
Celestial Bloodline

On a peaceful planet filled with magic and power, Kyle's life was lazy and ordinary, but little did he know, he possessed something extraordinary. He lived his life with his family like any other lazy human, or so he thought, unaware that everything happens for a reason. However, everything changed when he turned sixteen. His older brothers, who were fed up with his laziness, came up with a ridiculous plan to teach him a lesson. They asked him to take the entrance test for one of the biggest academies. They thought this would knock some sense into their lazy brother. Kyle was stunned, but because of their coordinated planning, he reluctantly agreed with a hint of resignation. "I don't think I'll pass the test anyway. So, trying it for the experience isn't a big deal." "The only problem is, I can't guarantee that all my body parts will stay intact until the end of the entrance test." But to Kyle's shock, he passed the test without even lifting a finger! Still, he was convinced that he would eventually be kicked out of the Academy due to his lack of strength. But the moment he set foot in the Academy, he discovered something incredible about himself. He was special and nature's favorite. . . . _____________________ [#I am gonna try my best but I think there will be a lot of grammar mistakes cuz I'm not an english person (; but everyone is welcome to point out the mistakes. So, I could correct them.] _______________________ (#It's my first time writing so I know the story is not going to be a perfect one QAQ. Plz support me with ps, gt and gifts, THANK YOU) (Note: The cover is not mine, found it from pinterest. All credits go to the owner who can ring me up in the comment section if he/she wants me to remove it.)

_Orange_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
556 Chs

An (E-)-Rank monster

Meanwhile, in the middle of the dungeon, a fierce competition was taking place among the other participants. Everyone was running with incredible speed, trying to overtake those in front. Some of the wealthy participants even used skills to increase their speed.

["Fast movement"]

["Soft steps"]


["large stride"]

Skills were hard to come by and very expensive, so only a few were able to acquire them.

Sometime later, as they neared the finishing line, many participants who were behind became anxious. They started attacking each other with weapons and skills.

After the first attack, there was a second one, and just like that, the participants started throwing endless waves of attacks at each other.

One of the participants got injured due to a sudden attack. He glared at the one running beside him.

"You filthy bastard, how dare you attack me!"

The other participant looked at him with confusion.

"It wasn't me!"

He tried to explain, but the first participant didn't listen and directly attacked.

"Taste my thunder sword strike, you bastard!"

Similar scenes were unfolding everywhere. Many participants started getting injured and were teleported outside of the dungeon.

Far ahead of the chaotic scene, six to seven participants were running toward the finishing line. Among them, the four at the front were the most noticeable due to their stunning appearance.

The one leading suddenly stopped. He had dark blue hair and deep black eyes. The boy looked up and saw a huge bear standing not far from him.

Right after him, another person quickly reached the same spot. The second participant had golden hair and black eyes. He stared at the huge monster standing right in front of him.

"What the..."

The blue-haired boy looked at the golden-haired boy with a serious expression.

"It's an (E-)-Rank monster!"

While they were checking out the bear, two girls around the same age arrived at the spot where they were standing.

One of the girls had orange hair and black eyes. She was stunning, but her gaze could freeze anyone who looked her way.

"So, how do we take this thing down?"

All of them unlocked their talents just a year ago and barely made it to the (F)-rank. That's why fighting an (E-)-rank monster alone was impossible.

The other girl standing next to the orange-haired girl stepped forward with a frown. She had long blue hair and sea-blue eyes. She was even more beautiful than the orange-haired girl.

"Looks like we'll have to combine our strength to beat it. By the way, I'm Mia, and this is my friend Lara."

The blue-haired boy nodded at the girls and shared his name.

"I'm Alec."

The golden-haired boy glanced at the trio.


He immediately took out a golden spear from his storage ring. Alec pulled a sword from his waist. At the same time, Lara retrieved a bow, and Mia was a mage.

On the blue planet, everyone could choose a profession once they awaken their talent. The professions were mainly divided into two categories: warriors and mages.

Warriors could opt to fight physically or select a weapon of their choice. They could utilize the mana within their bodies through weapons or learned skills. The weapon could be anything, such as a sword, spear, bow, or mace, etc.

On the other hand, mages were distinct from warriors as they could learn spells to manipulate the mana within their bodies. Unlike warriors who relied on learned skills, mages could cast spells and use natural elements without formal training.

Regardless of being warriors or mages, whenever they advanced, the mana in the atmosphere would seep into their bodies, making them stronger.

When Carcel saw no one following him, he turned around to face the other three.

"What are you all waiting for? Let's get it over with before more participants arrive."

He was the first one to attack the bear. The power behind his spear was incredible. However, it only scratched the bear and it became furious at his actions.

The bear let out a mighty roar and swung its front paw. In an instant, a wind slash shot towards Carcel. But to his surprise, a thin protective barrier appeared around him, shielding him from the monster's attack. The clash between the shield and the bear's slash was intense.

Within just two seconds, the shield cracked open, but it provided enough time for Carcel to counter the attack that managed to breach the barrier using his spear.

After successfully nullifying the attack, he quickly jumped back, creating more distance between himself and the bear.


Carcel gazed at Mia with a grateful expression.

Mia nodded. As a mage, she focused more on magic skills and spells rather than close combat.

Alec also unsheathed his sword. His body emitted an (F+)-rank aura, drawing everyone's attention. A large amount of dense mana surrounded his sword as he charged forward, aiming for the monster's neck.

His attack landed on the bear from behind, creating a gash on its neck. The bear's eyes turned red with anger as it moved forward and swung its left paw angrily.

Lara glanced at Alec, her cold eyes showing a hint of surprise.

'He is a sub-rank higher than me.'

She loaded two arrows into her bow. Just like Mia, she was also a long-range fighter.

Lara released the arrows from her bow, intending to pierce the monster's skull. The arrows were so fast that not many common (F)-rank warriors would be able to follow their direction with their eyes. However, the bear, being an (E-)-rank monster, easily dodged the approaching arrows.

With angry eyes, the bear opened its mouth and unleashed a massive shockwave in all directions. Alec, who was closest to the bear, managed to narrowly block the attack, but the impact sent him stumbling several steps back.

Mia locked her gaze on the bear and quickly cast a support skill, boosting the attack power of the others. Then, she used another skill, rendering the bear immobile for a few precious seconds.

Alec raised a surprised eyebrow as he glanced at Mia. Those few seconds gave the others a chance to unleash their full power against the bear.

Carcel thrust his spear towards the bear's chest, feeling his attack power surge thanks to Mia's support skill. Alec also charged forward as well, joining the assault on the bear.

Not wanting to be outdone, Lara swiftly nocked a arrow in her bow and released it, aiming straight for the monster head.

Under the relentless barrage of attacks, the bear didn't stand a chance to defend itself. It cried out in pain and was severely wounded. Seizing the advantage, everyone continued to attack the bear mercilessly, and after a minute, it finally succumbed to its injuries.

"Huff... Huff..."

Mia was panting heavily, having exhausted all her mana with her last skill.

Lara looked at Mia with concern

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine."

Alec narrowed his eyes as he looked behind him. He let out a sigh and motioned for the others to start moving.

"We should get going. I can see other participants approaching from a distance."

Lara glanced at Alec, her eyes cold, but she somewhat liked him. Unlike those leechers who always tried to talk to her because of her beauty and status, his gaze felt genuine. Suddenly, her lips curved upward into a barely visible smirk and she started running.

"Let's see who can reach the finish line first."

Carcel and Mia exchanged glances and quickly followed behind Lara.

Alec let out a faint chuckle. He was the last one to join the race, but he effortlessly surpassed everyone and took the lead once again.