

THE FIRST BOOK IN "THE HEIRS" SERIES *can be read as a stand-alone* A year after Aline finally did something worthy of being admitted into hunter's rehab, everything is better than ever. Has been trained her whole life to become the perfect killer, Aline never understood the point in murdering innocent creatures just for the plain reason that they crossed her path; a character's trait that was always perceived as a weakness by her mother. A flaw that should be corrected under proper 'supervision'. And if England couldn't handle Aline's and her partner's, misfit William Sappington, outrageous behaviour, Boulder appreciates the helping hand they have given in keeping the Coloradan city safe. This year is their first Halloween at work, and if Aline knows anything about this night, is that supernaturals love to hide in plain sight and wreak havoc during the All Hallows' Night. She expected a couple of wannabe dark witches to make frogs fall from the sky at midnight, or a clan of vampires to try and fail to drain of blood some sorority throwing a costume party. But not him... he had a better reputation. Asher Silveira is preparing for the competition for the Lycan Crown with other candidates in the quiet and peaceful Boulder Creek Pack. Hosted by the Supreme Pack of werewolves until the battles commence, he just wished to train and stay trouble-free during his stay in Boulder. But his plans have been destroyed by the appearance of a daring huntress who matches him in ways that neither of them can understand. "I will forever love you, my only shining light."

_jazznedd_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
54 Chs

XXIX. We Strangely Always Find Each Other

"A date, huh?" I come before him and place a soft kiss on his cheek. "Does it mean we have to leave? Because I'd rather stay right here," I say and come closer to him. He pulls my head down and locks our lips into a passionate kiss. His hands throw the shirts on the bed and grab my sides, while I put mine around his neck. Our movements were fast and full of need, his hands starting to move down on my body, grabbing my ass. I giggle when he does it and quickly secure better my towel when I further myself from him. Even if I'm tempted to let it slip off my body, I'm being cautious because he already turned me down one time, last night.

I can't say that I didn't agree with him. Something did happen when I kissed him, unlike the last time when he initiated the kiss. And I was curious what may happen next if I further initiate things. Will I finally feel the mate bond like he does? Will I understand if the curse Kale discovered, did affect our relationship? And mostly, I want to be with him, before it is too late. I've lost enough time being stubborn and afraid, but now I have so little and I'm hurrying everything we could've built in the weeks since we met. But I'm not thinking about the past, but the present that's kissing my lips right now. And even if he may refuse again, why shouldn't I try anyway?

I put my hands on his shoulders and turn us around. I push him gently towards the bed and he sits at the edge of it, dragging me after him so our lips won't part. I put my legs around his waist and sit on his lap, still kissing him like this is more natural than breathing for us. I catch his t-shirt between my fingers and manage to take it off. His fits clentch on my towel and I feel him holding back, but not for long. I start moving more, my hips curving from side to side and my hands touching his chest slowly, my fingers going down and down...

"You do like to play dangerously," he whispers in my ear and I chuckle lightly. Only when I know I'll win, I want to say back, but I decide to kiss him instead.

"Don't you?" I ask, pushing him further on the bed and positioning myself on top of him.

"Not with you," he says and switches our place, so now I'm under him, staring into his wild green eyes and smiling mischievously.

"And if I want you to?" I whisper softly, arching my back to come closer to his face and moving my hands seductively on his abs.

"You don't know how to take 'no' for an answer?" He laughs but my smile disappears and I push him off of me.

I take my spare clothes and storm into the bathroom. I dress with a pair of black jeans and a mustard crop top. I forgot my make-up at home, but I remember that I've put the ones Tiara brought me on Ancestors' Day, in the cabinet under the sink. It was just some BB-cream, eye-liner, mascara and a nice, dusty pink lipgloss. "Why did you get mad?" I hear Asher asking, just as I was applying the lipgloss. I plainly ignored him and went back into the room to search my bag for some powder. Of couse I forgot it at home, but I'm only going to the Yetis this afternoon so I can go back to my room after.

My mother told me that I have to sign some papers because I've completed the program here in Boulder and I'm free to go home. Somehow I regret that I will never get the chance to finish college, not because I wanted to pursue a career in the major I've chosen, but because I'd liked to have that college experience with my only two friends I have here, Bee and Will. But Will, as well, will come back to London and take part in the mission, although in a safer way. He and Jonty will conduct the negotiations with the Unseelie King for mine and Jez's release. I heard who are the other hunters involved in this mission.

Will's cousin, Aileen got paired with Yannis Timmons to go to the Highlands. I'm surprised the Yeti's heir was chosen for such a dangerous task, as the Highlands fall just shortly after Hy-Brasil in the top of the deadliest places in the fae realm. But I guess the hunters planed a better rescue missions for them. Neville and his new girlfriend whose name I didn't mind remembering, will be sent to the Seelies' Islands, and it doesn't surprise me that he is going to the safest place there can be. I'm surprised he was chosen for the mission, giving his history with the fae kind. There are many more teams sent on each fairy kingdom, and although I've met all the hunters that are being sent, it's no point in mentioning all of them. It is maybe the biggest and most dangerous mission the hunters are preparing in a very, very old time. Our medieval ancestors would be proud of us.

Well, not of me, of course; because I'm falling for the enemy, but who cares?

"You really are ignoring me because..." says Asher, mildly edgy but still amused.

"Because I'm finally accepting this soul mate idea and you keep pushing me away?" I turn and shout at him. "How could I not be?"

"I'm glad you're accepting the matebond, but I already told you that I want to take things slowly. Until this curse finally wears off and you'll..."

"You're blaming the curse again? We don't even know if it did affected my initial feelings for you, but you keep blaming it. Did you ever think that maybe it took me a longer time to fall for you because I'm human?"

"I explained you that soul mates instantly feel the connection between them, like Béatrice did. Unlike you, Aline..."

"Fine, then I've had a harder time accepting it, but now that I do you no longer want me!" I yell at him, picking my stuff and throwing them in my bag.

"How can you believe that I don't want you anymore?"

"Because that's how you're making me feel, Asher! I feel like..." I inhale deeply, thinking throughly before I speak. "Did you really take my advice seriously?"

"What advice?"

"To find someone else," I say and he just burst into laughing which pisses me off even more. "Don't you dare make fun of me! I've seen you with that blonde chick at the semi-formal! Is she your new 'mate'?"

He just stops laughing and asks, "Have you seen Thalia?"

Oh, so she's the famous Thalia.

"I did. Shouldn't I have?" I ask plainly, packing my stuff and throwing my backpack over the shoulder. I want to leave but Asher stops me midway to the door.

"I already told you that Thalia and I are history," he tells me, seriously but I take his hand off me and scoff.

"History usually repeats itself," I argue and open the door. I walk down the stairs and find the living room full of pack members.

"Can you stop acting like a brat and stop running off all the time?" Shouts Asher from the stairs and naturally everyone stops to look at me. I cross my arms when he appears next to me.

"Oh, I'm sorry but I am a brat; a bloody rich, spoilt toff and if you can't accept it, then leave me be!" I yell back and hurry to the door.

I spot Hayder on the porch and go to grab him from his seat. "Take me to the city," I say and the Lycan barely has time to throw the book he was holding on the lounge.

"Did you fight again?" He asks but I don't answer, dragging him to his car.

Luckily, Hayder doesn't ask any other questions and casually steps into the car and drives us away from the pack. We speed on the motorway and arrive in Boulder in less time than I expected.

"My cousin is bombing me with messages," he says and I just shrug. "Don't you have each other's phone numbers?"

"We didn't need to, as we strangely always find each other without meaning to," I say, looking out the window. "Take a left here."

"Aren't we going to the halls?" He asks, stopping at a light.

"No, I have bussiness to attend to," I answer and I see him messaging. "Don't tell him!"

"Do you want him to kill me?" He laughs and I cross my arms, annoyed. "He may be my cousin, but he will murder me in my sleep if I don't let him now that you're fine."

"He only cares about me when I'm not around," I say and he hits the breaks so hard that I nearly jump through the windscreen. "What the hell Hayder? We're not there yet."

"What is happening with you? Last night you were acting like mates and now you nearly bit each other's heads off."

"Well, you can't call us mates because we didn't do..." I explain and when Hayder raises his brows I sigh.

"The mating?" He asks and I just click my tongue. "Let me guess, you wanted and he refused."

"He tells me that he wants the curse to wear completely off before, but I don't believe him. A few weeks ago he was more than up for it, but now he grew a conscience?"

"You know he must have a reason..."

"Oh, but I know exactly what his reason is!" I cut him off but he shakes his head. "I bet he wants that harlot Thalia back."

Hayder laughs like a wanker and I'm seconds away from walking the rest of the way to Yeti.

"You really are jealous of her?" He laughs even harder and I roll my eyes. "Asher's reservations have nothing to do with Thalia, Aline. He is madly in love with you, this is why he doesn't want to force you into anything. You are human, so you don't exactly understand how important the mating is. You humans got married than divorced, but a mating bond once established, can't be broken. So if you're not ready for such a life commitment, then wait."

"How can he know that I'm not ready?" I now that I'm not, but how could he know?

"Well, firstly because you keep running away from him which is maddening for a Lycan. Then, there is your sudden mood changes, which really give him mixed signals about your feelings for him. Not to remember your little indiscretion with that tosser ex-boyfriend of yours."

"How do you know about that?"

"Asher and I may not always get along well, but he's the closest thing I have for a best friend. Ever since we were young, there's been the two of us. Chase, Sam and the rest appeared later, and although we're all like a family, there are still things that Asher and I would only talk to one another. Like soul mates troubles, for example."

"I don't know how that is," I admit.

"Having soul mate troubles?" He asks in a giggle and I stick my tongue out at him.

"Having a friend that knows you, with all the goods and the bads," I answer, my eyes stuck on the road ahead of us. "Ever since I was little I had this secret, my family's legacy, that I had to hide from everyone. And I never got along with the other hunter's kids. Maybe because I was never as dedicated to our cause as my brothers or Will are. Jez and Jonty always had each other, and I never felt like interfering. Will is my hunting partner, but I can't say that I trust him with everything that's happening in my life. Especially with his prejudices for the supernaturals that are giving us serious trouble in my current situation." I take a deep breath, then continue. "I never trusted a person with my life ever, so I don't know what to do when Asher and I are fighting, other than taking my toys and leaving. I may never be able to be trust him, like mates are supposed to trust each other. And if this thing will make us drift apart, I may not even notice that it happened. I'm so used of being alone, Hayder, that I can't see my life any other way."

He pounders a moment, before speaking. "I believe that soul mates are paired in such a way that not only they complete each other, but they can heal the other's soul. He will help you, as you will mend Asher's soul too. Because don't think that any of you is more broken than the other. You're more alike than you can see now, but don't be afraid to give him the time he asks for. You'll understand why he needed it so much."

I turn my head to meet his serious green eyes and I nod. He then starts the car again and drives me to Yeti. I tell him to drop me off in front of a corner shop and he agrees, but didn't let me exit the car until I gave him my number and promised to call him when I want to return to the pack. I thank him for driving me and enter the shop. I buy myself a pack of cigarettes and a Coca-Cola and stop in front of the Yeti to have a fag.

"Hello, Adeline," says Yannis appearing in front of me and I wave at him. "How did your mother talked you into coming here?"

"I only came to sign some papers," I reply and he frowns, before he giggles at me.

"I'm glad things haven't changed," he explains, as I give him a weird look. "My parents emotionally blackmailed me into attending, while yours lied to get you to the meeting. Do you have a cigarette?"

"What meeting?" He takes my pack of cigarettes and lits one for himself.

"You'll find out soon enough," he says and motions me to turn around.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

_jazznedd_creators' thoughts