
Contemplation (Two)

“You don’t look too different, but I’m surprised that you’re happy to see me. Hmmm. This house is much smaller than your former one. Are you sure that you’ll like it here?” She says, moving into the house to the kitchen and opening my refrigerator. I know immediately that she is looking for a drink.

“Yeah. It’s actually refreshing living in a smaller house. After all, it’s going to be just me and the baby if I end up keeping it.”

“Yeah, about that. You shouldn’t keep it. I’m telling you from experience. It messes with your entire system.”

“I know that, but it’s worth it in the end if you want a baby. I think I want this baby. I mean, I think about this little life growing inside of me, and I feel this flutter of excitement and love. The baby is a part of me, and already, even though it’s early stages, I feel this overwhelming love for it.”