

The story involves a 19 year old named Jake who has been born as the Death Celestial, a powerful being able to command the powers of death he is accompanied by his girlfriend Abbie, their actions cause a Celestial Imbalance to the very universe itself.

alex_wind · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs


I finished packing Abbie a bag and her mom was calling us for dinner, night was beginning to fall and we need to leave as soon as we where able, I woke Abbie up from her deep sleep, she was still way under rested to do almost anything.

"How are you feeling?" she looked at me and replied "I'm fine rat-boy, besides the splitting headache and the fact that most of my body is aching, I'm peachy!" I told her that I had packed a bag for her and she wasn't too happy about my whole idea.

"You want to do what?!" she shouted as soon as I had told her the plan, "I can't just up and leave, my mom won't know where I am and besides, we have school, even if we tell her it's a school trip they'll eventually call her and tell her I'm not there!"

I wasn't thinking straight, my mind was still flooded with all of the information Morgan had put on the both of us and I was worried about what Ben had come to tell me.

'Enjoy the time you have with this women while you can.'

So I replied "We have to go, we won't be gone for long enough for the school to eve-" Abbie cut me off and said "No Jake! We can't just leave what are you going to tell your parents?!".

My expression faded from argumentative to sour in an instant, Abbie didn't know about what had happened to my family, I couldn't tell her, we knew each other way before I awakened, she knew my parents from meetings at school.

After the whole car crash incident I woke up in a hospital, the doctors told me I was extremely lucky to be alive, even luckier to not even have a scratch on me, I knew the reason why but decided to remain calm, they couldn't put me into a care home because I was over 18 so they discharged me after about three days and I went on with my life, having to greave the loss of my family by myself.

I went back to school as usual, my dad ended up having enough money saved that I inherited to pay for my last year at high-school so thats what I spent it on, and I went to school as usual, no one knew a thing, but I knew Abbie could always tell I was hiding something. So I decided to tell her the truth "My parents aren't on a vacation Abbie...".

I ended up telling her everything, how I awoke, the car crash, my time after the incident, everything, she started tearing up and said "I'm- I'm so sorry Jake... Why didn't you tell me..." I hesitated and thought for a moment before replying "Because... I didn't know if you had your own things to worry about, I didn't want anyone to worry or stress over me, I didn't think I deserved the thought of being cared for."

Abbie's watery eyes became full on streams of tears, she hugged me and put her head on my chest and said "From now on you tell me everything, you got that you little rat!" I then realized why I was with Abbie in the first place, she made me feel at peace, as if there was nothing to worry about, she made me feel free, even with the chains of fate trying to pull us apart, being with her makes it that much easier to battle, as long as I'm with her.

We separated from our long hug, my t-shirt soaked from Abbie's snot and tears, and we both heard Abbie's mom call from the kitchen "Guys! Dinners getting cold!"