
CEO's Clumsy Secret Wife

Beyond The Sands Of Time. Time Traveler's Fated Love. Volume ONE of Two : COMPLETED Meet Ling Feng, a cold uptight Ceo and heir. Can he handle it when his world is turned upside down by eccentric Wang Yu Yan. Claiming she's a princess from the first century and he's her future husband. How will this pairing get along? Loosing his cool and embarrassing himself isn't part of his plan. But Ling Feng can't control himself after being infected by Wang Yu Yan's craziness. Read as they navigate marriage, building a family and secrets lurking from the past threatening their bond and Livelihoods. This is a love story that follows the couple through the different Era's. The modern world and the kingdom of the past. Will their love prevail through external complications and internal turmoil. Time travel your imagination into love. For better or for worse?

Yanie_Long · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
164 Chs


The butler heard the strange words of the girl scratched his head. Was she in a historical movie Or what? Just when Liu Ping thought anything else she did wouldn't surprise him.

Liu Ping left the door scratching his head.

"Sir, Young Miss… ",

"Shut it. I've already made my decision.", Ling Feng snapped at his butler's remark.

"…But sir…",

"I don't appreciate you listening to orders from that woman. When I come back I expect to never see her again. Got It?",

"… Sir you have to…",

"I said do you got it?",

Liu Ping wasn't courageous enough to tell him, seeing his master this worked up. He nodded his head," Yes sir",

Ling Feng went to his room to get the rest of his work documents before heading to the door. Then he heard a strange sound.

"I, princess Wang Yu Yan was wrong in my action",

"I deserve punishment for my wrongs",

"I am not worthy of entering this house",

"I declare that the scorching sun will do as it will with my body",

Ling Feng listened attentively to the girl's declarations. They went on for a while.

Ling Feng stayed inside the house listening. He was curious how long the girl would keep this up. He stood by the door until his legs started to get tired. Almost half an hour had passed and the girl was still making declarations.

Ling Feng had, had enough and open the door.

"I am a wrongdoer in your eyes. I beg for forgiveness",

Ling Feng found the girl kneeling on the grass out in the sun.

Quickly, he went to her to make her stand, "What are you? Trying to act out a drama at my house",

"I am sorry I almost burnt your house. I wanted to make you breakfast but I am not too good with the pot. I thought you will wake up hungry so I tried to make you my favorite rice porridge",

Ling Feng was stunned at the girl's sudden apology but soon he found himself laughing, "You wanted to make rice porridge with a packet of noodles?",

Ling Feng looked at the girl's blank expression and found himself laughing harder. He laughed so hard he almost ran out of breath. Wang Yu Yan also joined him, she didn't know why she was laughing but she couldn't contain herself when she saw someone else laughing.

Liu Ping had been standing at the door for a while and watch the two laughing non-stop like clowns. Liu Ping really wanted to remove his eye out of their sockets. What exactly was he watching. He also didn't understand.

It seems ever since this girl came to this house things have gotten weirder and weirder. Liu Ping wondered if retardedness was contagious. Looking at the young master Liu Ping feared for himself and choose to leave the scene.

After Ling Feng felt his mood lighten up he was prompted to listen to his mother at least. He didn't forgive the girl but the least he could do was be lenient with her. After all his car did lend her to the hospital.

Seeing her kneeling painfully on top of the uncomfortable grass did arouse some guilt in him. It seemed kicking this girl was a lot harder than he expected it to be. He wasn't a monster to just kick her out without being sure of her well being.

He let Wang Yu Yan back into the house and failed his mother's phone this time she actually answer only after a few rings, "What a great way to begin my day. I got a call from my estranged son so early in the morning. It is truly a good morning",

"Save it, mom, you know why I called", Ling Feng was curt.

"No need to be rude. Is it a crime to rejoice at hearing my son's voice after I have just woken up", she started getting emotional by the end of the statement.

Ling Feng rolled his eyes while he breathed out, "I'm sorry mom. You know I wish, I could call you all the time but I have a heavy workload at the company",

"Xiao Ling you know not everything is about work. You should also make time for more important things like family",

Ling Feng lip-synced the words as his mom spoke, "Yeah yeah, I'll try to fit that into my schedule in the future. Now however I have a more pressing matter",

Wang Yu Yan was looking at Ling Feng attentively as he spoke. She wondered why he was speaking to the slender box on his ear. It all seemed so bizarre to her.

Ling Feng leaned against the table as he continued, "Would you mind explaining why you left the lunatic from the hospital in my house. No matter how much I think about it I don't understand the need to have her stay here. She has her own place, doesn't she? Since when did my house become a hotel?",

The speaker on the phone remained quiet for a second and simply said, "I'll give you all your answers tonight at dinner. Alright",

Ling Feng was lost for words, "Mom you do know I have a busy schedule today. I can't possibly come to the house tonight. I'll just send the girl home and you'll give me the answer later",

"Don't even think about going against me. Bring the girl to dinner tonight or you won't like the consequences",

"… but..,", before he could defend himself the call was already ended.

Ling Feng felt a spark of anger as he looked at the girl but soon he calmed himself. At this point the amount of time this girl had made his emotions fluctuate. He was afraid he would soon develop high blood pressure.

Seeing at how it was not worth Ling Feng instructed, "Go get dressed",

The girl was clueless at first but after a few moments of giving her an explanation. She went to take a shower and get ready.

It was obvious that Ling Feng had no control of the situation but he couldn't leave the girl here unattended. Liu Ping was here to guard the house and Ling Feng could easily ask him to watch over the so-called princess but he didn't hire him to be a babysitter.

This girl was too volatile and just one second of not having an eye on her could lead to disaster.

Ling Feng waited for about thirty minutes before he started to get impatient, "Would you come out already. I don't have all day",

Ling Feng was about to speak again when the girl came out dressed decently this time.

She actually looked pretty.

He actually forgave her.

Is this this the start of his affection for her?

Do you even think they are a good match?

Yanie_Longcreators' thoughts