
Unbelievable (One)


“I’m pregnant.”

I hear the words as though they had been spoken from one end of a ridiculously long tunnel, while I’m standing on the other end and listening to them.

“Huh?” I ask stupidly, staring at the angry woman in front of me in disbelief and more than a little dismay. Only a few minutes ago, Bianca had banged loudly on my front door, and when I finally let her in, she proceeded to accuse me of ignoring and shutting her out for the past two weeks since she last saw me.

The truth is that I’ve been spending a lot of time working, and I’ve hardly been at home, which suits my purpose because I don’t really want her around me for now. When I tried to explain how busy I’d been, she stared at me frostily and uttered the words that had shocked the living daylights out of me.

“I said I’m pregnant. Why did you change your locks if you weren’t avoiding me and trying to get rid of me?”