
Catastrophe Queen

Tell me how do you differentiate between Heroes and Villains,Is it based on appearance or is it something else? Read to find out.

NatchViper100 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs


She turned around to look at the men who had fallen to the ground and shivering in fear, "Oh my, Are you scared? Please don't be,, it's not like you'll live long enough to be afraid",she said chuckling,then her expression changed to a very cold one and she told Yami "Kill them",

"Are you sure?"Yami asked as he looked at the men,

"Yeah, but leave the boss,do whatever you want with the rest "she said,

"May I ask what you would use him for? Yami asked, she removed the lolipop from her mouth and pointed it to the boss and said smiling "He owes me money not just a little amount but a large amount of it"

"How much are we talking about? Yami asked,

"Like about Five million Zak"she told Yami,

"That's a lot" Yami said putting putting his hand on his chin,

"Right?! and he ran away for Four f**king months"She said

"What money?I don't remember borrowing money from someone like you!! the boss shouted,. Nemesis became pissed and kicked him to the wall, and as he hit the wall,, it broke making him to cough out blood and collapsed on the ground,she walked to him and started to kick him continuously saying,

"I despise people like you, you only remember when you need money and forget once you have it,, it's FRUSTRATING!!"

"Master,Calm down, you'll kill him at this rate "Yami said calming her while restraining her,

"I'm Alright"she said and Freed herself from his grasp,she grabbed the already unconscious boss by the collar and started to drag him, pulling him deep into the alley, she turned as she remembered something "Remember to do what I told you about"she said and continued to pull the guy into the alley,

"I will"Yami said bowing till she had disappeared from his sight then turned to the remaining men and said, "Now, where were we?"

"Please spare us!!!"both men begged,

"Let me think about it". Yami said pretending to be think about it and then looked at them with an evil grin on his face and said,

"Sorry but No,my master's word surpasses my own", the men tried to away from him,

"Ah, this seriously never gets old"he said grinning as he raised his hand towards the men and one by one their heads fell off their bodies clean off, once they were all killed, He shot them a special gun which made jewels to pop out from the bodies, once he collected all the jewels,he also went into the alley and disappeared.