
The Betrayel Plan

Alison couldn't sleep that night. She lay awake, staring at the ceiling, her mind consumed by the conflicting thoughts swirling inside her. She kept replaying Henry's words in her head: the way he said he valued her, how he wanted her to lead the new project, the way he looked at her like she was the only one in the room.

But then there was the message from her employer—the demand for results, the veiled threat in their words. She knew they wouldn't wait forever. They were ruthless and had invested heavily in this mission. If she didn't deliver soon, they would find someone who would—someone less conflicted, someone who wouldn't hesitate to do whatever it took.

She felt trapped between two worlds, two versions of herself: the Alison who had taken this job to prove herself, to make a name, and the Alison who was starting to care about Henry in ways she hadn't anticipated.

The sun was just beginning to rise when she finally made up her mind. She pushed herself out of bed, showered, and dressed with a sense of determination. If she was going to go through with this, she needed a plan. A real plan.


At the office, Alison forced herself to stay focused as she went through her morning routine. Henry had sent her the details of the new project, and she quickly skimmed through the documents. It was an expansion plan for the company's newest line of products—a venture that could potentially generate millions in revenue and solidify their position in the market. Henry was trusting her with confidential information, sensitive details that could make or break the company.

She could feel the weight of that trust like a physical burden. But she had a job to do.

As she reviewed the documents, she began to formulate a plan. The expansion was still in its early stages; there were key pieces of information that her employer would find incredibly valuable—potential partners, target demographics, even details about the projected revenue streams. If she could access the company's private server, she might be able to extract the data she needed without raising suspicion.

But how to do it? Henry had tightened security recently. She knew that he had started to notice the inconsistencies in her behavior, even if he hadn't said anything outright. He was too smart not to be suspicious, and if she was caught, it would all be over.

She took a deep breath, thinking. She needed access to his office. If she could find a reason to be there, even for a few minutes, she might have a chance to download the files she needed.

That afternoon, Henry stopped by her desk. His expression was calm, his smile warm, but she could sense the undercurrent of tension in his posture.

"Alison, I'd like to go over the project details with you," he said. "Can you come by my office in ten minutes?"

Her heart skipped a beat, but she forced herself to stay calm. This was the opportunity she needed. "Sure," she replied with a smile. "I'll be there."

As she watched him walk away, she quickly pulled out a small USB drive from her purse. It was encrypted and would allow her to access the company's server for a limited time—just long enough to download the files. She knew it was a risk, but she also knew she didn't have a choice.


Ten minutes later, Alison knocked on Henry's office door, clutching the USB drive in her pocket.

"Come in," Henry's voice called.

She opened the door and stepped inside. Henry was sitting behind his desk, a stack of papers in front of him. He looked up and gave her that warm, genuine smile that made her heart ache with guilt.

"Thanks for coming," he said, motioning for her to sit down. "I wanted to go over the timeline for the expansion project. There are some details I'd like your input on."

Alison nodded and took a seat. As Henry talked, she pretended to listen, nodding at the appropriate moments, but her mind was racing. She glanced around his office, looking for the server access point. She had been in here several times, but this was the first time she was actively looking for something specific.

Henry turned to his computer, pulling up some files on the screen. "I've made some updates to the proposal," he said. "Take a look and let me know what you think."

He handed her his laptop, and Alison's heart pounded in her chest. This was it—her chance. As she took the laptop, she felt the weight of the USB drive in her pocket. Her fingers tingled with anxiety. She had to make a move now or risk losing the opportunity.

She inserted the USB drive as subtly as possible, hoping he wouldn't notice. She glanced at the screen, pretending to review the document. "These look good," she murmured, her voice sounding hollow even to her own ears.

Henry leaned back in his chair, watching her closely. "You seem distracted," he said suddenly.

Alison's heart skipped a beat. "No, I'm just thinking about the numbers," she lied. "I want to make sure everything aligns with the projections."

Henry nodded, but his gaze remained on her, a flicker of suspicion in his eyes. "I trust you, Alison," he said quietly. "I've always valued your input. Just make sure you're not… overthinking things."

She swallowed, feeling the weight of his words. Did he know? Was he testing her? She couldn't tell, but she forced herself to stay calm, keeping her hands steady.

The USB drive blinked green. The files were transferring. Just a few more seconds.

"Actually," Henry said, leaning forward, "there's something else I wanted to discuss with you."

Alison's breath caught in her throat. "What's that?"

He studied her for a moment, as if deciding whether to say what was on his mind. "I've been thinking a lot about trust," he began slowly. "About how important it is, especially in business. And I've realized that there are only a few people I truly trust in this company."

Alison felt a cold sweat on the back of her neck. "That's understandable," she replied cautiously.

He nodded. "And you're one of them, Alison. But lately… I've been wondering if maybe I've been too trusting."

The USB drive flashed green, signaling the transfer was complete. Alison quickly removed it, slipping it back into her pocket, her heart hammering in her chest.

"Henry, I… I hope you know I'm committed to this company," she stammered, feeling the pressure building.

He leaned back, his eyes still fixed on her. "I hope so too, Alison. Because trust, once broken, is hard to repair."

Alison nodded, feeling the sting of his words. "I understand."

There was a long pause, a silence that seemed to stretch on forever. Finally, Henry gave a small smile. "Well, I'll leave you to it," he said. "Let's reconvene tomorrow to finalize the details."

She nodded, standing up, feeling her legs tremble slightly. "Sure. Thanks, Henry."

As she left his office, she felt a wave of relief wash over her, but it was quickly replaced by a sense of dread. She had done it. She had taken the files, completed the task she was sent to do. But at what cost?

Walking down the hallway, she glanced over her shoulder. Henry was still watching her, his expression unreadable. She hurried back to her desk, feeling like she was carrying a heavy weight in her pocket, a burden that was now hers to bear.

Her phone buzzed again. It was another message from her employer:

*"Good work. Deliver the files tonight. No delays."*

Alison closed her eyes, feeling the tears sting behind her eyelids. She had taken the first step in her plan, but the hardest part was yet to come. She had to deliver the files and betray the man who had trusted her, who had seen something in her that even she hadn't seen in herself.

And she had to do it tonight.