
Contemplation (One)


I haven’t seen Samantha in over two weeks, which is a surprise because I’m usually the one who gets tired of her presence and want her to leave. I’ve tried her number several times, but it is always not reachable, and I’m starting to panic.

It’s now that I know that having zero friends is not always profitable. I have no shoulder to turn to, neither do I have anyone to ask for advice, and loneliness is eating me up. I fleetingly wonder if I should chat up Sebastian’s wife, but immediately discard the thought.

We’re not that close for me to be asking her if she thinks it’s a good idea to keep my baby. Besides, Sebastian is Charle’s cousin, and there’s no guarantee that his wife will not tell him what we discuss. One cannot trust couples who are in love.

Finally, when I’m a month and two weeks pregnant, Samantha gives me a call.

“Hey, girl. How’s it been?” She asks me casually.

“Where the hell have you been? Why hasn’t your number been reachable?”