

**Chapter 1129: From Freak to Monster**

The spell [Damage Transfer] completely absorbed the seven-colored essence fire and began to burn fiercely. The entire process was no different from before; Lin Moyu hardly needed to do anything, just continuously provide soul power.

Soul power was rapidly consumed, and the talent giant tree continuously replenished Lin Moyu's soul power. The consumption and replenishment rates were roughly equal, allowing Lin Moyu to maintain this state for a long time without worrying about running out of soul power.

For Lin Moyu, this was a routine matter, but in Zhu Qiwu's eyes, it was extraordinary. Zhu Qiwu watched Lin Moyu with amazement.

"So fast, he's starting again..."

To elevate a spell, besides needing essence fire, one also needed to provide a large amount of soul power. The soul power requirement was so high that an ordinary second-stage True God couldn't supply it. At least a seventh-stage True God was needed to provide the required soul power. Moreover, some powerful spells required even more soul power, which even a ninth-stage True God might not be able to provide.

This is why many people only consider elevating their spells after reaching the God King realm. Zhu Qiwu knew Lin Moyu's soul was strong; he had seen Lin Moyu elevate spells before. So, he wasn't worried about Lin Moyu running out of soul power. But he didn't expect Lin Moyu to start elevating a second spell immediately after successfully elevating the first one, without even taking a break.

From his time observing Lin Moyu, Zhu Qiwu knew Lin Moyu wouldn't do anything he wasn't confident about. This indicated that Lin Moyu had ample soul power.

"This kid not only has high soul quality but also abundant soul power. Truly a freak."

Zhu Qiwu couldn't help but comment. A second-stage True God with more soul power than a God King, and possibly possessing a fourth-grade peak soul... His combat power could even surpass a God King. If such a person isn't a freak, what is he?

Boom! The soul world shook violently again, and the spell successfully elevated!

Lin Moyu eagerly entered the black hole, looking at the other world connected by the black hole, the world of the Great World Rune. The 0.5 seconds were very short, and Lin Moyu didn't dare waste any time. This time, he saw clearly.

There was indeed a faint thread connecting the Great World Rune and the various law runes. In the last scene he saw, some of these threads were broken. The law runes that should have been connected were missing.

What does it mean for the law runes to detach from the threads and disappear? Lin Moyu didn't know, but he instinctively felt this information was very important. It seemed he had discovered the most hidden information in the Great World, but his current realm was too low to understand it.

Lin Moyu memorized the information he saw, not daring to forget any details. The scene shattered again, and his consciousness returned.

The spell [Damage Transfer] slowly ascended in the soul world, joining the other passive spells like [Undying Undead] and [Physical Resistance]. Including [Damage Transfer], Lin Moyu had a total of five passive spells. Unfortunately, these five passive spells didn't form a multi-star spell system but operated independently.

Lin Moyu didn't have high expectations; his spells were already strong enough. He had a nine-star spell, and he couldn't expect to have all the benefits in the world.

The soul power feedback strengthened his soul, enhancing his understanding of the laws. Lin Moyu rode the surging waves, breaking through the bottleneck naturally.

His realm broke through from the second stage of True God to the third stage of True God. His understanding of the Undying Law deepened to 14%. However, Lin Moyu's combat power couldn't be measured by the simple degree of law mastery. His overall combat power had long surpassed common sense.

After this promotion, the undead army also became stronger. Lin Moyu felt that his Skeleton Generals were now comparable to ordinary first-stage God Kings. Perhaps they couldn't win in a one-on-one fight, but they could definitely kill a first-stage God King like Lu Hong in a group fight.

Cross-realm combat was easy, and his combat power didn't weaken with the realm's improvement. This promotion went smoothly, and the Great World's curse didn't interfere.

Lin Moyu looked at the elevated [Damage Transfer] with satisfaction.

[Damage Transfer (Fusion Degree 110%): All damage received is reduced by two times and then transferred to summoned creatures.]

There were no big surprises; the damage reduction increased from one time to two times, which was within Lin Moyu's expectations. Passive spells always had the smallest changes among all spells. It didn't need significant changes; just increasing the damage reduction from one time to two times was already a substantial improvement. With the talent's strong effect and other damage reduction spells, any elemental or physical law hitting him would be reduced by 360,000 times. This damage would then be further reduced by three times by the talent before finally affecting the undead army.

As his defense strengthened, the undead army also became stronger. The combination greatly enhanced his safety. Below the God King level, no one could hurt him. Above the God King level, killing him would be very difficult. He could now confront the Bat King, who had previously chased him.

"Let's continue!"

"Next is you."

Lin Moyu confidently looked at the remaining two spell planets in the soul world. He chose the spell [Strengthen Soldiers], a powerful spell derived from the Primordial Rune. He had used it countless times to kill strong enemies, but its effect had diminished since entering the Great World. Mainly because, after solving the Great World Rune's curse, his combat power increased too quickly, and the spell's effect was limited by his soul. Even with [Strengthen Soldiers], the combat power improvement wasn't significant.

So, these two powerful spells from the Primordial Rune were set aside. If they could be elevated to stellar level, they might undergo new changes. Lin Moyu could predict the changes in other spells, but he couldn't predict the changes in [Strengthen Soldiers] and [Gather Power]. Their origins were too extraordinary, containing the Great World's source power, beyond his understanding.

So, Lin Moyu could only take it one step at a time. With a slight movement of his soul, a seven-colored essence fire was pulled over and placed on the spell planet representing [Strengthen Soldiers]. The elevation began!

Zhu Qiwu witnessed Lin Moyu's second successful elevation. His realm smoothly advanced from the second stage of True God to the third stage, without any obstacles. He thought Lin Moyu would rest and recover his soul power this time. But Lin Moyu's aura surged again, and flames erupted from his body, starting the third elevation.

Zhu Qiwu's judgment was completely wrong, and he muttered, "This guy... is a monster."

Lin Moyu had gloriously upgraded from a freak to a monster. However, Zhu Qiwu's eyes showed excitement. The stronger Lin Moyu became, the happier he was. Zhu Qiwu thought to himself, "Our clan might have a new War God."