


We spend that night clinging to the hope that we will be found before the next evening at the latest.

It rains again that night, and Charles and I collect more water in coconut husks that we have been saving throughout the day. We have enough water to last us for a few more days, in case it doesn’t rain.

By the time we spend the third, fourth, and fifth nights on the island without being rescued, we begin to despair.

We can’t for the life of us think of what must be the reason why we haven’t been found yet, or if anyone is even looking for us, but we’re both exhausted.

I have since stopped trying to antagonize Charles, having found out that he’s a very nice guy, and I try to work with him for our survival.

To pass time, we talk about everything and nothing, and I find out that he’s actually a very interesting person to talk to.

The only thing we do not talk about is his crazy sister and what she did to me. He carefully avoids the topic, much to my relief.