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It’s been over a month since Jessica and I got rescued from the island on which we were stranded on, and now, I’m beginning to realize that she is never going to reach out. My wounds, including the terrible one on my stomach, which had been operated on, are healing nicely. They’ll leave scars, but the scars will not be as horrible as I had first imagined.

I’ve resumed work too, which is a huge relief because I was literally dying of boredom and restlessness doing nothing. Bianca has made herself a constant presence in my house, as she checks up on me at least every other day.

At first, I’m uncomfortable with her constant presence around me, seeing as I only just met her, but Bianca is not one to be told what to do, as I’m fast finding out. However, I’m starting to get used to her, and finally realize that her being around isn’t all that bad. At least, it helps to get my mind off Jessica … to an extent.