
Game of revenge

Chapter 17

*knock knock*

I opened the door slightly to see Lucas standing in front of me.

"Hey,Mich,can we talk?"

"Sure,come in"I opened the door wide,gesturing for him to come in.

"No,actually,I want us to talk privately at the pool side"He said.

"Umm..okay,give me 5 minutes"

"Okay,I will be waiting for you outside"He replied before leaving.

Talk about what ?

I changed into an overall,the beach outing was fun and also mysterious because Jace kept stealing glances at me and both Lucas and Jace kept glaring at each other all times their eyes met,I wonder what's up with them

Olivia was already asleep,she seemed tired from the outing

Mason's princess

I smiled and walked out of the room to meet Lucas at the pool side,the hotel looked beautiful at night especially the pool,if I didn't know better,I would dip myself into it but I love my life and I need to see the beautiful faces of my children.

"Hey"I greeted.

"Hey"He replied as he took his eyes from his phone and diverted them to me.

"So what did you want to talk about?"I was so curious because that statement means alot of things.

You guys aren't dating so it's not a breakup line


"I would love if we hang out at my house when we get back"He grinned, as if what he said made sense.

"Lucas,you actually brought me here to tell me this and what about your parents,won't they be around?"

"They aren't always around,always travelling here and there all in the name of business"He stated with a glint of sadness in his eyes.

"One thing,you and Oliee have in common"I tried to lighten the atmosphere.


"Hey,I noticed something"

"What did you notice?"I perked my eyebrow at him.

"All the times I visited,I never saw your dad,is he dead?"

I was the one with a sad look in my eyes this time.

"I'm sorry,I didn't mean to...."

"It's okay,he is not dead,my parents are divorced"I forced a smile.

I could still see curiosity in his eyes so I decided to help him.

"I know you wondering so let me help you"I chuckled.

"Well..."I cleared my throat before I began.

"I used to have a perfect family,I had the best dad in the world or so I thought, everything was just like the happily ever after for my mum but it ended shortly when my elder brother died"I began,my eyes already getting wet.

"He died in a fire explosion, although we never found his body because almost all the bodies was burnt beyond recognition,his death affected my family..."

"You had another brother aside Mason?"Lucas cut me short by asking and I nodded in response.

"His death affected my family especially my dad,he blamed my mum for his death,he said if she didn't send him out that day,he wouldn't have died,he formed the habit of coming home late in the name of business meeting,we knew it was a lie, anytime my mum confronted him on his new habit,he would flare up and insult her..."I continued.

"I found out that my dad cheated on my mum so that was another reason for their fights,I actually thought she was going to leave him but she still stayed but she kept on arguing with him on how he betrayed her trust,I never knew my dad had anger issues until the day he raised his hands on my mum...."A small tear escaped from my eyes.

"They continued having series of misunderstandings,it started affecting Mason and I especially me,I was so scared that one day my mum would pass out because of their situation,I always stayed awake and anytime they argued,I stayed close to their door in case my dad wanted to hit my mum"I continued.

"One day,my mum got tired and took us to her parent's house, my dad and his family came begging,they blamed it on the Devil,my mum accepted him back because of her love for him,so we returned home,days turned weeks turned into months into a year,there was peace"

"When we turned 15,my mum became pregnant, everybody was so happy,they became happier when they did ultrasound and they found out,it was going to be a boy,Mason was the happiest,finally he was going to get a little brother who might replace the blank space that Myles had left"I kept quiet before I continued.

"I thought the fact that another child was going to join us would keep the peace in my family going but I thought wrong,my parents continued having few issues, my dad always got angry at the slightest thing"I emphasized on the slightest.

"One day,Mason got tired of their fights and thought he was old enough to stand up to my dad so he politely told my dad that he should stop treating my mum like a second class citizen that it wasn't right and he wouldn't tolerate such treatments to his mother,my dad flared up and hit Mason,he continued beating Mason up till my mum intervened,for a moment I thought he would calm down at the sight of his pregnant wife but he hit both of them claiming she shouldn't get in his way when disciplining his child, Maya and I watched from a distance,I was so helpless,the thought of my mum dying and my dad going to jail freaked me out,I quickly ran to call my uncle who lived close by because the neighbors weren't concerned,I ran back to see my mum bleeding,I wasn't sure but it seemed she was going to loose the baby,my uncle came on time and rushed both my mum and Mason to the hospital although Mason had minor injuries,my mum passed out"This time,I had burst into tears,I tried to stop but I couldn't.

"When my mum got to know she had a miscarriage,she almost...

"She ordered her family to pack our belongings out of his house,she filed divorce papers,her family was happy about her decision,I was also happy,Mason already grew hatred for him after he lost his unborn baby brother,I had sleepless nights because of my parents,I never got a father-daughter relationship,I never got a perfect family,oh wait,I do have a perfect family,my mum's marriage taught me a big lesson that marriage isn't something you jump into,it's the biggest decision of your life,anyways we are happy without him atleast my mum finally has peace of mind and I'm satisfied with that"I concluded amidst tears.

"It's just....."

I was cut short when his hands touched mine in a comforting way,he tilted my head upwards to meet his.

"It's okay"He whispered,his face showing care and concern.

"Um,what did you want to talk to me about?"I wiped the tears off with my hands and diverted the topic.

"It's not important,forget about it"

"Lucas,tell me before curiousity eats me up"I pouted.

"Okay,fine"He rolled his eyes and smiled.

"I have been wanting to ask you"He cleared his throat.

Ask me what?

He took my hands in his and squeezed it softly"I like you"

Please don't tell me it's what I'm thinking

"I re-really like you and any guy would be lucky to have you as his girl,will you make me that lucky guy and be my girlfriend?"He stuttered.

First of all, horrible pick up-line

I know right

I wanted Jace to be my first boyfriend...

But he stole your first kiss

What do I do?!

If you say no,things will get awkward between you both,if you say yes then I don't know....

I quickly voiced out yes without thinking

"Yes!"I replied in a high pitched voice.

Oh no!What did I just do

"Yes?"He asked not sure if he heard well,I nodded.

He pulled me into a hug,I grinned when I sniffed his body before pulling out,our eyes locked,he leaned close,his lips parting slightly

Oh ma gosh,he is gonna kiss me again

I shot my eyes but opened them when I heard,"Lucas!,we need to talk"A harsh voice said from behind.

I turned to see who it was


Jace's POV

"Lucas!,we need to talk"My voice sounding harsh.

They both turned to look at me,Lucas scoffed,I ruined their moment and I'm glad I did,I couldn't stand seeing both of them close.

Michelle excused herself and walked out,not sparing me a glance

Hmmm what's she angry about now

"So,what exactly do we have to talk about?"He asked,a smirk dancing on his despicable face.

"Stay away from her,I won't repeat myself"I ordered,a frown on my face.

"And why should I do that?"He smirked,he was getting on my nerves.

"Because she's mine"

"Yours?Did you just say..."He asked,he threw his head backwards before bursting into laughter.

"Well,I don't think so because I got bad news for you,she's mine now,your tenure has over that's if you ever had one"He stated amidst laughter.

"If this is about Joan,then leave Michelle out of this,don't be a coward and have your revenge on me!"I yelled.

He stopped laughing and look straight at me,his smirk suddenly disappeared,leaving a frown on his face.

"Leave her out of this?!Hell no,I'm not going to do that,you stole the one girl I loved-"I cut him short before he could rant like always.

"Correction,I didn't steal her,she came to me besides it's not my fault,she wanted something bigger"I scoffed.

"And I knew both of them before you did so if there is anyone who is a thief,that would be who?Oh Lucas Dozie Kalu"I added,crossing my arms and shooting him a deadly glare.

"Just stay away from her or_

"Or what!Punch me in the face?"

"Yeah,right"Sarcasm filled in his voice.

He's using my words against me

"You knew very well how much I loved her,you kept deceiving her,you made her think you loved her,everytime you hurt her,I was the crying shoulder,why didn't you tell her the truth,she dumped me to follow you and it's obvious that you don't like her not talk of loving her!!"He bellowed,his fists ready for action.

Some people don't know how to forgive and forget do they?

I didn't steal his girl

"For the last time,I didn't take Joan from you,sure she may have developed feelings for me since we grew up together but she of all people is supposed to know that I don't do relationships,so if she left you for me then then you are the problem not me,I'm not going to deny the fact that we made out and even did worst but I told her I wasn't in for whatever she expected,I told her to take you serious but she didn't listen,so you tell me,how it's my fault?"I asserted in the calmest tone.

"It still doesn't changes the fact that she's still going gaga over you,I'm going to do thesame to your girlfriend"

I clapped my hands in a mockery and disbelief,"Wow!Dozie,wow,so you want to have revenge on me by playing with the emotions of the girl you claim to be your bestfriend,I never believed you could be this despicable,you could have stayed in your former school and sorted things out with her,win her over but nope!revenge is always the option,you are such a fool!"I retorted.

"Get Joan back and then you can keep your muffin"He kept his hands in his pocket and tried walking out.

I gripped his arm as he tried to walk passed me,"I don't take orders from you and no one walks out on me,I do"I smirked before walking out.