
Change And die verlede

A cute girl who has just turned 23 years old with a sweet black skin her mother who is originally from East NTT, The only woman who chose to move to Bandung with her mother from 4 years ago from Kalimantan and apparently it finally healed her wounds a little

Saptaji_Fahzira · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

He's Mora

"Ukhti zei I want to ask" said Intan who was sitting right beside Zei while holding his hand

While the Genta? He is still there and is having fun telling stories with Aza, I don't know what they discussed in essence, Zei doesn't really care about that

"Yes, what do you want to ask?" answered Zei

"Yesterday I saw a man and a woman holding hands in the garden"

"So? "

"ukhti zei says we should not see someone who is not our mahram but why are they holding hands? are they dating?"

Diamond's last sentence made Zei slightly surprised but then turned into a smile

"Okay, I will answer, it is true what you say that we should not touch someone who is not our mahram.

the question is why? Why is that? The answer is because religion forbids women from shaking hands with men who are not their mahram because it can lead to sin"

Imam Bukhari has narrated a hadith originating from 'Aisha RA that she once said, "The hand of the Messenger of Allah never touched the hand of a woman, except that which he had (his wife)." Thus, it is clear that a woman should not shake hands with a man who is not her mahram, either with lust or not." He explained with a sweet smile.

"And for the second question, the ukhti want to ask intan whether intan knows they are really Dating or they are brothers?" But he only answered with a shake of his head.

"Well, we don't know the facts, so it's better not to su'udzon first, after all, in Islam the law of dating is forbidden"

"But why ukhti? I often hear people talk about dating" said a little girl with toothless

"Yes, dating is haram because it is not a culture based on Islam but from Western or foreign customs. This western-style dating is part of approaching adultery which is something forbidden by Allah SWT

وَلَا تَقْرَبُوا الزِّنَا إِنَّهُ كَانَ فَاحِشَةً وَسَاءَ سَبِيلًا

Meaning: "And do not approach adultery; verily, adultery is an abominable act. And a bad way." (Q.S. Al-Isra: 32), but from where does it say that courtship is haram because it approaches adultery? Holding hands with others who are not mahrams is a sin, looking at someone who is not a mahram is also a sin, thinking about someone who is not a mahram is also a sin and will be rewarded with hellfire, so why do we plunge ourselves into hellfire? "

So, brothers and sisters, one day when you grow up, don't date, it's a sin other than a sin for yourself, it's also a sin for your parents. Do you want your parents to be punished by Allah in the afterlife

"Don't want ukhti?!" Answer all at once

"Alhamdulillah, so don't date, prospective pious and pious children"

Without realizing it, genta had also listened carefully to Zeira's explanation from beginning to end which made him a little surprised, but he was also happy because the second day he smiled even though it wasn't because of him.

It doesn't feel like it's almost time for the midday prayer

Ana looks at the clock on her right hand and stands up inviting the orphanage children to immediately return to the orphanage to get ready to face God

"The playing time deck is enough, now it's time for the dzuhur prayer, we have to go back to the orphanage and get ready to pray," he explained.

"Aza, let's go home, it's time for the midday prayer"

Makes aza and those who were previously busy telling stories with bells turn to see them

"Oh yes, I almost forget, then our story ends here first, next time we will continue again"

"Come on guys, let's go home. Let's go first."

"Excuse, you should also get ready for prayer" Zei said then left

after the departure of aza zei and the orphanage chime gently patted his forehead

he forgot his promise yes he will definitely get a free spiritual shower later

after the midday prayer he rushed to the book garden not far from the park earlier

"Hey, you must have been waiting for me for a long time?!" he said and immediately embraced a girl with long hair who was already wearing an angry face

"Where have you just come? Forget that you had an appointment with me?"

"hey i can't forget it"

"Then why have you just come now I've been waiting for you for almost an hour more than gentala"

During the? Yes, it's true that he waited a long time in the park with Zei. Zee? oh not zei but aza

"yes i know mor"

"See?! You answered that easily"

"then what should I do?"

"As you wish! What an annoying bastard!"

"I'm sorry, Mora I had important business earlier"

"Is it so important that you forget your promise to me?"

"Not mora Really, I have important business earlier believe me."

"Whatever the point is I'm mad at you"

"Haha, don't be angry, your face will get worse" sneered the bell while rubbing the top of Mora's head

"Didn't you persuade me?"

"haha I know and for that come with me" he said and immediately grabbed Mora's hand

it made Mora immediately smile again,

believe me he can not be angry at a idol of the heart,

see now just holding his hand by the genta only makes his cheeks turn red

She's Mora! Genta's only friend from them is still wearing the Gray White uniform until now

if you look at the two you can say that they are a perfect match but unfortunately they are just friends

but are you sure in a friendship between a boy and a girl is really just a friend?

believe me Nothing is just a friend between a boy and a girl, Either one of them brings feelings, or both of them fall in love but are afraid to express it for fear of losing

and it looks like Mora and genta are in that period,

a time where one of them or both of them harbored feelings for each other

whether it's a bell or a mora but hopefully those who read it are not included! sorry I'm just kidding

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