
Chakra Progenitor

John Wodwick Alver died and then reincarnated in a magic world as the King of All Bijuu and King Of The Tree Of All. He is also the Progenitor Of All Chakra, and the only Being that can easily surpass The existence that Beyond All. Warning MC is ridiculously overpowered, has an abnormal mindset and logic, has a light view of life, death is a trivial matter to him, is kind but ruthless, hates planning much, and has a ridiculous harem. I am only a newbie writer and can't speak English very well and only rely on Grammarly for grammar and spelling corrections. This novel is only my hobby and my entertainment. by the way all the picture that I posted are not mine I all get them in Pinterest and google. Thank you for reading and good day.

Alfon_Soultan · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
87 Chs

Crimson Flame that Covers The Sky

After releasing my casual slash I look back and saw the disbelief expression of Riveria, Ais, and Lefiya like their worldview is collapsing in front of their eyes.

I smile and said, "If you can use your Falna correctly, you can do this kind of move even though you're just a level one."

Riveria, Lefiya, and Ais nodded their heads absent-mindedly and didn't speak, seeing this reaction I scratches my head and thought, [I went over bored, I forgot that this kind of slash is extraordinary in mortals eyes].

I sigh and I could see that they are still listening so I just continue my explanation.

"You need to feel the Falna inside you and use it as like you're using mana, in using Falna you didn't need to use any chanting, you only need precise control and your imagination."

I cast magic and demonstrate what I am saying.

I open my palm and use simple fire magic.

"Fire who protect and destroyed life, answer my call, and lend me your power, Fireball."

After my casting, a large fireball with a diameter of 2km appear in my palm and started to fly upwards at a slow speed, but as time passed the speed kept increasing.

The surrounding started to heat up and the temperature of 100 km started to raise. The huge fireball kept raising and in just In 1 minute the 1km fireball reached 100,000km above the sky and then exploded.

The explosion covered the entire sky with fire, and the people who saw this shook in fear while the Gods became surprised to see this level of magic in the mortal world.

In Loki Familia, Loki was drinking wine on the balcony while watching the sky covered with the crimson and beautiful flame of destruction, "shi shi!" Loki laughs and muttered, "If I guess is correct, that magic was released by the being that The Will of the Universe warned me not to offend."

On top of Babel Tower.

Freya was sitting on her luxurious sofa while drinking her expensive Soma Wine. Freya watches the crimson and beautiful flame of destruction that covers the sky.

"What a beautiful sight," Freya said while her cheeks were a bit rosy because of excitement, "John, you never failed to amaze me."

In the forging district of Hephaestus Familia, inside Hephaestus Workshop. Hephaestus was looking through her window looking at the sky watching the crimson and beautiful flame that cover the whole sky. Hephaestus became fascinated and fall in love with the beautiful flame, her heartbeat started to beat wildly, and the divine flame that accompany her since the beginning of time also flicker wildly responding to her heart.

"The being who created this fire must be a master blacksmith who masters the true essence of blacksmithing." Hephaestus can see that the beautiful flame in the sky was perfectly suitable for forging great weapons that even Gods feared."

Hephaestus sighed and calm her beating heart, "I hope I will meet you, mysterious blacksmith."

Hephaestus sat in her chair and watch the beautiful flame with a smile on her beautiful face.

Back to John.

After casting the magic he use Falna next and mixed it with his mana and cast the same magic again and this time he did not use any incantation.

Seeing my demonstration Ais, Riveria, and Lefiya understand what I meant when I said using Falna is the same as using Magic.

"Do you understand what I said?"

The three nodded without saying anything, I continue the lecture about Falna for an hour before giving them the book about how to use Falna, the three accepted the book and started to read some pages.

"After you master how to use Falna freely meet me again and I will teach some combat techniques that was suitable for you."

Everyone nodded their head in reply.

After that, I use Flying Thunder God to return to the store, the moment we came back we said goodbye to each other, and then the three girls returned to their Familia while I on the other hand, went to my workshop on the 4th floor of the Company store.

Another peaceful day passed.

"Hey, John what kind of monsters you are trying to find," Goku asked.

I replied, "The Ancient Snake Monster RedBoa."

"Isn't that the Snake monster that has an average size of 10 km and has the largest size of 4,000,000 km?" Vegeta Join the conversation.

"Yes, that snake."

Right now we are flying in the sky heading toward a massive island 50,000 km away from Eden continent, this Island can be called a continent if this island were located on Earth.

After a few minutes, we arrive at the island, the massive island was covered with thick forest.

In the middle of this Island, there is a huge body of a red snake that can be mistaken for a mountain range because of its size.

"That thing is pretty huge, that snake can feed an entire country with its meat," Goku said.

"Kakarot in many things that you could think about this snake, you only think about eating it."

"Hehe!" Goku could only laugh and scratch his head

"We will split here Vegeta go and find these trees and collect their wood, while Goku hunts monsters as many as you can, we will meet here after an hour." I took out the picture of the tree to Vegeta so that he can I identify the wood that I was talking about.

"Ok." Vegeta and Goku said at the same time.

Goku flew toward the west of the island while Vegeta went to the east, on the other hand, I flew toward the center where the huge red snake is located.

In just a second I already arrive in front of the massive snake head, this snake monster was a behemoth with a size of 12 km in diameter and 4,000,000 km long, this snake has red scales like what its name suggests.

(RedBoa Image).

When I arrive the snake had huge eyes that slowly open and looked toward me, slow the huge snake raised its head and it's massive body reaching a height of 100 km.

The huge snake already knew the identity of John before hands thanks to the Will Of The Worlds explanation, "Greetings True Creator what can I help you with?"