

[ MARVEL SERIES] warning R rated scenes in content Settings : EROTIC R0m-nCE/ ADVENTURE/ HISTORY/ ANGELIC MYTHS/ HERO/ HUMOR Tags : Angels , love , arrogant , billionaire , Age gap , Weird Love, Friendship, funny, sad. BOOK ONE OF THE PARADOX SERIES ~The plot. The story is about a boy named Joshua Sabastine Kel and a Arc Angel named Uriel El eloyn. And he's brother Michael el eloyn the chief arch angel of heaven. Joshua, an 18 year old Nigerian boy, who's parents were killed when he was just a baby and left with the care of his butler, now a young man who aspires to be a hero. His world goes into the unbelievable as he now finds himself in trouble with the Supernaturals. And Uriel on a self atonement journey now an anti hero on the earth in a place in San Francisco America, finds himself entangled with Joshua and Michael as they go through an exciting adventure of war friendship and trust together. What to expect..... Plot twists Witches Myths Deaths Gods Monsters Celebs you may know A happy or a sad ending Season 1 contains 3 parts, and a part contains 10 episodes each. Part 1 consists of Uriel's back story and fall, he's new found identity, and Joshua and Michaels encounter and the start of their exploits. Enjoy

Joshua_Kel · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs



The story I'm about to tell you is about a boy. One named Joshua Sabastine Kel. You might see this as another fiction, another tale or myth, but If I tell you that in a way it's not so fiction, I'm right. And if you think I'm wrong, you're also right. But that's not the point let's get the story first. How did it all come to this, How did the faith of infinity come upon this one d*ck head.

A long time ago just few thousand years after the creation of Man, War broke out in heaven. Lucifer, the most beautiful arc angel of all the seven heavens, the wisest after the angel Uriel, the most noble, so strong one would even think he came after God. Well so did he. Became furious for God's creation. And now he wanted the seat of God for himself he claimed he'll set his throne so high it's even going to be above the all father. He started a raiot and with his wisdom was able to convince one third of the kingdom of heaven to his side. And so doing God brought forth the least of all the arcs..... Michael. And blessed him, Michael now a chief warrior of all the arcs led the host of heavens against Lucifer and his companions. winning the war and casting Lucifer and his cope down to earth where they were told to wonder till the great judgement. But the war and Micheal isn't our main point of view, but what conspired with Michael and a particular angel is what we're after. Cause all that's about to unfold after this war, starts from them both.

During the war..... Uriel's POV

I, One of the great seven arcs of heaven. Uriel El Eloyn. the wisest of all eternity The strongest after leviathan. But I was too blind to see this coming as I stood helplessly and watched my brothers being brought to their ends. I soar across the burning sky faster than the speed of light. In search of my brother Michael. And there he was in the center of it all against Lucifer.

"Micheal, Lucifer, you have to stop all of this" I said as I flew in between then pushing them afar from each other's flaming swords.

"Our brothers are dieing this war is killing everything that we've worked for, everything the all father's built" I said trying to talk sense into them both but Michael was too angry to listen and Lucifer was too proud to back down.

"Of all the things father built, he called that world perfect. we should be ruling over it we should live on it, walk on it, but no. Like the God he is he pushes us all to the sides and decides to create a perfect creature in his image then what are we... Huh. what are we."

"What are you talking about " at this moment even me the wisest of all was lost.

"He has gone astray brother, and father has made it my duty to make sure he doesn't go any further" Michael said in his Awfully intimidating voice.

" All of the creatures in this big black bulm and it's that... That thing he calls perfect not even us. MAN. I will bring ruin to all of the hosts" Lucifer saying this, now physically grew bigger with light so bright it would even blind the eyes of any lower Angels to gaze on him.

"Uriel, it's either you help me, or you stay out of my way" Michael said now bringing forth his swords again and In the blink of an eye. The final battle ensued while I watched too weak to stop them and too emotionally exhausted to fight.

The air was electric with tension as Michael and Lucifer faced off in the heart of Heaven. Their wings rustled, a soft hum of power building between them.

"You have brought darkness to the light, Lucifer," Michael declared, his voice like thunder. "You will be cast down."

Lucifer sneered, his eyes blazing with defiance. "I am the morning star, the bringer of light! You are the one who has grown dim, Michael."

With a fierce cry, Michael charged forward, his sword flashing in the light of the Throne. Lucifer drew his own sword, its blade crackling with dark energy. The two angels clashed again their blades meeting in a shower of sparks.

Uriel, watching in horror, rushed forward to intervene. "Stop! Please, stop this madness!"

But Michael and Lucifer were beyond reason. Their fight raged on, their powers locked in a struggle that shook the very foundations of Heaven.

Michael's sword sliced through the air, aimed for Lucifer's heart. But Lucifer was too quick, dodging the blow and striking back with a blast of dark energy. Michael stumbled, his wings faltering.

Uriel seized the moment, throwing himself between the two angels. "Enough! You will not destroy each other!"

But Michael and Lucifer were too far gone, their rage and pride consuming them. They pushed Uriel aside, their fight continuing with reckless abandon.

In a final, desperate bid to stop them, Uriel grasped Michael's arm, holding him back. "Michael, please! Do not cast him down!"

But Michael's resolve was unshakeable. With a mighty cry, he shook off Uriel's grip and struck the final blow. Lucifer's sword shattered, his dark energy dissipating as he fell, his wings crumbling like ash.

As Lucifer plummeted towards the earth below, Uriel screamed in despair, his heart shattered by the destruction he had witnessed. Michael stood tall, his sword still trembling with power, his eyes blazing with a fierce light.

And in that moment, the fate of Heaven and Earth was forever changed. Of all the things created by the all father this was the beginning of Earth's misery. This was the reason the planet Earth was always the center of it all.

Michael: (his voice stern, his eyes blazing) "Uriel, why did you try to stop me? You know Lucifer's treachery could not be tolerated."

Uriel: (his eyes downcast, his voice heavy with sorrow) "I knew his heart, Michael. I knew he was lost, but I also knew he was still our brother. I couldn't bear to see him cast down."

Michael:"Our brother? He brought darkness to the light, Uriel! He sought to destroy all we hold dear."

Uriel:"I know, Michael. But I couldn't help but see the good in him, the angel he once was. I thought perhaps...perhaps there was still a chance for redemption."

Michael: (his expression unyielding) "Redemption? You call his betrayal a mere mistake? He chose his path, Uriel. And now he must face the consequences."

"But at what cost, Michael? We were once a family, a fellowship of angels united in our purpose. Now we are divided, and our brother is fallen." Uriel replied now clearly angry.

Michael: (his voice cold) "The cost of righteousness, Uriel. The cost of protecting the light. You would have me spare him, spare his treachery, and risk all we hold dear?"

Uriel: "Know your place Michael. And No, ...I only wished to spare our brother, to spare our family from the pain of division."

Michael: (his expression unyielding) "You should have thought of that before you tried to stop me, Uriel. Now, I fear it may be too late for regrets."

And with that, Michael turned and walked away, leaving Uriel to grapple with the weight of his choices.

"All this....All this for him. For MAN". Uriel thought in his heart

"I cannot stay here any longer. Lucifer was right, But he was also wrong. I can't do this... I'm so...Lost how did this all come to this" with this taught of confusion in his heart the lost angel made up his mind he was going to leave..to live amongst them, walk amongst them and see why father would even go to the length of casting down his own Angels for their sake. He was going to excel himself. He was going to cast himself down. Maybe only through the. Can he really get his answers.