
CEO's Love-Stealing Game

In the dark night, as she lay alone on that large white bed, she pulled open the bedside table, took out the red book stamped with an official seal. In boredom, she pondered, what is the actual significance of this document? Shouldn't a marriage be preserved and not shattered like this? After a year of marriage, she couldn't even clearly recall her husband's appearance! Who would believe that after a year of marriage, she was still a virgin? This would be so embarrassing if it were to be known.

jipinshaozun · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

The sixth chapter: Unequal Terms

At the entrance, she gazed into the distance and suddenly noticed a well-dressed gentleman approaching. She was slightly bewildered as she heard his polite words, "You must be Miss Cheng Huan. I'm the person who spoke with you today. Please accompany me into the car to discuss further."

Cheng Huan squinted, assessing the man in front of her with a cautious gaze. Who was this mysteriously emerging figure?

"Cold Rain Ze is my superior; you need not harbor doubts about that. Here is my work identification," the man discerned Cheng Huan's thoughts and presented a work badge, followed by an explanation.

Cheng Huan glanced at the work proof in his hand, which displayed the title "Assistant to the CEO of Changtian Real Estate." It seemed her uncle had mentioned Cold Rain Ze was affiliated with Changtian Corporation, confirming that the man before her was indeed sent by Cold Rain Ze.

Cheng Huan followed the man into the car, which swiftly navigated through the bustling crowd. Her heart, however, remained suspended high. Clad in professional attire without makeup, she still possessed an immaculate visage, exuding a refreshing and natural beauty. Her small hands were tightly clasped, portraying a sense of nervousness.

Seated beside her, Cold Rain Ze's personal assistant, Zhang Tian, gently appraised her. More refined and radiant than her photo, she possessed petite, distinct features, straight, flowing shoulder-length hair, bright and lively eyes, and flawless, fair skin. She appeared as a docile and charming young woman. Although her appearance was already astonishing, it seemed insufficient for Cold Rain Ze. 

In Zhang Tian's mind, he lamented silently. Having accompanied Cold Rain Ze for three years, he had already deciphered every unruly aspect of Cold Rain Ze's character. The woman he pursued had to stride into the forefront of fashion, tread on the cutting edge, exude absolute sensuality, allure with charm, and boast a perfect figure. Only a woman with wild, alluring qualities and exuding a sexy enthusiasm was Cold Rain Ze's ultimate preference. Unfortunately, someone like Cheng Huan, a delicate beauty with her own unique charm, did not meet Cold Rain Ze's discerning taste. Alas, could anyone remain indifferent to this regret? Prior to this, he had entertained the notion that if this young lady was sufficiently fashionable and sexy, there might be some potential for her and Cold Rain Ze. Now, it seemed there was no possibility at all.

Cheng Huan sensed the man beside her scrutinizing her with unconventional eyes and sighing from time to time. This made her even more nervous. She continually worried in her heart, wondering if there was something wrong with her that left him dissatisfied.

"Noticing you're still very young, haven't been working for long?" Zhang Tian suddenly spoke.

Cheng Huan nodded politely, "Graduated last year, been working for a little over a year. What should I call you?"

"Oh, you can just call me Zhang Tian, no need to be formal. We will be working together frequently in the future!" Zhang Tian smiled naturally and graciously.

Cheng Huan nodded but became even more stunned. Working together frequently? What did that mean?

"Umm... Is Cold Rain Ze not here?" Cheng Huan mustered the courage to ask the question that had been lingering in her heart for a long time.

Zhang Tian first looked surprised, then smiled and said, "President Leng went to the United States a couple of days ago to visit the eldest son. He should be back next week."

Cheng Huan secretly speculated that he must have taken the marriage certificate to explain to his parents. This was a bit too much; she hadn't agreed yet, how could he choose to do it this way?

"Miss Cheng, let me clarify something with you. I believe President Cheng, your uncle, has already informed you about the marriage certificate with President Leng. I assume you are aware of the situation?" Zhang Tian thought about it and felt it was necessary to clarify things first. Otherwise, both parties might be worried.

Cheng Huan nodded, "I know."

"Very well. President Leng's intention is this: he will give Miss Cheng a sum of money and also provide a villa as compensation. As for other matters, Miss Cheng needs to be mentally prepared. President Leng may not meet you. Of course, this is only a possibility; he might meet you. In the two years of this agreement, President Leng has the authority to decide when to meet. Miss Cheng, you must be clear about this," Zhang Tian explained.

Cheng Huan widened her clear eyes, listening attentively to every word Zhang Tian said. It felt like bombs being dropped into her heart, leaving her thoughts in a blank state. A two-year agreement? And during these two years, they may not meet? What was this?

"Miss Cheng, have you understood?" Zhang Tian asked softly, seeing Cheng Huan in a daze.

For quite some time, Cheng Huan finally regained her composure. She nodded weakly and said, "I heard."

"Well, here is a check for five hundred thousand, and these are the keys to the villa. Keep them safe. The villa is located near the foot of Fenghua Mountain, not far from your company. It has beautiful scenery, is safe, and comfortable. I believe Miss Cheng will enjoy living there!" Zhang Tian's smile became radiant. Before coming, he thought Cheng Huan would shout at him after hearing these words. Now it seemed his worries were completely unnecessary.

Cheng Huan took the check and keys, uttered a thank you, and then requested to get off the car.

"Miss Cheng, let's have dinner together before going back!" Zhang Tian suggested with a smile.

"No need. I'm not in the mood for dinner now. Please tell Cold Rain Ze, if he wants to cancel the agreement, trouble him to inform me first, so I can be mentally prepared!" After leaving this expressionless remark, Cheng Huan pushed open the car door and walked away without looking back.

Zhang Tian stared blankly at the departing girl and couldn't help muttering to himself, "Quite a personality. However, having received money and the keys to a villa, shouldn't she be all smiles? Why does she look so serious? Exchanging a marriage certificate for a considerable sum of money and a luxurious villa isn't enough? Hmm, the best lunch in the world seems to have slipped through her fingers. It would be great if she could throw me a portion as well!"

"Assistant Zhang, do you want a free lunch? Then go to sleep quickly!" The driver couldn't help teasing him.

"Shut up!" Zhang Tian shot him a sideways glance.