

"Who the hell is that?" I whispered more to myself than my assistant Zeeb Elijah who stood next to me at the Golden Shifter Pack Annual dinner. "No," Zeeb seethed Vehemently. "Don't even think about it, Lucian. That is the Rogue Alpha Conri Dolf. He was exiled from the pack and only shows himself during the annual dinner as demanded by the pack elders. It is said he killed his mate and went rogue. I am warning you, Lucian, that is one forbidden territory that you can venture into." ********************************** Billionaire CEO Lucian Freki is a name that generates all kinds of feelings amongst the Golden Shifter Pack of Alaska. Tall, handsome, wealthy bachelor, arrogant, and a bastard playboy who refused to settle down. Until his eyes land on Rogue Alpha Conri Dolf… Lucian is drawn in by Conri’s powerful demeanor and his deep ocean eyes. According to the pack, Conri was exiled after the death of his mate and he went rogue. He lives alone in the deep mountains of Alaska and rumor has it that he is volatile and kills anyone who dares approach him. Just one look made Lucian crave Conri. He begins a slow, wicked seduction to sate his desires and possess Conri. Lucian will stop at nothing to get Conri back in the golden pack, amidst the lurking enemies that want Conri dead and discover the secrets behind his exile.

Anna_Baibe · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
402 Chs


"Rogue? All I see is a candy that needs to be bitten into." I whispered to Zeeb.

I took a step towards him, but Zeeb blocked my way. 

"Lucian, stop." He seethed at me.

"Move away Zeeb before I lose my temper," I growled and sidestepped, leaving him standing at the center of the room, agape. 

I strode toward the man and stood staring up at him. He seemed surprised to see me as his eyes widened in annoyance and Elder Zaya, who stood next to him, beamed. There was pin-drop silence in the room and I did not give a fucking care about it. 

"CEO Lucian, thank you for your support for the past years. I am glad to see you since you rarely attend these events. "She spoke as her eyes darted between me and the man. 

"Elder Zaya, it is always a pleasure to see you. Aren't you going to introduce me?" I stated as my eyes ran around his facial features. 

"I see you have not met Conri Dolf," she whispered. "This is Lucian Freki, the CEO of Due Corporation."

I stretched my hand in greeting and the large growl from Alpha Lobo made elder Zaya take a step back, cowering in fear. 

"Lucian," I heard Zeeb whisper behind me. "You said you had a call in an hour and needed to leave," he interjected.

Conri Dolf's eyes sparked with mischief as he stared at me in amusement. 

"Little cub, you better obey your Alpha's call," Conri stated as his deep voice raked over my body and I could hear the muffled gasps of everyone in the room. 

I took a step closer to him. We stood toe to toe. With Conri's height, he towered over me, staring down at me in awe. "You are wrong. He is not my Alpha." 

They filled the entire room with growls, and I heard the loud voice of Alpha Lobo from across the room. "What the fuck did you say?"

"He is not my Alpha," I repeated the statement and winked at Conri Dolf. 

"I smell the scent of a strong Alpha in him," Freki, my wolf, stirred and whimpered.

"He is beautiful. I imprinted the sight of him in my mind, "I responded to Freki. 

Elder Zaya's suppressed laughter encouraged me as I watched the change in color in Conri's eyes from a shade of brown to one laced with teal. Alpha Lobo made his way and stood towering over me. He released his Alpha shifter power and his wolf demanded my submission, but I just stood there without a care in the world. I could hear the whimpers of the rest of the pack in the room.

Tilting my head sideways, I watched Conri's fast realization that Alpha Lobo could not control me. The fist that was clenched loosened, and he rubbed his palms on his thighs. It comforted me I could affect him and put on a defense armor for him as Alpha Lobo neared. 

"CEO Lucian, are you showing arrogance before the Golden Pack?" Alpha Lobo seethed, and a growl emitted from his chest. Lobo Aria was the Golden Pack Alpha who stood beside Hunter, the park enforcer. We never saw eye to eye with the two and they always wanted to make things difficult at all times. 

"No. I am just stating the truth. I have never declared that you are my alpha. Has anyone ever seen it?" I raised my hands in question and looked around the room. 

"Lucian." Zeeb's meek voice rose. 

"We shall never submit to him," my wolf growled. 

"Calm down," I responded to my wolf.

"Sorry for the interruption. I need to leave as I have a scheduled meeting in the next hour. Elder Zaya, it was a pleasure to see you. I will pass by your shop soon to discuss an expansion." 

She beamed and nodded in agreement. Turning around to look at Conri, I spoke "I hope to see you again Conri Dolf." And with that, I walked out of the ballroom. Zeeb was behind me as we matched to the car. He kept cursing on the way home and I ignored him until we arrived at the Freki Mansion. 

Pa had the home built when Ma died. As an only child, I did not want to be involved in the pack matters and hence I grew up in Texas with Ma's sister. The Freki Mansions was a work of art. It had views of Campbell Lake and Chugach Mountains from all eight rooms. It has an internal warm pool, a sauna, a gym, an office, and a library. 

I could only say, "Pa was always extra. He did everything to the extreme!!"

As the door sensor clicked, the gate opened, and we drove into the driveway. 

"Why the hell are you not going to your house, Zeeb?" I snapped as I got out of the jeep. 

"Do you know what you did, Lucian? Are you courting death or creating trouble for all of us? Do you know how vengeful Alpha Lobo is? He will retaliate." 

"I am not scared." I spoke up as we walked into the house and I took off the tie and coat and threw them on the chair. I sat down and crossed one leg over the other as my hand-stretched across the leather sofa.

"What about the rest of us?" Zeeb scolded. 

I was silent as he walked to the cabinet and took out the bottle of whiskey and two glasses. Set them on the table and then walked to the open kitchen, put the ice in the small bucket, and walked back to the table to prepare our drinks. I had crossed the line, but I detested the fact that Conri was labeled a rogue. The mere fact made me boiling mad.

Zeeb handed me the drink he prepared and gulped down every drop in his glass. He put down the glass and prepared another one for himself. 

"I will not carry you to the guest room if you get drunk," I chuckled. 

"You are killing me, Lucian." He muttered in frustration.

"Tell me about Conri," I started the topic that had been on my mind since I left the annual Golden Pack dinner.

"No," Zeeb snapped. 

"I could force you to, but I am asking as a friend," I pressed on. 

Zeeb's eyes widened, and his jaw dropped. 

"I need to know." 

"Lucian, Conri is one dangerous Alpha. Killing your mate is a crime that they punish with death. We have no idea why the elders spared him and agreed to exile him into the mountains. He lives in a hidden cabin and rumor has it that the KODA council of elders has been trying to get rid of him. Every time Hunter sends someone from the pack enforcers, they always come back petrified. No one has an idea of what Conri is keeping or doing up the mountain since he was exiled. "

"I can't explain, but my gut feeling tells me that Conri is innocent or else Elder Zaya would not embrace him with such affection." 

"She was the only member of the KODA council who supported him," Zeeb informed me. 

"Something is off," I whispered. "Even my wolf could sense it." 

"I don't want to support you on this," Zeeb's tongue slurred, making me note that the alcohol had kicked in.

"I plan to go up the mountains this weekend." 

"Lucian," Zeeb yelled loudly.

"Go to bed." I grabbed the glass from his hand and dragged him to the guest bedroom. Dumping him on the bed, I removed his shoes and covered him.

"Lucian, you remember the promise made to Sir Freki, right?" Zeeb murmured. 

"How could I forget? It was the only thing that made me hold back at the dinner today," I snapped as I walked out of the guest room and switched off the main light. 

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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