
Celestial Forge In Asoiaf

Testing out the Celestial forge in Asoiaf. I will continue the other as I have inspiration. And I will be joining the Airforce soon so idk how long I will be writing.

Damon_Jager · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs


I got quite a few comments about Taylor and the plot so far.

One Colt didn't have a choice in staying or leaving even with magic his was in a city surrounded by guards and Taylor who would swarm him with bugs and smaller animals.

Two Colt needs allies, unlike in my other fics where they start off in a position of power and loyal men and woman colt has none of that.

Three, colt is a man of morals and principles he won't just betray someone for a dollar kind of Guy.

Four, The presence of Taylor completely changed his plans he isn't the only one changing the game as their could be a number of other inserts (hint hint).

Five, Him just dropping in on an island and brain washing a small island would be really boring.

Six, I want to explore more of the world than I have previously as if you have read my other fics my world building could use some work.

Seven, as I mentioned in the story contract Magic can be worked out of since the people of Westeros are not dumb.

Eight, for those who dropped the fic, okay cool check out some of my other stuff but I just do this for fun when I have time.

Nine, Colt will eventually start his own kingdom (more authoritarian dictatorship) but he needs infrastructure, men, weapons, and entire logistics core to support those needs.


Spoilers about the plot of the fic and what to expect in the future.

Seriously stop if you don't want spoilers

He has developed the village to act as a command post and recruitment center for his army as a group of well trained and managed men can quickly take over a island.

Speaking of islands the Major islands of the Stepstones vary in size the smallest being about the size Rhode Island while the biggest being Vermont and all together the islands chain has over 50 individual islands and in total landmass is about the size of New York State. (About the size of the main British Isle)

He will also be in a political alliance with Drone as he will need them for the short and medium term till he can stabilize and cement his rule over the islands.

Five years into his rule of the islands he will begin hearing stories about the other reincarnated people. Which have had varying degrees of success in their advancement of their countries, some will have let the knowledge of Blackpowder and other 17th century ideas out.

While some will be saved by Colt and having them work for him in exchange for helping them return home in some cases.

Also the spread of technology via Colt will be a mixed bag, he will keep things like guns, steams power and anything beyond the 17th century to himself till the situation changes.

Magic will also not having a army of mages is dumb but in doing this HP-magic will eventually spread though the world via bastards an brothels.