
Chapter 203 Photo

What Annetta wasn't scared of the most was being scolded by others. The more he scolded her, the more she would follow the direction of that person's scolding. Either way, it was just a verbal attack, and it didn't bring her any substantial harm.

But Caleb was different. In the past, as long as he was angry, Annetta would follow his explanation from morning to night. He had never seen the current Annetta. He admitted it so quickly and shamelessly. Caleb was furious.

"For what? Why are you so mean?" Caleb said angrily, "You were not like this before!"

Some men were like this. He didn't cherish them. If they didn't belong to him one day, he would think that they had betrayed him. It seemed that others were born to chase after him and please him.

"I don't care what other women do for!" Annetta said deliberately, which made Caleb so angry. "I used to be stupid, but now I'm smart. No way."