped his little brother's forehead

"ouch!" the little brother said as he caressed his forehead

his big brother smiled and said

"gomen sasuke, mata kondo da" the guy said and left the kid

the kid pouted and looked down

i looked up and tried to tug my mother's shirt

"mama" i said and my mother looked down to meet my eyes

"yes baby?" my mom said and caressed my cheeks

"mama, i'll be playing with him" i said and pointed the kid who was standing under the tree

my mother nodded her head and told me to don't get too far, i immediately ran towards him and shouted

"hello! i am uzumaki naruto and you are?!" i shouted and gave him my biggest smile

he looked at me like i was the weirdest thing he have ever seen in his life

he didn't talked to me and continued walking, i noticed that he was bringing some onigiri and started to ask

"are you going to train?"

he suddenly looked at up and saw me above the tree

"how did you know?" he asked and stopped walking

"well i just heard you awhile ago, do you wanna go together. i'll watch you while you train" i smiled

he looked at me and said

"alright! by the way i am uchiha sasuke" he smiled and i went down.

he reached his hand towards him, initiating that he was trying to help me go down

i smiled and reached for it, he then grab me and we ran together

"his hand is so warm" i thought

my thoughts were interrupted when i heard him saying that we were already here

"we're here!" he excitedly said

"sea?" i asked

"yup!" he said as i noticed that he ran towards a cabin and got a surfboard

i looked at him as he went beside me

"are you going to do surfing?" i asked

"yep! i was telling my brother awhile ago teach me but he always says next time" he said and felt like he was getting sad

i smiled and tried to cheer him up

"its alright! i'll be watching you, i may not help you but i can atleast support you!"

he smiled and hugged me as tight as he could

"his scent is so calming" i thought once again

"thank you!" he shouted and went towards the guy who i was suspecting the surfboard instructor

he was asking if he could teach him just for awhile, i saw that the instructor nodded and he smiled widely

the instructor went and taught him

i laughed every time he falls down from his surfboard, he would look at me pouting like he was saying that i shouldn't laugh.

after a long day of practicing he stopped and went beside me

"haaah! that was fun" he said while he was breathing heavily

"lets go back now!" he said and went to the cabin to get change, i nodded in response.

he got out already changed, he then reached for my wrist and held into it tightly like he wasn't letting me go.

while walking he suddenly looked at me and touched my cheeks

"what are these?" he asked as he caressed it with his warm hands

"i don't know, my mom told me when i was born, it was already imprinted in my cheeks. making me look like im a fox, a lot of kids makes fun of it but i just shrug it off" i laughed

he smiled and said

"it's alright it looks cute"

i felt like my heart skipped a beat, i looked at him with my face saying that i was shocked

he chuckled lightly and suddenly kissed my whiskers one by one

"there! then you will never think that it looks bad, i kissed it so that when you see those whiskers you'll remember me and appreciate them!" he smiled and i was still shocked about what happened

We suddenly heard a guy shouting

"Sasuke! let's go home its getting late!"

"nii-san!"  he said and looked at me and waved his hand saying goodbye

i smiled and waved back, i noticed that my mom was already there and she told me that we were going home, i ran towards my mom and held into her hand

i looked back and smiled when i remembered what happened on that very day

i will never forget about this


[ c5 fin ]