

The story involves a 19 year old named Jake who has been born as the Death Celestial, a powerful being able to command the powers of death he is accompanied by his girlfriend Abbie, their actions cause a Celestial Imbalance to the very universe itself.

alex_wind · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs


All 4 Celestial weapons have a name, knowing that name takes millennia of training with them and mastering their aspects, unique abilities and the strength they posses. Knowing that name also means that you can tap into the celestial power that resides deep in the weapons history, being able to use all of the previous reincarnations strength at once. Since I only awakened around 13 months ago I don't have much experience with my celestial weapon and all of the previous reincarnations memories get wiped when you are reincarnated, so I do not know mine. However that didn't matter, he currently had "Excalibur" pointed at my god damn date! I sprinted towards Abbie to try and push her out of the way of the attack, a bright ray of light pierced out of the tip of Excalibur, I accelerated to the speed of darkness, however I was too slow, even moving at that high of a speed I wasn't able to save her. I landed face first on the ground, skidding across the glossy tiles of the mall until hitting a wall, with a knot in my stomach I thought "He really... just killed her." as memories began to fill my head and moments of both me and Abbie having fun during school hours, laughing with each other and making jokes, her comforting me when no one else was there, lending me a shoulder in my darkest times, giving me hope when I couldn't see the light. Rage began to boil and shadows began to whirl around me, I began to feel as if both my mind and body where going numb, I felt the very same as the day I lost my family, completely unable to control the power within myself, I no longer felt like a Celestial, I felt like the vessel for my powers. As soon as everything around me began to turn black and my Celestial abilities where going to take control, a holy light began to shine, piercing through my darkened vision, it was so bright it caused the shadows around me to fade away, I looked up and it was Abbie standing right in front of me, she was alive, more importantly, she was awakened, my date... awakened as the celestial of Hope.