
CFO Presents: The girl of uncertain Entropy

John Dome, the richest man on the planet and his wife Lily Dome an endearingly beautiful woman have been married for years without a child. This fact brought pain to the heart of Lily which in turn brought discomfort to John, John Dome was also a genius scientist, so with his childhood friends Paul and Nila they worked on a formula that could bring hope back to the helpless Dome's. In doing so it causes a chain reaction. The result was a success, but it came with a few extra results that not one of them expected. Read on to find out what it is... Join us and delve into the extravagant Luxurious life of The Dome's in CFO Presents: The girl of uncertain Entropy!!!

Francis_Oks · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

The Beginning of Possibilities

In the year 2174, technology had reached a level where all possibilities had seemingly been reached.

There was a city called Tina Falls, the central city and the city of technical advancements.

The head scientist John Dome was married for ten years without a child. His wife Lily, a beautiful blonde florist was heartbroken.

It wasn't like it was a loveless marriage, in fact, they were once called the loveliest couples in all of Tina Falls 

Of course, they wanted a child.

Of course, they had frequent visits to the hospital, going as far as trying fertility clinics, but nothing seemed to work.

He was a scientist, and scientists were problem-solvers. He was bound to find a solution, he needed to find a way to make his wife happy for all she ever wanted was a little girl.

He knew it deep within him that he could make it work.

John Dome, CEO of Dome Research Facilities, pitched his idea to the top scientist he had on deck.

"Paul and Nila, you have been with me since we lived in the backwater rural town of Lilac town together, you two grew up together with me. You know what it is like for me and my wife, the doctors say that both of us are not infertile, yet we still can't have a child. I've got a solution but it's still in its experimental stages. I....."

"John, I don't know if using science like this is safe yet bro." Paul chipped in and Nila nodded her head in agreement.

"After all that I have done for you. How can you refuse me?" John said furiously.

"Maybe I'll go tell Lily that our best friends don't want to help us the one frickin' time we ask for help from them."

"Jonnie it's not like that we're just worried that something bad may happen will administering it to her that's all." Nila was quick to defend.

She's always called him Jonnie since they were children.

The nickname always seemed to bring him out of the toughest and most difficult of places.

John Dome's angered heart melted at the mention of the name Jonnie.

"Ok here's the deal, tomorrow same time let's meet up," Paul said then left. Nila kissed John on the cheek and followed after Paul.

John opened his brand-new Rack book laptop and stared at the Entropy Fertility X (E.F.x) he had worked on all year staring at it happy that his best friends had agreed to help him.

About an hour later he put the laptop in his laptop bag and packed up his stuff ready to leave the door, turning back one last time to make sure he hadn't left anything behind when he saw 'CEO' next to his name on a nameplate.

He had a slight curve in his lips.

He could just remember when he was younger when he had no money, his mother died at a very young age leaving him, his dad, his two sister, and his brother alone, sad, and depressed.

All he could do was smile because he was at a much better place now.

He left the office and walked down the hall, reaching an elevator he clicked the button and waited for it to open.

As soon as it opened, he clicked 'ground' signaling for the elevator to take him to the lobby. 

After what seemed like forever foe John, he finally made it to the lobby.

"Rebecca, clear my schedule tomorrow, I will be going on a trip with my wife."

"You got it, Mister Dome."

Rebecca was always a hard worker.

Maybe I should commission for her to get a raise he thought to himself, reaching into his wallet pulled out three hundred dollars, and gave it to her.

"Here, when you clock out, get dinner for you and your people back home."

"Thank you so much sir" she was at the point of crying.

"Don't think about it Rebecca you're a good girl keep up the good work."

He always loved to be generous he was once in a position of poverty, so he had a soft spot for hard-working people.

He then stepped out to the setting sun admiring it as a car came by to pick him up.

It was a black Nissan limo. 

The driver was an older man who was extremely polite and nice to him. He got out of the car, took a bow at John then opened the back seat for John to sit. 

"Good evening Mr. Tom" 

"Good evening sir. Are there any important meetings tomorrow?"

"No Mr. Tom, please just take me home."

"Yes sir"

Tom reached into the cold compartment in his back seat and pulled it down as he retrieved wine and a glass cup from it.

"Fresh wine, aged since 2022." 

The driver looked at him through the rear-view mirror but said not a word. John poured it into the cup, had a sip of it, and sighed at its beauty and rich taste.

'What a luxury', John said to himself.

After downing the glass, he put everything away so as not to mess up his expensive cream-colored velvet suit that he got from Paris the week before.

He had a sigh of relief, before looking outside the window admiring the scenery and watching the route he was taking back home.

He reached his home eight hundred-million-dollar mansion.

The gates were quickly opened by the gate attendants. 

"Welcome back home Mr. Dome" 

Mr. Tom quickly parked the car and hurried to open the door for Mr. Dome

A line of attendants was out waiting for him and as he proceeded into the mansion, he saw the bodyguards who were in charge of his wife's safety. He looked at them gratefully.

Inside the mansion was nothing but a luxurious spectacle, the pure diamond chandeliers, gold studded wedding photos, and the original Monalisa on his walls.

 He was nothing but happy about the progress that he made in his life.

"Honey I'm home"

Soon his wife Lily came down the stairs.

She walked down the stairs gracefully and majestically; she was wearing a handmade Japanese silk dress with an expensive European pearl necklace; her blonde hair was shiny and beautiful all he could think about was kissing every inch of her body.

"How did I find such a goddess?"

He didn't even realize that he said this out loud, but when she came down and he saw her face he was filled with anger and disappointment.

He could see the black lines under her eyes that signified constant crying and lack of sleep.

She was crying again, the absence of a child in her life made her depressed.

Even with all the money in the world, all she wanted was to hold a child of their own blood in her arms.


He yelled in rage.

Tom ran in to see what the commotion was about this time; he then bowed his head waiting for his boss to give him the same instruction he gives him every week.

"Fire them all, find me more competent people."

His wife tried to protest but he wasn't listening. He ignored her and walked up the stairs to his room to go take a shower.

Even with his sympathy for the working class his wife's state of mind far outweighed any care he had for strangers.

How could he hire an attendant to entertain his wife and make her happy, but he comes home and sees her crying?

He finished showering and changed into a more suitable nightwear.

He then went into the room.

The master bedroom was a spectacle of pure aristocratic excellence the room was painted to fit his wife's needs.

That was all he cared about: her happiness.

She stormed into the room very mad at her husband.

"Why did you fire them? Do you know how many lives you just ruined? Rescind that order now or I'm not talking to you ever again."

He dialed a number on his phone and as the recipient picked up, he said, "Tom why don't we just wait on firing the attendants."

She smiled happy that her husband listened to her plea. He reached in and hugged his wife the passion and joy flowed through him he had had enough of the wait.

He kissed his wife, and she kissed back, when they were done, he said, "Pack your bags, were going on a vacation Tomorrow."

He and his wife then took to the bed to continue what they had just started.


Happy Women International Day to all the ladies out there reading.

Francis_Okscreators' thoughts