

To my great relief, Charles doesn't stay away for a long time this time around. He comes back about ten minutes later, armed with some stuff that I can’t exactly see in the dark, and carefully sets them in the pouring rain.

On closer inspection, I realize that they’re coconut shells, and he has somehow managed to drill holes at their tops, through which water can enter and be stored in them.

To say I’m impressed is an understatement. Once the coconut shells are filled up, he sets them carefully aside and comes to sit beside me under the tree. Now that my thirst is satiated, I’m starting to shiver a little.

“Don’t worry. Tomorrow will be better, but I hope that we’re found by then. I found a cave on the other side of the island in which we can take shelter, but it is too late to go there now.”

“Sure thing,” I reply through chattering teeth.