
Chapter 2

The starless night gleamed with city lights and his blazing eyes.

I shook from the trance when I looked at his bruised cheek. My hand involuntarily touched it making me hear a subtle wince.

"You're hurt. Let me help you", I whispered, holding his bleeding arm to take a look.

"I don't need your help. You shouldn't be here at this time", he said, jerking his arm away from me.

I didn't know why, but something in me was determined to not let him walk away hurt.

"You are coming with me. I am sorry but you're extremely hurt. Let me help you,", I argued back with surprisingly a firm voice.

He looked at me with clear amusement and frowned. His lips curled up into a smirk.

"Kitten, you have no idea whom you're dealing with. I suggest you fucking shut your pretty little mouth and go mind your own business," he replied, darkly.

My lower lip shivered from the threat. Yet, I managed to put a straight face before speaking.

"I cannot let a hurt person walk away when I am more than capable of helping them.", I said with a serious look.

I saw his eyes soften for a flash second that I considered it to be a hallucination. I took a minute to observe his features. His dark hair was messy like he had been doing an extreme activity. A deep scar etched on his eyebrow bone giving him an intimidating feature.

He looked around as if someone were watching him.

"Two minutes and I am out.", he stated.

I nodded my head and caught his sleeve to help him walk towards my place.

My mind was clouded with questions about the condition of my house. I hoped that it wasn't messy as I opened the door with my guest trailing behind.




"Stay still", I huffed as I carefully dabbed the spirit on his face.

I was no expert in aiding people, however, I used my common sense and used the necessary items in the first aid kid. Aiden stayed silent all the time while his eyes never left me. I shifted uncomfortably under his piercing gaze.

"I have never seen you around", he said, breaking the silence.

I, somehow expected this question to arise anytime soon. My mind flooded with all the memories back when I used to stay in Seattle. I have never talked about it to anyone and I plan to keep it that way.

" I just moved here a few months ago", I whispered, avoiding his gaze.

He slightly nodded his head and hissed when the cotton ball of spirit made contact with his wound. I squeaked a quick apology and continued aiding his wounds.

"It's obvious you're new. Or you wouldn't even have talked me, Kitten", he said, dangerously. "Haven't you heard of me?"

I looked at him,

"Aiden Walters, I have been warned about you", I replied and shook my head.

He suddenly stood up with a grim countenance and came closer, towering me, his eyes holding a stern expression.

" I don't understand if you are oblivious to everything or simply fucking stupid. I am warning you, Haven. It is not pretty to involve in anything that includes me. Stay away.", he said, putting a strand of my hair behind my ear.

I frowned at his words and saw him walk out of the door. He definitely had some issues. I inwardly shrugged and got ready for bed. Only to stay up for a while with obvious questions and a pair of hazel eyes lingering in my mind.



I woke up with a heavy gasp. It was the third time I had a nightmare this week. When I realized that it was too late, I jumped off the bed to go to work.

I graduated college with a business major and worked as a marketing coordinator. However, after moving here, I had to search for proper jobs and apply for them. In the meanwhile, I work as a waitress at a cafe closer to Blossombee.

While entering the cafe, I quickly greeted James, my co-worker, and friend, with a bright smile. James had been working here for a few years. We instantly clicked during my first day of work. And I could state, without a doubt, that he is the only reason, I don't die of boredom or stress at work.

"Uh-huh. You missed Mr. Pineapple-crown head trying to hit on Cinnamon roll.", he said with a fake pout.

These are our code words for the daily customers. We make our own screen time with the people around us with our storyline.

"Really? He made a move? But Cinnamon has a boyfriend", I gasped, while I fixed my hair.

"Guess he'll never know", he said, wiggling his eyebrows. I laughed and punched his arm.

Time passes by quicker with James. He was a fun person to be with. And I think he was the only person who could make me laugh after what felt like eons.

I texted Anna that I'd be meeting her while walking down the street to Blossombee.

"Haven! Hold on!"

I turned around to see James half-sprinting towards me.

"Whoa, James. Is everything alright?", I asked, concerned.

He took a few seconds, trying to catch his breath, and spoke

"I don't have anything to do this evening. And I see you heading to Blossombee. Let's go and grab a coffee?", he asked, trying to catch his breath again.

I smiled at him and said

"Firstly, calm down. Breathe. Secondly, why not? Let's go", I said, walking towards Blossombee.



"Oh no. You didn't", I said, laughing out loud.

James and I were hanging out at the cafe and talking. He was narrating his childhood story while I snickered at his cheeky past behaviors.

"Unfortunately yes, I did. I also got into detention because of it", he said with a fake groan.

As we continued chatting about things, I saw Aiden walk through the doors like he owned the place.

His eyes met mine for a second before they slipped towards James. He gave one last glance towards me and walked out of the place. I gulped, remembering our last incidence-something I never told anyone.

"He has been like that since high school", mentioned James, observing my curious expression.

"What do you mean?", I asked, processing the fact that James and Aiden used to go to the same school.

"He always used to get into fights and stuff. You can never wish to witness his temper. Trust me, it's very ugly", he said, with a serious tone.

I frowned at his warning. Everybody that I speak to simply warns me to not approach me and I surprisingly find it wrong. Why do they judge him without even talking to him?




I sighed and opened my laptop, checking my emails. I have applied to numerous jobs and I should probably hear from them soon.

A sudden loud knock on the door startled me. Who could it be at this time? I was sure that it wasn't Anna or somebody I knew.

Paranoia took over me and I grabbed a vase with me for my safety. I tiptoed towards the door and carefully opened it, with the vase ready in my other hand.

I frowned when I realized that it was Aiden.

"What are you doing here?", I gulped.

My eyes scanned his whole appearance which made me realize that he was hurt. Again.

"And, you're hurt.", I stated.

He made his way inside and raised his brow when he saw the vase in my hand.

"Uhm, nothing. Come in.", I said, inwardly smacking my head.




"You cut open your wound.", I said, cleaning up his wounds and sensing Dejavu. "I think you need stitches for this one."

I was surprised by how calm he looked. It was like he was used to all of this.

"It's not necessary.", he stated.

I scowled at his statement and decided to ask him about all of this.

"What happened?", I asked. "Why do you always get hurt?"

His eyes darkened at my question.

"It's none of your business, Haven.", he snapped.

I gasped at his tone.

"How do you even know my name?", I asked, baffled.

He stood up and raised his hand to ruffle his har which made me flinch.

"I have my ways, Haven.", he replied vaguely.

I was not buying it. I needed to know.

"No! You have to tell me how do you know my name or anything else about me!", I grimly said.

He threw the vase that was on the table, shattering it into numerous pieces. I let out a small scream, startled by the unforeseen smash.

He looked at me, sending me shivers down my body.

"Listen to me and listen good. You better not ask me things you are not ready to hear. Just stay clear and do as your told. Am I clear?", he said.

I slightly nodded, perplexed by everything.

He nodded and let out a "Good" before sitting on the couch for me to continue to aid his wounds.

"Who was he? The one you were sitting with at Blossombee. Is he your boyfriend?", he asked, with an expression that said I better answer him.

"No. James is my friend.", I replied meekly, not wanting to set him off.

He quietly nodded with what looked like relief or satisfaction.

After dressing up his wounds, I quietly arranged everything and asked him if he needed water or anything.

He shook his head and got up to leave.

"Stay safe", he said, before walking out of the door.

I stood there, still contemplating what exactly happened today.


