
Catherine's Pleasure

Catherine, rejected by her own parents, betrayed by her own sister. Catherine was never considered family and all she wanted was to be accepted. She was always treated as a house help and as laughing stuck in school. But after the betrayal of her sister that very moment changed her. From a pushover nerd to a rebel who didn't care what the world taught of her. Her only goal in life now is just to relive the moment she spent making other people happy but this time make herself happy. The drama from her past really opened her eyes now she does whatever she wants not caring about people's feelings, emotions or thoughts but what satisfies her pleasure.

Megan_Nobis · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs


There I was up and awake trying to go back to sleep again before but it was so uncomfortable, I rolled on the bed like fifteen times trying to find a comfort spot.

Suddenly I remembered the double date with one guy was tonight and now I have to cancel my plans with Jaimy. I had to call him up.

I picked up my phone the bed and made the phone call. He immediately picked up the call.

"Hello Jaimy" I greeted.

"Hello Babe" he replied but his voice was

 sounding so tiring.

"What did you just call me".

"Oh you mean babe or do you prefer 

sweetheart, darling, honey".

"Babe's fine I guess" I replied.

"So when are you coming to the club" he asked.

"Maybe next week but I can't come today".

"But why not, you didn't even come last week".

"Are you missing me" I asked.

"Honestly yeah, I missed you but mostly the kiss".

"Then why didn't you call me up" I asked him.

"Because I didn't want to look desperate" he replied.

"But are you desperate now, I mean you haven't had a good kiss in a while".

"Yeah I'm desperately in need of the kiss and you said you're not coming today".

"But I promise you, you'll get a kiss from me today" I said.

"I thought you're not coming".

"Don't worry I said you will get your kiss, you shift ends by 11pm, then just wait for me".

"Okay, but how are you goi..." I interrupted him as I hanged up.

I kept my phone back on the bed and before you knew it....

Ring ring...

My phone started ringing, me thinking it was Jaimy but it was an Unknown number. I picked up the phone and I answered it.

"Hello, is this Catherine" the voice over the phone said.

"Yes, but who is this I asked.

"It's Jackson, you seat patner" he replied.

"Oh, so what's it".

"Just wanted to ask which movie would you like to see".

"Horror, em the new movie, em what's the name, The Ghost Wants Me". Honestly that was the only movie that I knew was out in cinemas.

"Really, are you sure about that, I never knew that you were into horror".

"What, are you scared of ghost" I teased him.

"No, just thought that you were an action movie type of person".

"Yes I am but doesn't mean I don't like horror". I just have that feeling like Jackson wants to know more about me but that wasn't going to happen.

"Okay, bye then" he hanged up.

I stood up from the bed and looked at outside the winidow, the traffic piled on the other side of the road, the traffic officers weren't even doing their job properly and we're still getting paid. Was it fair?

Government officials making force promises and causing riot and killing innocent people just in the name of power. Was it fair?

In this type of economic, nice people finish last. There are more bad people than good people in world. Nice people are taken advantage of and that why....

I took a bow and an arrow from under my bed and shot it right at the picture of my sister placed on the wall.

My only goal now is to destroy my sister and my parents for what they put me through. I will make sure they beg me to stop, I will ruin the whole entertainment industry they built.

Enough with the archery, I had to take my bath and get back to some related work I left piling up for weeks now.


After a while I got a phone call from Jackson.

"Hello, Catherine" he said.

"Yeah, Jackson" I replied.

"I'm waiting for you outside with Mattie".

"Okay, then I'm coming then".

I took a bag of chips and headed outside, I could see Jackson standing outside his car in causal, okay I admit it he was kinda of cute in casual wear.

I simply went over to the car, opened my bag of chips and stuff it into my mouth, the chips were too much the were literally falling out of my mouth but I didn't care.

Jackson over there gave me a weird look like that, I couldn't care less, I pushed him out of the way and opened the door to the back seat.

Jackson look so confused and was about to say something but I just stuffed chips into his mouth.

My face was so rough and wrinkled like I didn't get enough sleep or I was over stressed and I was. I mean when you have a goal to achieve like mine you have to be.

As I entered the back seat I sat down and leaned my head on the seat and closed my eyes like I waited for God to give me a reboost of energy.

"Are you feeling well, Catherine" Mattie laid her palm on my forehead checking my temperature.

She was looking so happy and beautiful today, what did I expect she was going out with her crush why won't she.

I probably don't want to ruin this day for her knowing it was her only chance to go out Jackson but why him though. I mean with her attractive body figure she could get any boy of her choice yet she picked this guy.

I guess people had different taste, don't get me wrong, Jackson is fucked up cute but I don't know why I just lack interest in him.

"Catherine, are you alright" Matilda voice snapped me out my thought as I fixed gaze upon her large boobs and fixed my eyes on Jackson who had just entered the car, then gazed upon her figure and wonder how she would be willing to do anything to get this guy attention I mean she could even try to seduce this guy if she wants him really badly.

"Yeah yeah yeah em... I am okay, just a little bit stressed" I quickly averted my eyes from her figure and stuff more chips into my mouth.

Jackson started driving and his driving was so smooth and well normal, he didn't avert his eyes from the roads. It was those type of driving that you would love to sleep inside the car all day.

"Jackson, are you a stunt driver" I suddenly broke the awkward silence in the car, he's probably wondering why I asked that question.

"Before, but I gave up that type of life anyways but why are you asking me that question, is it that you don't like my driving".

"Nah just that I know someone who always drove so smooth but at the point of life and death situation well the person drove like a completely different driver".

"Oh, good to know then" Jackson then took a wrong turn which I thought was another way to the cinema but he kept on making left turns and that when I realized that this was the same way to school.

Maybe I was just overthinking, perhaps there could be a cinema on the way to school. As I was overthinking the situation, Mattie was just there enjoying the ride and didn't even care if we were to be kidnap by this guy.

From a certain distance I could already see the peak of the school's building and wonder if we were actually going to school cause that would be dumb.

Jackson suddenly started slowly down and I was certain we were going to school. I mean who comes to school on a Saturday and by 8 o'clock in the night.

We arrived at the entrance gate of the school and I was so pissed off at the outcome and turned to look at Mattie, she didn't care one bit or bothered to asked questions.

Jackson was about to get down from the car and I was confused, is this where he would take two people out on date. 

"Hey Jackson, where do you think you're going to, is this were you take two girls out on a date" I immediately questioned him as he was about to leave the car.

"Why would I take you two on a date to school, come on I'm not that dumb" he moved out the car and slammed the door shut.

He just stood at the entrance gate of the school like he was waiting for someone and I was right as usual.

The principal and Jordan the SCP just came out from the school gate then I started wondering if this Jordan actually sleeps in school, I mean he's always in school even on a Saturday by 8pm.

All three of them were discussing something very important that why they whispered to one another secretly. I couldn't care less.

Jackson soon departed from them and came back to the car looking so furious, looks like the conversation didn't go in his favor.

He opened the door to the car and slammed it shut really loudly. "Hey dude do you want to break the door".

Still no answer from him, he was so furious I could hear him breathe so heavily. Mattie was just there staring at the SCP in shock and he stared back at her in that I am so disappointed look.

Maybe that wasn't the case, maybe they were secretly dating and he saw her with another guy and got jealous, I quickly erase that thought from my head. Jordan is so cold not sure he could even fall in love or know what love is.

Jackson started the car and roughly too at that point I don't know what happened to the smooth driving I was enjoying so much.

He was driving so rough that if he didn't stop anytime time soon, we were probably gonna crash.

"Hey Jackson, slow down you're gonna get us killed if you continue" Mattie tried convincing him but he didn't budge.

So I opened the door of the car and attempted to jump down while he was still driving. "Catherine what the hell are you doing" Jackson heard the sound of the door opening and was shocked at what I attempted.

"Well dude I'm still seventeen, I have a long life to live and don't want to end it because of I'm going on a movie date with you, okay".

Mattie pulled my arm and tried to stop me from jumping "Catherine, if you jump while the car is still speeding you might not get a chance to live the life you want to live".

At this moment, Jackson pulled over the car and got out, he simply pulled me out of the car "Catherine, are you dumb why would want to jump off".

I saw so much concern in his eyes for me he said all of that then I burst out in laughter. "Do you think it's funny I was worried sick aboutp you".

I couldn't stop laughing "Jackson, so you think I'm a fool to jump out of a car, I was just kidding so that you would stop the car".

"Are you serious right now, do you how worried I was back there and it was all a joke".

"Stop whining, didn't it work I guess now you'd drive like normal human being" I went back inside the car and slammed the door shut.

Mattie just sat there in shock to my reaction "Girl, wasn't that a little bit over the top there were other ways you could have tried to stop him".

Jackson sat back in the car and began to drive again but this time smoothly.

Few hours later.....

We finally arrived at the movie theatre, it was so crowded. I could already start to smell people's sweat and feet.

"The both of you should wait here and I'll also get you guys some popcorn, I'll go get the tickets" Jackson moved towards the direction of the ticket stand.

Mattie stood there quite happy, I thought she would be scared to see horror movies, you know those type of girls. "Mattie are you into horror movies".

"Yeah, my brother watches them a lot of times so I basically grew up with it".

Jackson soon came back with the tickets "come on let's go in, the movie is about to start" he handed me and Mattie the popcorn.

We all went into the movie theatre and seats were filling up quick"come, our seats are over here" Jackson directed.

Mattie went in first. "After you" Jackson tried to act smart but l already knew what he was trying to do.

"No no no, after you please" he looked at me strangely so I came close and whispered to his ear "you came here with two girls and two girls you shall have so please sit in the middle".

He smiled at me and moved towards the seat then I went in last. The cinema lights went off to indicate that the movie was about to start.

The film started quite awkward and I didn't like the starting at all. There was a scene in the movie which was so awkward that made even Mattie scream a little a bit and she grabbed his right hand.

"Are you scared" Jackson asked.

"No no just that I wasn't expecting that part at all".

Before you knew it I was already done with my popcorn and I wanted more so I turned

my head sideways to find Jackson wasn't done with his.

I stretch my hands quietly to his share of his popcorn but he saw what I was trying to do. "What are you doing" I was so busted at that time I had to make up some excuse.

"Em....em I saw a fly on your popcorn and I try to em... em... kill it".

I could see the way he looked at me, he wasn't convinced at all "you tried to kill a fly on my popcorn".

"Yeah yeah yeah it was a big black fly and it was on your popcorn".

" You know, if wanted more you could have just ask I don't mind sharing" he handed me over his popcorn.

"Thank you, you're very sweet" I stuff the whole popcorn in my mouth.

Some time later....

This terrible movie was finally over and we were all leaving.

"Did you enjoy the movie" Jackson asked me.

"Yeah yeah yeah so many awkward and captivating things" I lied right there but 

Jackson look at me weirdly like he was observing my facial features. "You should smile more it will fit you very well" he said.

"What are do you mean by th...."

"And what about you, Mattie did you enjoy the movie" he interrupted me.

"Yeah it was so interesting and also so realistic, I loved it a lot" she replied.

"Yeah I kinda of love it too, well if that's all we can go right".

Some time later....

I was so calm and relaxed due to the way Jackson drove that when something triggered in my memory.

"Em... Jackson could you stop that car at the night club".

He was so confused as to what I'm finding in a night club "what night club are you talking about"

"Em.. it's em... Night strip night club, just pull over there for me please".

I put out my phone from my pocket and quickly made a phone call to Jaimy.

"Hello, dude are you still at the night club or your shift's over and you've already left" I asked.

"Why should I tell you I'm already mad at you".

I could hear loud music playing in the background so I knew he was still at the night club.

"Well you better come outside because I'm almost there".

I couldn't hear his voice anymore, was he in shock or he was just trying to put two-and-two together.

"Why can't you come inside the club why do want me to come outside the club".

I was already feeling so frustrated by that question.

"Because I've no intention of coming into a strip club now, I'm really tired" I yelled over the phone.

"Well no need to yell, I'm coming outside right now, alright".

"Jackson" he casually turned his head to face me. "It's that building at the back with a flashing banner on it, and also make sure you drive inside the entrance gate".

He rolled his eyes and sighed "sure".

Minutes later.....

Jackson drove into the parking lot, from there you could already smell the stench of alcohol.

"Jackson thank you but you can just park here".

He only nodded at me.

I could see Jaimy at the entrance of the night club he was was dress as a bad boy this time around which made him cuter.

I step out from the car to go see Jaimy.

"Where are you going" Jackson suddenly asked.

I rolled my eyes and sighed " to go see my kiss patner".

"What, you mean you brought me to a night club so that you could meet your kiss patner" he was just left in shock.

I didn't bother to even answer that question, I just left him and went to go see Jaimy.

"Yo, sup dude" I offered my hand for a hand shake.

"Can I help you in anyway" he pushed my hand down declining my hand shake.

"You're still mad at me, come on I had to help out a friend" I tried to explain things to him.

"And forgot about me" he replied.

"No, just that I had to help a friend in her once in a lifetime opportunity and perhaps I can come to kiss you anytime".

"Once in a lifetime opportunity, what is that supposed to mean look I didn't even button my shirt completely because of....."

I placed a small kiss on his lips to shut him up. He was so shock that he didn't know how to respond.

I gently pulled my lips away from his "hope you're happy now".

"What! I didn't even respond back at the kiss".

"Well I gave you a kiss didn't I and now I have to go" I turned and started moving away from him. 

He pulled my arm "so soon".

"Yes I have to leave now someone is waiting for me, alright see you later" I pulled his hand away from mine.

I ran back to the car and got in immediately. There I rested my back on the seat of the car and closed my eyes. Sleep was draining me at that moment.

"Whoa! Catherine is that your kiss patner, he's so handsome" Mattie pointed to the guy talking to the security.

"Yes he is and he's also fuckin hot".

Jackson didn't pay attention to me he just started the car he looked jealous.

"And Jackson don't drive recklessly because you're jealous, alright" I teased him.

"What do you mean by jealous, I'm not jealous of him" he said as he started driving.

"Okay if you say so" I didn't want to drag the matter further.

Some time later....

We finally arrived at my house, Jackson got down and opened the door for me.

"Thank you, see you in school on Monday".

He didn't reply at me but closed the door in instead and was about heading to the front seat.

I pulled him back and whispered in his ear "I owe you a kiss, remember that".