
Catastrophe Queen

Tell me how do you differentiate between Heroes and Villains,Is it based on appearance or is it something else? Read to find out.

NatchViper100 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs


They were both surprised to see the lady at the window considering that the building was "TWELVE STORIES HIGH!!", the woman had moss green hair and flame colored eyes and from her waist down she had a snake like body, she had a wide grin much like the cheshire cat from ALICE IN WONDERLAND. She used her nails to unlock the lock on the window and slid into the office, she was the exact height of Michelle if she stood up straight, she slid towards Mitsuya and stared at him saying,

"Yo! Miss me?", both Mitsuya and Michelle took a defensive position and Mitsuya asked,

"How did you get up here? Orochi?",

"Come now, you're supposed to know right? Right?" Orochi asked as still smiling,

"If I knew, why in the actual hell would I ask you?, dimwit " He said getting annoyed,

"I know, I just wanted to get on your nerves, anyway, we reptiles have the ability to adapt to our surroundings much like a Camouflage, which enables to remain unseen, but to be fair it's not only reptiles who Camouflage. Forget about that, you know what I came for, right?" Orochi said,

"If you came for the document that means we were right on the Money" Mitsuya said as he secretly gave Michelle a signal to call for backup as he kept Orochi distracted, Michelle was close to calling for backup when Orochi noticed it with her side eye and then faster than a moving bullet she coiled herself around Michelle and began to squeeze her while saying,

"Wow, Heroes really are something else, I just wanted to talk but you assumed that I came to fight, how cute", Mitsuya began to prepare to release a lightning bolt but Orochi said squeezing her, "Uh,uh,uh,any wrong move and you'll say goodbye to your sweet assistant", Mitsuya released his hand and said, "Let's make a deal, you want the document,right?"

"Right"Orochi said, but while she answered, Michelle slowly began to create bubbles to enable her escape from Orochi's grip, slowly and carefully she secretly informed Mitsuya who was still dealing with Orochi and then once Michelle slid away from her grasp and shot bubbles to Orochi's eyes making her to let down her guard and then Mitsuya shot her huge bolts of lightning plus the water from the bubbles which increased the intensity which made Orochi to collapse on the ground. Michelle quickly called for backup saying, "Hello, I want to request backup to capture a member of DARK FALL here in the CEO's office right away"

"Why you.."Orochi groaned as she tried to get up from the ground but was weak because of the attack,

"You forgot that we heroes stay two steps ahead of you Villains and always have a plan B for every situation"Mitsuya said to her and at that instant the door was forcefully and the police and heroes entered the office and surrounded Orochi.