

“Well, you don’t deny it then? So, how are you going to accomplish it? Are you going to drown me in the sea? Or perhaps, you’re going to strangle me with those large hands of yours. You’re a doctor if I remember correctly, aren’t you? Do you have the same drug-filled needles your sister was going to use to finish me off in your pockets right now? Is that what you’re going to use to do the job? Who knows, it's very possible that you were the one who told her the combination of drugs to kill me slowly and in an unnoticeable manner. Well, you don't have to worry about how you’re going to do it because nature will help you do the job sooner rather than later. We’ll die out here, no thanks to you!” Jessica spits, full of righteous indignation, and looking for all the world like a spoilt brat.