
Tank Explosion

She looked downwards only to see her foot on top of the Poc button. "Poc" is a shortcut of the word "Apocalypse", suggestive of the fact that this button was meant for emergency purposes only that the library is prone to. Nissi stood up and used the emergency mic to apologize to the library occupants for her negligence. She had become a careless victim of the tank explosion as a result of reaching for Kunle's dry welcoming lips. She facilitated the restoration of power and reception in the library in a short space of time and every normal activity resumed smoothly.

Kunle's stay in the library had become long overdue and he missed two lesson periods. The moment he checked his Smart Watch he dashed out unannounced and this puzzled Nissi. When he got to the classroom door, the classroom was dominated by deafening silence but the pupils were orderly sitted inside. As soon as he opened the door, the first face he saw was Principal Heave's wrinkled face. His heart almost popped out and he dropped one of his curriculum books onto the wooden floor. The whole classroom bursted into mocking laughter as he knelt down to pick his book up. "Quiet!", yelled the angry principal as he walked towards the door. "Mr. Ade-whatever to my office, Now!", screamed Principal Heave.

Kunle's dark face transformed, all his shine and confidence swirled away in a matter of seconds as he followed the agitated principal to his office. Heave's secluded office was popularly known as the "Man cave", an office that no one loved to visit in such an unpleasant manner. Heave closed his door in front of Kunle because he wanted to spite him and making him knock before entering. He was a John Bull type of a principal with a congenital character of being strict and being a blatant racist. Kunle knocked gently and paused for a response but the old man kept quiet. Kunle knocked again and then the old man rang his bell as a signal of approval.

Kunle entered into the properly lit office and he sat on one of the chairs in front of Heave's desk. The atmosphere of the office seemed to be very tense and frightening, the dark curtains too gave it a gothic theme. Heave was tapping his desk with his right hand nails as he normally does whilst preparing to release blazing arrows in form of his words. Kunle began to shiver discreetly as Heave was about to Unleash the Dragons to him.

The Dragons?