
Catlyn Ollivander (Harry Potter)

Book 1, Catlyn Ollivander and the Mana Potion; Join Catlyn, the adopted daughter of the famous wandmaker Garrick Ollivander, as she struggles through her years at Hogwarts, deals with her miserable excuse for a social life, her own self-worth issues, and an unexpected side effect of being born half-dead. Book 1.5, Catlyn Ollivander and the Half-breed Killer; Terror descends on London’s magical community as Half-breeds are being gutted and left out for muggles and wizards to see. Are the Sacred Twenty-Eight involved? Who’s the girl with the glowing mana surrounding her? How will Catlyn deal with the target on her back as The Half-breed Killer risks exposing magic to the world? Book 2, Catlyn Ollivander and the Wand Licensing Exam; Just because school has barely started doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be studying. A quiet year at Hogwarts is an oxymoron, after all. The W.L.E. (Wand Licensing Exam) is this year, and I need to prepare for it. So then, why does Kellah insist I go out? What's wrong with a quiet night in? Where's that whisper coming from? Wait, Anne? Anne, I can explain! Can somehow misspell the most basic of words so don't be surprised if I edit a chapter. If you like this story and me as a writer don't forget to support me on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/Clueless59. We have a Discord! wSMuz9jGrs All rights go to J.K. Rowling except for certain characters, ideas, and storylines. The cover artwork was made by Maybelle.

Clueless59 · Literatura e Livros
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83 Chs

The Hogwarts Express

"You're acting as if you've never seen a wand before," Zach's Irish accent doesn't even shake my glittering gaze from my 15-inch wand. My left-hand grips the semi-smooth handle as my right traces the rest. As you move away from the handle, the Beechwood warps and develops grove-like veins until they wither away and one is left to be a rounded point.

Its extreme flexibility shows as the tip twirls with my finger. The car rumbles as it continues its trek to King's Cross station. Father has had this car for a while. Father doesn't Apparate if he doesn't have to so he bought a car for more long-distance travel, that and his mild interest in muggle tech. Without looking away from my unicorn hair wand, I put my hand up to silence Zach, who really wanted to come and decided to wear a grey flat cap, brown suit coat, dark blue jeans, and a white button-up.

"You can admire it on the train. It will look weird if muggles look through the window," Zach tells me as I begrudgingly struggle to find a place to hide it in absence of the wand holster in my trunk. Even without the wand in my hands, my ear-to-ear grin doesn't fade as my leg continues the thump like a rabbit. This is it, I can finally do magic! I won't have to use a ladder every time I want a book from a bookshelf!

*Tell Father he didn't need to drive me,* I sign to Zach, knowing he had to close the shop. Zach only gives me the side-eye as he relays the message to Father.

"Don't be ridiculous! I'm your Dad, of course I would want to see you off for your first year at Hogwarts!" Father lectures as he stops at a stoplight. "Are you sure your parents are okay with you coming with us?" Father asks Zach, clearly worried they'd try to arrest us for kidnapping.

"Don't worry! They've given up on trying to stop me from hanging out with Catlyn. They've almost given up on the ridiculous idea that Catlyn's a vampire," Zach tries to ease Father's worries. His family doesn't have a high opinion on 'blood traitors', coupled with my appearance and you could see why it used to be difficult to hang out. If Zach knew what I was then maybe he would listen to his parents.

As the ride continues, fear begins to plague me. What if the sorting hat doesn't put me in a house? Can that even happen? I'm going to make a fool of myself, aren't I? I mean, Father taught me basic stuff, both wizard and muggle but what if that isn't enough? What if people find out I'm a vampire? Air seems to elude me as worry stabs at my brain over and over again.

"It'll be fine mate," Zach soothes as the station comes into view. Concentrating, I slowly breathe in and out. The rumble of the engine halts as I rush out for fresh air, only to be hit with a different type of attack. A migraine forms, pounding on my head with a steady beat. The sound of the people's heartbeats in the crowd join the thumping in my head. My teeth ache, just begging to puncture flesh. Barely making it out of the Benz, my legs seemingly lose all energy as I fall back into my seat.

"Shh, you're ok, you're ok. I'm here for you, I'm here," Zach comforts during my 'panic attack', embracing me as I struggle not to rip my mask off and sink my fangs into his neck. I reach for my music player to calm me down only to find an empty pocket. Cursing Hogwarts for messing up electronics, I push all other thoughts out of my mind and focus on my breathing. The heartbeats fade as my headache heals.

*Thank you,* I sign to Zach as I look around to see Father, brow trickled with sweat, holding my trunk and Maxi on Zach's side. *And thank you, Maxi,* I sign to the dog as I rub her head. Maxi's a Crup with brown fur on her back and around her eyes. I look at her butt to see if her forked tail is still hidden by the spell that Zach furiously tried to learn so that he didn't have to cut her tail off. Father asked me if I wanted a pet but I said no, not wanting another thing around I could be tempted to feed off.

"How can you lift that?" Zach asks, shocked at my freakish strength as I take the trunk from Father after gives him a reassuring look. I look at the trunk in my hands, remembering the mass of school supplies and extra books in it, and shrug as we head into King's Cross.

"Which platform is your train?" Zach asks as I hand the train ticket to him only to see confusion fill his face. "You taking the mick?" I only shrug, as confused as he is, as we follow Father through the train station. Realizing how suspicious I am, I grab a trolley and put my trunk into it. I fiddle with my train ticket that says platform nine and three quarters.

"I'll go first," Father tells us as he calmly walks into a wall, only for him to slip right through it. I release a breath, not even knowing I was holding one in.

"Together?" Zach asks me as he holds out a hand, hiding his nerves. I nod as Zach, the Jack Russell Terrier-looking dog, and I walk to the wall. Closing my eyes, I wait for my trolley to smash against the wall, only for it not to. As we walk, a tingly sensation passes through me as the hair on the back of my neck stands up. Slowly, I open my eyes to the sight of a far less crowded platform holding a scarlet steam engine. I look around in pure delight as my eyes land upon a sign saying, "9¾ HOGWARTS EXPRESS."

After giving him a s h i t-eating grin, we meet back up with Father as he pushes my trunk aside and embraces me in a hug. Hugging him back, I look up to see his eyes watering. If Constantine was still alive he would be going to Hogwarts too. It's my fault he doesn't have a family. With those thoughts rushing into my mind I push him away, grab my trunk, and book it.

Grabbing my uniform out from my trunk, I put it into the storage area. Looking around, I spot the closest bathroom and go in to get changed. I slip out of my light blue jumper and jeans, and into the Hogwarts uniform. Changing quickly, as usual, I look into the mirror for any showing scars.

The uniform consists of a grey knee-high skirt, button-up long-sleeved white blouse, grey sweater with a V-neck low enough to see the black tie, and a black cloak with a hood. I slip my wand into my shoulder wand holster that I bought a little bit ago. Guarding the door, I put my mask back on. A silent yawn escapes me as I exit the bathroom. I didn't get much sleep last night due to the nightmare I tried to avoid.

Sleepily, I go back to my trunk to grab Animal Farm and head to a compartment near the back of the train. Getting to the train so early has its advantages, I think as I have my pick of compartments. I carefully open my book, remove the bookmark, and begin to read. My fight to defeat sleep lost as my body succumbs to fatigue.

**Garrick Ollivander**

"Still afraid of affection huh," Zachariah asks over the crowd as we watch Catlyn run into Hogwarts express.

"No, it's not that," I say, wiping the tears out of my eyes as Maxi tries to comfort me.

"Then what is it?" Zachariah asks, still not taking his eyes off Catlyn.

"Don't tell her I told you this. I got Catlyn a little before Morgen and Constantine died. She's never told me this but I know she blames herself for them dying, thinks that she's living the life Constantine would be," I tell him truthfully, I mean I left out the part about her being a half-vampire and her biological mom being the sister of He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named but it's basically the truth.

"That's our self-deprecating Catlyn, thinking she killed her family because she's a muggle-born. Although, I wish she didn't," Zachariah sighs as he leans down to pet Maxi. "We can't fix her or make her better. All we can do is be there for her and stop her from going over the edge."

**Harry Potter**

"Harry Potter," chorused the twins.

"Oh, him," I said. "I mean, yes, I am."

The two boys gawked at me, causing the unmistakable feeling of turning red. Then, to my relief, a voice came floating in through the train's open door.

"Fred? George? Are you there?"

"Coming, Mum."

With a last look at me, the twins hopped off the train. Coming back to my compartment, I realize that it isn't empty. For an extremely small girl, already in uniform, sleeps in the corner against the window. Looking at Hedwig, I notice the look of discomfort and fear. Noting that, I move him to the opposing seat. This has got to be the strangest looking wizard I've met. I think as I sit across from her and look closer at her.

The bottom of her face is mostly covered by a black mask but soft facial features still shine through. Her stick-straight white hair contrasts greatly against the black uniform, as does her deathly pale skin. An open book sits in her lap as she stirs a little. At least I'm not the only abnormal wizard, is my final thought as I realize that, half-hidden, I could watch the red-haired family.

**Catlyn Ollivander**

Cackles fill the poisonous air of the dungeon as red crackling light fills the room. At least she decided not to use knives tonight. Or is it day? Well, that's been a meaningless concept since my conception. I mean, sure the red curse is more painful but at least it doesn't leave marks. The pain fills my body like a thousand little pins stab my body at once. My cries go unanswered and only seem to infuriate her.

"Although I love to hear you scream, today I have a headache, so quiet down!" She yells as she lets off another red stream of light. This time, a chilling heat fills my body, making it feel like an intense freeze blast's my body. Rather than fight off the pain this time, I focus on keeping my mouth shut.

"That's better!" Her poison-sweet words ring as the curse subsides, letting me catch my breath. "Oh no you don't," She grins, realizing that she allowed me to get a rest. This time the curse hits me with less creativity. Just pure, unbridled, pain. My eyes roll back as my body convulses.

"It's your father's fault you were born! If he didn't stupidly think he could get away with defiling me then you wouldn't exist! And now, He's roasting in Hell! But that's too good for you. Oh no, I'm going to savor killing you! Day by day, year by year! After all, I'm the one that brought you into this world; I'm the only one that's allowed to take you out of it!" Her threats ring in my ears as a shriek breaks through my lips, filling the room till my ears ring.

"Now you did it!" Her curse breaks as she taps her wand to her chin. "I know the perfect way to fix that!" even her cheerful voice is coated in fury.

"Lucius, Come down here with the artifact!" She yells through the door, Causing the sound of faint scrambling to come from above. Oh, how I dream of knowing what's above. Is the entire world this mix of light and dark? Or is it like those candles that they bring down here? Full of bright yellow light. My thoughts are cut off by the door of my prison opening. Stepping through the door, a man in a black suit and faded platinum blond steps through with a metal stick.

"Took you long enough!" She spits at him as he moves closer to me.

"Please forgive me," He says to her, glancing at me, as he bows, offering the stick with the glowing end to her. She merely waves him off as she gets closer to me. Grabbing me with her free hand, she pulls the metal stick back. The metal stick's glowing end is circular with a line through it.

"This is a special invention I made just for you. A rune embedded into you so I never have to hear any sound come out of that disgusting mouth ever again," I don't struggle as the stick plunges it into my skin. Her cackle slices through the air as my flesh pulses with heat.

The nightmare is slapped out of me as I'm jostled awake.

"You okay?" A boy's British accent asks. Vision clearing, I look around. Next to me is a red-haired boy, clearly my age and a Weasley. Across from me sits a boy and his white owl. The small boy, although taller than me, across from me has black, untamed hair, and green eyes hidden with broken circular glasses.

I know this boy. I've memorized this face and scoured the news for all information on him, on the boy whose family was ruined by mine; Harry Potter. Why does he look so concerned? I bring my hand up to my mouth only to brush against my mask and, to hide my intentions, move my hair behind my ear.

Does he know? Know that my uncle, no, my blood killed his family, made him an orphan, and gave him that scar hidden behind his bangs? Seduced his godfather into betraying his family? Killed many of his parents' friends?

Looking around the compartment, my eyes are drawn to the red-haired boy cowering in the corner. His eyes dart around the compartment, like a caged animal. He knows! This isn't just my fears but the truth. I can't help but stare at Harry, no I don't deserve to call him that, Potter as his eyes soften and he begins to squirm. Why would he sit with me?

"Well uh, you see you looked like you were uncomfortable while you were sleeping," Potter explains as the memory flashes through me again. My breath begins to quicken as my palms sweat and water glistens from my face. Trying to hide my fear, I quickly bookmark my place in Animal Farm as I speed out of the compartment and against the wall beside the door. Slowly, I slip down and move into a kneel.

"Where are you going?" I can hear the boy, probably the Weasley, ask.

"Going after her," Potter responds.

"Mate, that white hair and red eyes, she's totally a vampire," Weasley tells him, emptying the feeling from my feet to my core.

I break into a run through the hall, salty water clouding my vision as I run into something. Looking up, I see golden soft eyes staring down. Fear clouds my judgment as I move into the bathroom.


"I'll try to hunt down the cart for you bro," I tell Ced as I side to open the door and enter the hallway. A small and fast girl crashes into me, only to fall to the ground. Staring down, the white-haired red-eyed girl only looks up to me, Her cold eyes now had a spark of emotion and grief. She breaks our staring contest to push past me and run into the bathroom. I know her. Where do I know her? Oh yeah! She's the rude girl from the bookstore.

Leaning on the bathroom door, I can feel my hair bluing as I can only assume the sobs continue.

Hello readers! I promise that there won't be a depressing thing every chapter. I often get caught up with writing it that I overlook things so your sugestions are always helpful. That being said, there are only three chapters left not posted so posting will slow after they're posted, but don't worry. The newer chapters are longer and will be, hopefully, better then the ones before.

I will leave you with this question, should I create a twitter or somthing for answering questions and early notice chapter publishing?

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