
Chapter 132 Scene 2, Take 15—Action!

Gino was good friends with Elizabeth's father and had watched her grow up. He was fond of her because she was usually very well-behaved. Although he had very strict acting criteria, he would give Armani another chance for Elizabeth's sake. 

He glanced at Leo's pale face and asked, "How are you? Are you okay?"

Leo nodded. Armani had messed up 14 times and he had been brutally beaten by Armani 14 times. How could he be okay? 

However, Leo still gritted his teeth and endured it. He did not resist even though he knew that Armani was deliberately making things difficult for him. Annetta really cared about this movie, and he could not let her down.

Gino's face softened a little when he saw Leo's perseverance. 

He looked at Armani coldly, "This is your last chance. I don't have much time to waste."

After all, Armani was someone Elizabeth supported, so Gino did not really blame him.