
Different turn (Two)

“Nana!” Meghan exclaims, but her grandmother only tsks and rolls her eyes, while linking her arm to mine and proceeding to walk with me. Meghan takes my other arm in hers and walks along with us, making me feel like I’m in a cage I can’t get out of.

“You would never believe how happy I was when I heard that you guys got back together. There’s no other man I would wish for my dear Meg. You both denied me the pleasure of watching you have at least a great-grandkid or two.

I hope you won’t deny me the pleasure of watching you get married too, even if I have to watch one of those tablet thingys.” Meghan’s grandma says. I feel bad deceiving her, but I don’t want to spoil her day, so I smile and nod without saying anything.

“When is the wedding by the way? Meghan tells me that you both want to make up for the lost time. I say you guys should do it. How about in two weeks' time? I’ll sponsor the whole thing. I just want to see my favorite grandchild happy and settled before I go.”