

hi I'm Taku Kone I'm just a civilian to most people and to my friends I stand out but when I say stand out it's not because I've got special powers or anything or that I'm super stupid ,or loud I only stand out to them because I'm so normal.and if I walked in a busy cross road and walked into you you probably would just ignore me. I wish one day I will stand out I'll stand above you all and be like one of them I'll be a champion right.

but what is a champion a champion is a hero in a way a champion. is a peice on a chess board they serve there leader whoever that may be and fights for them and protects there people. I guess it's hard to generalise when there all different and are all so special.

a peice in chess is so much less, yes some of the pieces move in differnt ways but a champion doesnt just do that they fight in unique ways and with differnt abilities like .Ductum Diles hes a fire core champion who belongs to the Pheonix faction. I didnt mention factions they are all groups of people who have some sort of connection to the deity or in the pheonix factions beast .factions are always in contest but the broad majority of people dont have one because they either haven't been classified or just dont want the hassle.

I haven't been classified whitch is a shame because it means I wont develop any abilities any time soon.

pretty shit ngl but hey it works

wild5tarcreators' thoughts