
Celestial Harem Conquest System

In "Celestial Harem Conquest System" (CHCS), Kai Chance is transported to a new world after an accident, discovering unique abilities as he navigates relationships and ambitions in this mysterious realm. I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com

Dream_Weavers · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Celestial Harem Conquest System

Chapter 18

Viscountess Victoria Vanelle was sitting in her large bathtub, completely nude, her face flushed and her movements tense. Her thoughts were consumed by one person—Kai.

Recalling how he had pushed her against the wall, Victoria's face reddened further as she muttered to herself, "Hmph! How dare he speak to me like that! Claiming to have become a 'man'..."

Memories of the intense pleasure she had experienced flooded her mind, and her body reacted involuntarily, but she quickly caught herself.

"But it did feel good..."

"What felt good, Lady Vanelle?" A familiar yet unexpected voice interrupted her thoughts. She turned to see Kai standing before her, also completely naked except for a towel around his waist.

"Why are you here?" Victoria asked, flustered by his sudden appearance. She hadn't anticipated seeing him like this right after thinking about him.

"I thought I should assist you with your bath," Kai replied casually, walking into the bathtub and settling beside her as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

Though he appeared composed, Kai felt a twinge of embarrassment and uncertainty. He was taking a risk, but he believed it necessary to assert himself. Victoria was now reliant on him, and he couldn't remain passive if he wanted to escape the role of a mere plaything.

"I never said I needed assistance with my bath," Victoria retorted, her cheeks flushing.

"I simply thought it might be more convenient for you if I helped. After all, I am here to ensure your relaxation, am I not?" Kai said, lifting her onto his lap and resting his chin on her shoulder provocatively. "I'm sure this arrangement suits you, doesn't it?"

Before she could respond, Kai added, "Of course, if this makes you uncomfortable in any way, please say so, and I will leave immediately." He leaned back slightly, giving her space.

"No, it's... it's fine. If you want to," Victoria relented, unable to resist Kai's assertiveness.

Kai smiled and took up the soap. "Then I should begin promptly, as the Viscountess must be pressed for time."

Positioning her comfortably, at least for himself, Kai nestled his manhood between her thighs and against her entrance, interlocking their legs.

Starting from her slender waist, he avoided her breasts, washing her shoulders and arms instead. Moving downward, he skirted her breasts again, cleansing her thighs with particular attention to her inner thighs, teasing her without fully indulging her desires.

"Mmhm~~" Victoria let out a soft moan.

Deciding he had teased her enough, Kai returned to her waist, circumnavigating her lower breasts before repeating the process with her upper chest.

Victoria felt a mix of sensations as Kai's hands moved over her body. Her body quivered with frustration and anticipation, her breasts tingling, and her nipples hardening.

Kai's smile was more sinister than charming, resembling a scheming demon who ensnared maidens with cunning plans. As he enjoyed her reactions, his arousal was evident, hardened against her thighs while he continued to tease her.

Victoria's breathing quickened, her body trembling with frustration. Succumbing to temptation, she requested, "Clean there as well..."

"Where, Lady Vanelle?"

"M-My breasts..."

"As you wish." Kai grabbed her breasts and began 'cleaning' them vigorously.

"Anhh~" Victoria yelped in surprise and pleasure, tightening her thighs and unintentionally heightening Kai's pleasure.

"Uughhh!!" Kai couldn't contain himself and released his essence, staining Victoria's thighs and her entrance.

"Oops, looks like I'll need to clean that area again..." Kai's hands moved to her thighs, washing them anew before venturing towards her throbbing entrance.

His fingers circled her sensitive nub before he pinched her erect clitoris, eliciting moans of ecstasy.


"Hmm? I believe I've gone inside; let me cleanse thoroughly." Without waiting for confirmation, Kai's fingers delved inside her wet warmth, exploring her most sensitive spots.

"AAnnhh~ AAnnhh~ AAnnhh~" Victoria moaned with pleasure as Kai expertly manipulated her.

Suddenly, an idea struck Kai. He brought his lips close to her ear and softly blew air.


Victoria's body jolted, her entrance tightening around Kai's fingers.

"AAnnnhh~" She climaxed, her essence flowing freely, staining her thighs once more.

"Hmm... looks like I'll need to clean that again..." Kai said, humor lacing his tone, as he attended to her once more.

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