
Chapter 21

Paisley POV

Sunday was such a fun day for me. Tobbs and I spent it together. We talked about our lives this past year, he talked about his achievements, his goals

I talked about my work, friends, and Blake. I did everything possible to find out his relationship with Blake but he wouldn't talk. Instead, he responded with a smirk. The annoying ass

He had fun messing with me. I was glad we were back to been our silly old selfs

I'm presently standing in front of the CEO's office with my fist raised in the air wondering how I will face him. He must have been disappointed over my act during the event. After contemplating for a while I knocked. Sooner or later I'll have to face him.

"Good morning sir" I greeted. He raised his eyes over at me

"Good morning, how was your weekend" he looked genuinely curious about it.

"It was OK. I'm sorry about last Friday sir, I shouldn't have left so abruptly" I apologized