
Different turn (One)


It does not take long before I begin to regret agreeing to accompany Meghan to her grandma’s birthday ceremony. First, as we get to the gate of her house, we’re met by a barrage of reporters with cameras, all shoving them at my car and trying to take a picture of me, something that annoys me to no end. There’s nothing I hate more than media publicity.

“Oh, my God! I’m so sorry. I had no idea that they were going to be here.” Meghan apologizes, but in my opinion, she doesn’t look sorry at all. Meghan’s grandma had been a popular actress back in the day, and each year, her birthday is publicized in the news, which explains the paparazzi, but since I’ve been in the news lately, I know that they’ll be more than happy to shift their focus to me.

But that’s not even the worst of it all. As soon as we get into her grandma's house, we’re greeted with hugs and kisses from various family members, both those I’ve seen before and those I’ve never seen before.