
From the horses' mouth

I only barely manage to conceal my utter shock at this surprisingly unwanted piece of information.

There is no reason for the heartbreak, pain, and sense of utter betrayal that I’m feeling at that moment, but the fact is that I’m feeling these emotions.

I chalk it up to the fact that Charles had so blatantly lied about being in a relationship just to get into my pants, although if the truth is to be told, I had been very eager to get into his pants as well.

No wonder he had seemed uncomfortable when I asked him if he was in a relationship while we were on the island.

Meghan is advancing into the room, all smiles and shiny white teeth. I think of my teeth that haven’t really been brushed in what feels like forever, except with twigs that I used as makeshift toothbrushes, and I scowl, but Meghan doesn’t seem to care.