
Chained To You: The Billionaire's Obsession To His Wife

francis_co1998 · Urbano
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: Night to Remember

Chapter 1: Night to Remember

Waking up by the blinding sunlight peeking through the small open gap in the window, Elise Bai opened her eyes with the splitting headache.

Elise Bai stretches her body, allowing her arm to fall onto the mattress beside her. Except that there wasn't a mattress beside her.

No, when her arm fell, it landed on nothing but a warm, solid muscle. Crap! Elise Bai immediately pulled her arm back, careful enough not to wake the person beside her. She also noticed her aching body especially her waist and legs underneath the white comforter.

Elise Bai peeked through her half-closed eyes to see if the man sleeping beside her noticed her move. She sighed. Based on his steady, rhythmic breathing, she guesses his sleeping really deep to not even notice her.

Carefully she sat up a little straighter in the bed, and then glanced at the man beside her who's sleeping beautifully. His full jet black hair messy from sleep and the rest of his body was mercifully covered by a white down comforter.

Elise Bai can't help but gulped as she traced her eyes from his seductive phoenix eyes, his high pointed nose, his thin pinkish lips, his sculpted jaw and his muscular chest to his amazing abs that's glistening from the light peeking through the floor to ceiling window. And from there she can imagine the powerful thighs and his other… impressive qualities hiding under the white comforter.

There was no way she'd be able to drag herself from the bed if she had a companion with a body like this every single morning waking up.

Which was exactly what she should do right now. She just had to get up and get the hell out of here before what she'd done actually sank in. She blush thinking about the things they've done last night.

Because of her step-sister's tricking her drink last night she ended up in the bed beside this gorgeous man which is not that bad for giving her virginity with someone this handsome than being in bed with some random big-bellied, bald old man that her step-sister arranged to ravish and violate her.

Elise Bai bet that her car was still at the bar where they'd met, but she could take a cab… when and if she ever found her phone.

She tried to mentally retrace her steps, thinking where it might have gone, but as she thought about the night before, her face flooded with heat and pleasure and just the tiniest hint of regret.

Not for what she'd done. Actually she also needed the chance to get out and unwind far too desperately for that.

No, she regretted the idea that a night as hot and steamy as last night had been would never happen again. At least, not with this guy, whose name she hadn't managed to catch.

Her bad.

Elise Bai studied her college course in another country which makes her a little bit more liberated than the people around her now. She also was not that sentimental regarding her giving her virginity to someone she doesn't love or even know because she stopped loving someone when her mother died.

Her mother who was the only one who loved her sincerely and wholeheartedly.

When Elise Bai and the stranger who's sleeping beside her now walked into his apartment last night which she can't really recall clearly as she was already light headed with the effect of her drink.

She still remembers the electricity crackling between them like some kind of freakish magnetic pull. She'd barely gotten a look at the high ceilings and the chrome fixtures before he'd walked up behind her and…

Elise Bai shivered and tried to get a grip.

Okay, if she started thinking about what he'd done, she'd give up the good fight, sink beneath these sheets, and give him the friendliest wake-up he'd ever had.

Which again she could totally not do with Mr. One Night of Fun.

With an internal chuckle at his new nickname, she shifted her weight ever so slightly, careful not to wake him up as well as not to groan from her badly aching body.

She started again, trying to push him from her mind and replaying only the images that were most pertinent to her getting home this morning ASAP.

Her bra was on the floor beside her. Her panties- she winced- were destroyed.

A little ache ran through her as she recalled exactly how they'd wound up that way, but she forced herself to focus again.

How the hell did this guy ravish her without her dying last night? She still remember blurrily how the guy acts last night like he was starved to death and just found the prey that can make him alive again.

She sighed. Okay. So, no panties. But her dress… her dress was crumpled on the floor in front of the front door. She remembered that much clearly. So she just needed to hunt down her phone and purse.

Elise Bai slid a little way from the stranger's heated skin, ignoring the pang of longing for a second- okay, fourth- time. Slipping on her bra, she tiptoed from the room, careful to open the door as quietly as possible and thanking everything that was holy for his silent, modern floors and doors that didn't make a creak.

When she opened the bedroom door and saw one of the things that had impressed her about his place the most- the wall of solid glass overlooking the city. She realized she was standing in front of it with her hoo-ha hanging out for God and everyone to see.

Heart thumping in her throat, she snagged her dress from where it lay on the floor and shoved it over her head, letting out a little yowl when the hook caught her hair and tugged. She held her breath as she heard a little thud from the neighboring bedroom. Please, you sexy beast, you go back to sleep, she willed him mentally.

Elise Bai's heart pounded against her chest as her ears strained, listening for the slightest sign of life. When it stayed quiet, she figured she was in the clear and went on the hunt for her shoes.

Okay, so she walked into the door and had to admire the apartment for a little bit as she went to get some water and slipped off her shoes. On tiptoe now, she sprinted to the sink and found her strappy sandals, then slid them on. Beside the sink, she spied a little notepad and pen hanging from the fridge and she chewed the inside of her cheek, willing herself not to reach for the pen to leave her name and number.

He probably would never use it.

And even if he did?

Elise Bai thought again of that spark between them, the rush of animal need she'd felt from the first moment she'd spotted him looking at her from across the bar. He had a look in his eyes that made her- probably made every girl- feel like she was the most important, luckiest woman to have been selected by him.

And when he spoke?

His deep, mellow voice felt like chocolate sliding over her, sweet and satisfying.

A guy like him? She wasn't looking for repeat visitors. In fact, he was nothing but a quick ride to heaven, party of one.

Which was perfect because after everything she'd seen of guys? Elise Bai wasn't on the lookout for more than a one nighter anyway. But a girl still had needs. If guys have their needs, women also have their own. She's already a 24 year old woman which in fact was already old enough to involve herself in this kind of act.

Maybe what her step-sister did is also a blessing-in-disguise for her. Elise smirked.

What a stupid b**ch her step-sister is to actually give her the chance to meet a guy who can give her a perfect night of her life. Her step-sister might think that she was smart enough to trick her.

If she could get to have her needs while at the same time reminding herself about guys and their limitations? That was a win-win and if Mr. One Night of Fun were awake right now, he'd agree.

Elise Bai backed away from the fridge and bumped into the island, only to find her purse directly behind her.

"Gotcha," she hissed as she lifted it, and then fished through the tiny bag's contents until she found her phone and ordered a car.

Five minutes before the car will arrive.

She glanced at her environment for the last time, sighing as she can't see this beautiful apartment as well as the magnificent view at the front of the floor-to-ceiling window anymore.

Elise Bai glanced at the bedroom door again, wondering if it was rude not to say good-bye. After everything they'd done together last night? God only knew the kindest thing would be to let him sleep. Surely by the time noon came, she'd have forgotten all about him anyway.

Besides, it wasn't like she'd ever see him again. Nope. It was the kind of night that should be savored and then placed firmly in the past.