
The Chronos Squad vs Vutramites Squad (3)

The crude style in online gaming was not an unusual one to see, especially on the pro scene.

There were many ways to play crudely and give the opponent a rough time in leveling their characters by obstructing its EXP gains.

One of the many styles was what Joey was facing on the top lane.

He was being harassed by the mage and fighter user of the Vultramites squad!

Though, harassment in this kind of game was one effective tactic that could make an opponent not only irritated but also lose control of their patience. It could be seen as part of an overall gaming strategy to annoy their opponents.

Some would even go to the extent of feeling enrage when they were constantly getting harassed!

But, not Joey!

Despite the two characters guarding near the tower, waiting for him to get out of its protective range, Joey did not falter. He even made several round movements of his left thumb to show his character was just waiting and to provoke his opponents to go in their tower!