


My head is pounding hard, and my eyes feel like they’re glued shut. I manage to force them open, and then immediately wish that I hadn’t.

The bright light in the room hurts my eyes, so I shut them and only open them again after they have gotten accustomed to the light.

I’m in a hospital room … I realize that right away. I glance around and realize that I’m alone, and it’s afternoon.

That is no surprise. I don’t have anyone who is close to, or cares for me enough to sit with me in a hospital room while I’m sick.

I wonder what on earth I'm doing in the hospital, but draw a blank, only for the events of the past several days to come rushing back to me in the next minute and I jerk upright immediately.

My head begins to swim, so I wait for some time for the wooziness to subside, before pulling off all the stuff that is connected to me in a bid to keep me alive.